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An analysis of students’ grammatical errors in translating Indonesian recount text into English made by the first grade of senior high school Nilam Puspita Sari; Gede Eka Putrawan; Rafista Deviyanti
U-JET Vol 10, No 3 (2021): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.365 KB)


This research was aimed at finding out types of grammatical errors and investigating types of errors that were most and least frequently made by students based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy that were found in students’ recount text translation as well as figuring out the causes of those errors. The subjects of this research were the first-grade students of SMAN 1 Pringsewu in the academic year 2020/2021. This research adopted a descriptive qualitative method by using a translation task and questionnaire as the instruments. The results revealed that the students committed all error types in terms of Communicative Effect Taxonomy: global error and local error. Local errors were more dominating than global errors. The possible causes of those errors were problems in the target language, mother-tongue interference, lack of eagerness to learn the target language, lack of confidence, and the absence of error feedback from the teacher. This suggests that the student’s knowledge of English grammar was still low. Therefore, the English teacher is expected to solve it by providing appropriate teaching methods and materials to minimize the errors. Keywords: Error Analysis, Communicative Effect Taxonomy, Translationdoi: 
Students’ grammatical error analysis in the recount text translation Nilam Puspita Sari; Gede Eka Putrawan; Rafista Deviyanti
International Journal of Educational Studies in Social Sciences (IJESSS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Educational Studies in Social Sciences
Publisher : Lighthouse Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.954 KB) | DOI: 10.53402/ijesss.v1i2.15


This research aims to determine the types of grammatical errors that students make the most and least frequently, as well as the causes of those errors, using the Surface Strategy Taxonomy that was identified in students' recount text translation. The participants in this study were SMAN 1 Pringsewu first-graders in the academic year 2020/2021. This research adopted a descriptive qualitative method by using a translation task and questionnaire for the instruments. According to the Surface Strategy Taxonomy, the students made all types of errors: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. In recount text translation based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy, the most common error made by students was misformation, whereas the least frequent error type was misordering. Problems with the target language, mother-tongue interference, a lack of eagerness to learn the target language, a lack of confidence, and the absence of error feedback from the teacher were all possible causes of those errors. This indicates that the students’ English grammar understanding was still limited. Therefore, the English teacher is expected to solve it by providing appropriate teaching methods and materials to reduce errors.