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Incorporating Think Pair Share Technique to Improve Students' Participation and Writing Achievement Debbi Sari S.; Patuan Raja; Ujang Suparman
U-JET Vol 7, No 2 (2018): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur prestasi menulis dan interaksi mahasiswa setelah diterapkannya teknik berpikir, berpasangan, berbagi (think pair share technique) yang digunakan pada pengajaran prestasi menulis (writing). Pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang melibatkan tiga puluh empat siswa SMP kelas tujuh. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan mencakup tes kemampuan menulis, lembar observasi, serta serangkaian kuesioner terkait teknik think pair share. Validitas test tulis berdasarkan validitas isi dan validitas konstruk, sementara reliabilitas kuesioner dianalisa dengan menggunakan formula Cronbach Alpha. Data dianalisis menggunakan Repeated Measures T-Test dan One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif pada kemampuan menulis serta partisipasi siswa antara setelah diterapkannya teknik think pair share dalam pengajaran menulis. Temuan ini membuktikan bahwa implementasi teknik think pair share memberikanpengaruh positif dalam meningkatkan prestasi menulis serta memacu interaksi yang baik.The aims of this research are to investigate the students’ participation and writing achievement after incorporating Think Pair Share technique in teaching writing. This research was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively and involved thirty four students of grade seventh of junior high school level. The used instruments were writing test, observation sheet, and think pair share questionnaires. The validity of writing tests was based on content and construct validity, while the reliability of the questionnaire was analyzed by using Cronbach Alpha Formula. The data were analyzed using Repated Measures T-Test and One way Anova. It was found that there was a positive effect in the students’ writing achievement and their participation after the implementation of incorporating think pair share technique in teaching writing. The findings prove that the implementation of think pair share technique gave benefits succesfully in improving students’ writing achievement and producing the constructive and promotive participation.Keywords: Participation, think pair share technique, writing achievement. 
Modifying Collaborative Strategic Reading (MCSR) To Improve Students Reading Comprehension Ria Ayu Pratiwi; Ag. Bambang Setiyadi; Ujang Suparman
U-JET Vol 7, No 1 (2018): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efek dari CSR dan MCSR untuk pemahaman membaca siswa, untuk menginvestigasi aspek membaca yang paling meningkat setelah diajar menggunakan MCSR, dan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan MCSR dalam pemahaman membaca siswa. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah two groups pre test post test design. Hasil paired sample t-test menunjukkan aspek pemahaman membaca yang meningkat secara signifikan adalah determining inference. MCSR dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca lebih baik dari pada CSR. MCSR menyediakan rangkaian kegiatan membaca sebagai strategi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran bagi siswa. Selain itu, MCSR dapat meningkatkan pembahaman membaca khususnya pada aspek determining inference. Sebagai tambahan, siswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan MCSR untuk pemahaman membaca.This study was intended to find out the different effect of CSR and MCSR for students reading comprehension, to investigate which reading aspects that increased better after being taught by using MCSR and to examine the students perceptions to the process of teaching through MCSR on students reading comprehension. Two groups pre test post test design was employed in this study. The paired sample t-test indicated that reading comprehension aspect which increased significantly was determining inference. The MCSR could improve students reading comprehesion better rather than CSR. MCSR provided learners with activities as strategy to carry out learning goals. Besides, the MCSR could improve students reading comprehension especially in determining inference aspect. Additionnaly, the students perception about the MCSR for reading comprehension was positive.Keywords: CSR, MCSR, reading comprehension.
The Use of Pre-Tasks: Rehearsal and Strategic Planning In Speaking Classes Uswatun Khoiriyah; Patuan Raja; Ujang Suparman
U-JET Vol 8, No 1 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menyelidiki apakah perbedaan tipe-tipe pra- tugas (repetisi dan perencanaan strategi) menghasilkan kinerja berbicara siswa yang berbeda di dalam CAF. Peniliaian berulang terhadap satu grup digunakan di dalam penelitian ini.  Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 30 mahasiswa IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan secara statistik dari kinerja berbicara siswa di dalam CAF diantara dua jenis pra- tugas dengan level signifikan kurang dari 0.05. Yaitu tugas repetisi menghasilkan lebih komplek dan lancar di dalam produksi lisan daripada tugas perencanaan strategi. Sebaliknya, tugas perencanaan strategi  menghasilkan lebih ketelitian di dalam ucapan-ucapan siswa daripada tugas repetisi. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa tugas repetisi memfasilitasi siswa untuk meningkatkan kekompleksitasan  dan  kelancaran  ucapan  menjadi  lebih  baik  lagi.  Kemudian, tugas perencanaan strategi mengarahkan siswa untuk lebih memperhatikan ketelitian di dalam memproduksi bahasa.The objective of the research was to investigate whether the different types of pre- tasks (rehearsal and strategic planning tasks) result in different students’ speaking performances in terms of CAF. One group repeated measure was used in this study. The subjects of the research were 30 students of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference of the students’ speaking performances in terms of CAF between two types of the pre-tasks with the significant level less than 0.05. That is, the rehearsal task generated more complex and fluent oral production than the strategic planning task. On the other hand, the strategic planning task produced more accurate in the students’ utterances than the rehearsal task. This suggests that the rehearsal task facilitates the students to improve better complex and fluent utterances. Then, the strategic planning task leads the students to pay more accurate language production.Keywords: Accuracy, complexity, fluency, rehearsal task, speaking skills, strategic planning task.
Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata Komunikatif bagi Anggota Karang Taruna Tunas Muda Pekon Kiluan Negeri Kabupaten Tanggamus Tuntun Sinaga; Cucu Sutarsyah; Ujang Suparman; Gede Eka Putrawan
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v3i2.13793


Teluk Kiluan located in Pekon (Village) Kiluan Negeri, Kelumbayan District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, has the potential to become an international class tourist destination since foreign tourists have started visiting this area. To make the interaction between foreign tourists with the local people and tourism practitioners run well, the local human resources (local people and tourism practitioners) are required to inevitably communicate in English. Therefore, the purpose of the community service was to help the local government, local people and tourism practitioners to communicate and convey information correctly to foreign tourists visiting Teluk Kiluan through a program called communicative English for tourism training. The participants of this event were the local people and tourism practitioners in Teluk Kiluan. To solve the problem faced by the local people and tourism practitioners due to lack of English for tourism mastery, some training methods were used including: (1) presentations on the importance of English as a lingua franca in the field of tourism, and (2) a workshop on communicative English for tourism through simulations, dialogues, and role playing, as well as discussions. Based on the score of each participant in the pre-test and post-test, there was an increase in the results before and after the training was carried out. They had the confidence to properly communicate and interact with foreign tourists. Besides, according to semi-structured interviews, the participants were satisfied with the event. Thus, it can be said that they derive much benefit from their participation in the training.
Correlational study of vocabulary mastery and cognitive learning style in vocational school Ujang Suparman
Journal of English Language Teaching Innovations and Materials (Jeltim) Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : UPT Bahasa Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jeltim.v4i1.33159


The research is intended to analyze whether there is a correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and cognitive learning style with their reading comprehension ability. Methodology: It was conducted in Muhammadiyah Vocational school Bandar Lampung. The sample comprises 30 students using random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to trace students’ cognitive learning strategy, and two sets of tests were used to measure students’ vocabulary mastery and another to measure their reading ability. The instruments were tried out to determine the quality of validity, reliability, level of difficulty and discriminating power. The findings: It has been found that, first, there is a correlation between vocabulary mastery (X1) and reading comprehension (Y), where rx1.y = 0.35; second, there is a correlation between students’ cognitive learning style (X2) and their reading ability (Y). where rx2.y = 0.95, it is very strong correlation: and finally, there is a composite correlation between X1, X2, and their reading ability (Y). Multiple regression is 0.997 meaning that there is a positive and significant correlation between X1, X2, and Y. It suggests that to improve reading ability, teachers should develop students’ vocabulary mastery and cognitive learning style. Cognitive learning style and vocabulary mastery cannot be separated.
Pelatihan Merancang Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) dan Tujuan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 bagi Guru-Guru Pemula Bahasa Inggris di SMP dan SMA. Flora; Ujang Suparman; Tuntun Sinaga; Khairun Nisa
Education Language and Arts (ELA) Vol. 2 No. 1 April (2023): Education, Language, and Arts: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Lampung

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Pada kurikulum 2013 terdapat Kompetensi Dasar (KD). KD ini berfungsi sebagai acuan atau rujukan guru dalam menyusun indikator kompetensi pada pembelajaran di kelas. Indikator merupakan tanda yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat capaian kompetensi dasar bisa mengubah perilaku peserta didik yang dinilai dari sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilannya. Indikator inilah sebagai rujukan dalam merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran. Selanjutnya tujuan pembelajaran adalah sebagai rujukan untuk mennentukan langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Sasaran pelatihan ini adalah guru-guru SMP dan SMA yang memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal maksimum 5 tahun dan belum mengikuti PPG sebanyak 20 orang. Students’ worksheet is nedeed since it can help the students to achieve the optimal learning objectives. However, based on the information gathered from the teachers’ association, most of the teachers never provide students’ worksheet. Therefore, this public service gave chance for SMA English teachers in Bandarlampung to create good students’ worksheet. This activity was lasted for 3 days, and the steps are ; 1) explaining the concept of students’ worksheet by giving the example of students’ workshet, 2) learning community, where the participants work in a small group to produce students’ worksheet based on provided learning objectives, 3) presenting the result by the representative of each group, and 4) individual task. This program showed that 6 participants (14%) were able to create students’ worksheet with very good catagory, 30 participants (72%) with good catagory, and 6 participants (14%) with good enough catagory. The participants were able to create students’ worksheet because they were directly given the example, and were discussed together with the tutor. By involving all students in learning community, they can share their ideas. In addition, presentation of each representative of each group made the participants have deeper understanding because they got input from peers and tutor.