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Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring dan Evaluasi Perkuliahan Berbasis Hybrid Programming UNIBI Sardjono Sardjono; Dzurrahman Roki Muhammad Ibrahim
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Vol 19, No 1 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sitekin.v19i1.13934


To support Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM),  for a university to have innovations that can fulfill information services that must be delivered to students, lecturers and other units who interest in viewing, monitoring, and evaluating of lecturing activities, that matter accordance with the UNIBI mission to providing the best service for the academic community. To achieve this goal, the innovation is to improve the Academic Information System application ( in providing services that can be accessed by various platforms. By the design of a hybrid programming-based for system monitoring and evaluation lecturing, accordingly the SIAKAD application ( can be implemented into an application that can be accessed by various platforms such as smartphones with Android, iOS or Windows mobile operating systems. By a hybrid-based design, communication between units can occur quickly, and information from the results of monitoring and evaluation of lecturing activities can be directly disseminated and accessed by many division. Tools that use to  development process model used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP).  The RUP provides a well defined structure for the software life cycle. RUP has four phases that can be carried out iteratively which are implemented using the Ionic framework. The result of this research is a guide for developing web-based applications ( to be hybrid-based, where this hybrid-based design is the basis for implementation as an improvement in academic services. Keywords: Siakad, Monitoring, Evaluating, RUP, Lecturing activities, Framework ionic, Hybrid programming
Data Cleansing Strategies on Data Sets Become Data Science Sardjono Sardjono; R. Yadi Rakhman Alamsyah; Marwondo Marwondo; Elia Setiana
International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Research Collaboration Community (RCC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (688.219 KB) | DOI: 10.46336/ijqrm.v1i3.71


The digital era very grows up with the increasing using of smartphone and many organization or companies was implemented of a system to support their business. That is who will increase the volume of usage and dissemination of data, neither through open nor closed internet networks. Because there is the need to process large data and how to get it from different store resource, so requirement strategy to process the data according to the rule of good, effective and efficient in activity data cleansing until the data set can be use as mature and very useful information for their business purpose. By using the R languaged who can process large data and has data complexity for the data loaded from different storage resource can be done as well as. To using R languaged maximally, so we have to a basic skill that needed to process the data set which will be used to be data scient for organizations or companies by good data cleansing techniques. In this research on Data Cleansing Strategies on data set owned by organizations,will describe the correct step by step to obtaining data that very useful to be uses as data science for organization so by the data that generated after the data cleansing process is very meaningful and useful for making decisions, other than that this research give basic overview and guide to the beginner all data scientists by doing data cleansing in the way stages and also provides a way to analyze from the result of execution some functions used.
Perancangan Sistem Inventori Stock PT. XYZ Dengan Metoda Array Accessing Sardjono Sardjono
SisInfo Vol 1 No 2 (2019): SisInfo
Publisher : Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.396 KB)


Perusahaan yang bergerak mengolah bahan mentah yang pesan dari supplier kemudiandiproduksi menjadi barang jadi tentu saja sering mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukanketersediaan bahan mentah yang akan dilakukan pemesanan kembali pada supplier ataupunketersediaan bahan mentah yang akan diproduksi, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut perusahaanharus memiliki sistem inventory yang dapat mendukung kegiatan pemesanan ataupun pengendalianpersediaan yang disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan stock bahan mentah. PT. XYZ sampai saatditulisnya penelitian ini belum memiliki sistem inventory sehingga perusahaan tersebut selalukesulitan dalam mengendalikan barang mentah atau pun barang jadi dari hasil produksi. Tujuan dari dibuatnya perancangan sistem inventori stock diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan olehPT.XYZ untuk diterapakan dalam proses pengendalian persediaan bahan mentah dan bahan jadi,Dengan menerapkan metoda array untuk mengakses dan menyimpan data maka sistem inventori inidapat dimudahkan dalam melihat jumlah total hasil produksi dan jumlah stock bahan mentah yangakan dan siap diproduksi, sistem ini dilengkapi juga dengan fasilitas atau menu untuk melakukan pembuatan laporan harian atau bulanan yang dilengkapi. Dengan adanya sistem inventori masalahpengendalian stock bahan mentah dan pengawasan terhadap barang hasil produksi dapat dengancepat diketahui, sehingga pimpinan dapat menentukan keputusan dengan cepat kapan harusmelakukan pemesanan bahan mentah atau harus menghentikan atau melanjutkan produksi barangjadi yang lain.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan Berbasis Web Sardjono Sardjono; Titan Parama Yoga; Agus Nurfaturrohman Agustillah
SisInfo Vol 3 No 2 (2021): SisInfo
Publisher : Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2529.421 KB) | DOI: 10.37278/sisinfo.v3i2.637


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem informasi akuntansi penjualan berbasis web di CV Azzura Print. Dengan rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana perancangan dari sistem informasi akuntansi penjualan berbasis web untuk mempercepat pembuatan laporan pada bagian keuangan CV Azzura Print dan bagaimana proses pencatatan dan pelaporan akuntansi penjualan di CV Azzura Print. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara studi lapangan berupa observasi serta analisis proses bisnis dan dokumen perusahaan terkait. Sedangkan analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan berorientasi objek yang digambarkan dengan notasi UML. Perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi penjualan di CV Azzura print dapat membantu kegiatan bagian keuangan, yaitu proses pembukuan, proses pencatatan transaksi penjualan dimulai dari penginputan data master seperti data barang, pelanggan, cabang, dan harga serta menginputkan data transaksi penjualan yang kemudian dapat dilihat dan dicetak dalam bentuk laporan penjualan.
The use of the C4.5 Algorithm for Applications Initial Assessment of Disabilities People the Case Study of the Ministry Social Center Wyata Guna Bandung Gagas Langgeng Dwi Prastyo; Sardjono Sardjono; Reni Nursyanti
International Journal of Research in Community Services Vol 4, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Research Collaboration Community (RCC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46336/ijrcs.v4i3.454


The development of information technology is snowballing, data is processed quickly and practically. Several problems often arise. Social instructors often find it difficult to process the data to determine which social service decisions should be provided. Persons with Disabilities are any person who experiences physical, intellectual, mental, and sensory limitations in the long term in interacting with the environment and may experience obstacles and difficulties in participating fully and effectively with other citizens based on equal rights. The Initial Assessment Form is a decision-making instrument through a process called the Initial Assessment. Later, the need for Social Welfare Services (PPKS) can be known as whether the quality is ready to be educated and included in the residential, community, or family categories. The method in this research is to use the Engineering Research Method. The decision tree model produces an accuracy level of 86.6%, the test data is suitable, and 13.3% is not suitable. In determining the service category and calculating the C4.5 Algorithm, it is better to add the number of datasets so that the accuracy of the value is higher.
Automation Watering System Berbasis IoT Cerdas pada Bawang Merah Marwondo Marwondo; Sardjono Sardjono; Michael A. Yonathan
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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In the current era of rapid technological development, smart irrigation systems are increasingly needed in cultivating crops, including shallots. This system was built to increase plant productivity by using smart irrigation to anticipate climate changes that occur. Through the use of IoT technology and expert systems, this system can provide effective solutions in optimizing the growth and quality of shallots. This Automation Watering System uses a microcontroller as the brain of the system which is connected to various sensors and actuators. The microcontroller takes data from sensors and sends it to the server via a WiFi network or other wireless protocol. The server then analyzes the data using an expert system that has been programmed with expert knowledge in the field of shallot cultivation. This Automation Watering System is able to optimize water use. and avoid excess or lack of watering. The results showed that with the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and expert systems, this system can provide smart solutions in shallot cultivation, ensure optimal growth, and produce better harvest results.
Pengendali Kualitas Air Kolam Budidaya Air Tawar Berbasis IoT dan Logika Fuzzy Marwondo Marwondo; Sardjono Sardjono; Ujang Riswanto
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 12, No 2 (2024): Vol. 12, No 2, Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v12i2.126090


Keberhasilan budidaya perikanan berkaitan sangat erat terhadap kondisi lingkungan yang optimal. Salah satu faktor penting dalam keberhasilan budidaya ikan adalah pengelolaan kualitas air yang baik agar terjaga kondisi air yang layak untuk pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup. Kualitas air yang buruk dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan ikan menjadi lambat, mudah terserang penyakit serta mempengaruhi ketersediaan pakan alami, yaitu plankton. Mengendalikan kualitas air tidaklah mudah, untuk itu diperlukan sistem pengendali cerdas yang dapat membantu pengendaliannya. Sistem ini dapat menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) yang dibekali dengan logika fuzzy pada pengolahan datanya. Fuzzy kendali Sugeno digunakan sebagai dasar pengolahan data yang ditanamkan pada mikrokontroler arduino mega 2560. Sebagai masukan digunakan Sensor PH dan sensor DS18B20 untu pengukuran suhu airnya. Berdasarkan hasil olahan data, perangkat akan menyalakan atau mematikan pompa air selama waktu yang telah ditentukan. Platform Blynk digunakan sebagai media informasi mengenai status kualitas air. Hasil pengujian untuk mengukur tingkat akurasi pembacaan masing-masing sensor dengan hasil tingkat akurasi diatas 90% dan tingkat error dibawah 10%. Pada pengujian logika fuzzy mendapatkan hasil yang baik dimana sistem dapat bekerja sesuai dengan aturan-aturan fuzzy yang telah dibuat dan sistem ini berhasil terhubung dengan platform blynk untuk melihat informasi mengenai kualitas air.Kata kunci : kualitas air, IoT, logika fuzzy, otomatis, sistem pakar The success of aquaculture is closely related to optimal environmental conditions. One important factor in the success of fish farming is good water quality management to maintain suitable water conditions for growth and survival. Poor water quality can cause fish to grow slowly, become susceptible to disease and affect the availability of natural food, namely plankton. Controlling water quality is not easy, this requires an intelligent control system that can help control it. This system can use the Internet of Things (IoT) which is equipped with fuzzy logic in data processing. Sugeno's fuzzy control is used as the basis for data processing embedded in the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. As input, the PH sensor and DS18B20 sensor are used to measure the water temperature. Based on the data processing results, the device will turn on or turn off the water pump for a predetermined time. The Blynk platform is used as a medium for information regarding water quality status. Test results to measure the level of accuracy of the readings of each sensor with results of an accuracy level above 90% and an error rate below 10%. In the fuzzy logic test, we got good results where the system was able to work according to the fuzzy rules that had been created and this system was successfully connected to the Blynk platform to view information about water quality.Keywords: water quality, IoT, fuzzy logic, automatic, expert system