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Pembuatan Media Edukasi Ayo Bermain Huruf Hijaiyah Pada TPA An-Nur Daleman Husaini, Fachri
Seruni - Seminar Riset Unggulan Nasional Inoformatika dan Komputer Seruni 2013 - Seminar Riset Unggulan Nasional Informatika dan Komputer
Publisher : Seruni - Seminar Riset Unggulan Nasional Inoformatika dan Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.113 KB) | DOI: 10.0809/seruni.v2i1.638


Abstract: Qur'an Education Park as one of the religious study is needed to grow and multiply Islamic Knowledge especially for children. Based on the observations through the interview process to the TPA found that the TPA is still much to use learning using Iqro ‘ books, while to train toddlers should be using a different method that the child easily understands hijaiyah letter so that it can read the Quran with more fast. In this media education, the authors make an application to introduce hijaiyah letters and punctuation, and about the makhroj and tajweed. There are also audio, animation and graphics which interesting that children are interested in learning letters hijaiyah. The purpose of this research in order to create educational media to introduce hijaiyah letter based multimedia to TPA An-Nur Daleman particular and continued throughout the TPA in Karanganyar who are members of Forum Communications TPQ as Karanganyar district (FORSIKA) after successfully Keyword : TPA An-Nur, Multimedia, Education, Karanganyar Abstrak: Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an sebagai salah satu tempat belajar keagamaan sangat dibutuhkan untuk menumbuhkan dan memperbanyak Ilmu Agama Islam terutama untuk anak-anak. Berdasarkan observasi melalui proses interview kepada pengelola TPA didapat bahwa TPA masih banyak yang menggunakan pembelajaran menggunakan buku iqro’, sedangkan untuk melatih anak-anak balita haruslah menggunakan metode yang berbeda agar anak tersebut mudah memahami huruf hijaiyah sehingga bisa membaca Al-Qur’an dengan lebih cepat. Dalam media edukasi ini, penulis membuat aplikasi untuk mengenalkan huruf hijaiyah dan tanda bacanya, serta mengenai makhroj dan tajwid. Terdapat juga audio, animasi dan juga grafis yang menarik agar anak tertarik belajar huruf hijaiyah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini guna membuat media edukasi untuk mengenalkan huruf hijaiyah berbasis multimedia untuk TPA An-Nur Daleman khususnya dan dilanjutkan ke seluruh TPA di Karanganyar yang tergabung dalam Forum Komunikasi TPQ se-Kecamatan Karanganyar (FORSIKA) setelah berhasil. Kata Kunci : TPA An-Nur, Multimedia, Edukasi, Karanganyar
Uji Kinerja Turbin Angin Sumbu Horizontal Bilah Inverse Taper Berdiameter 2,6 M Di Gedung C Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau Husaini, Fachri; Martin, Awaludin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Electrical energy requirements which continues increase and diminishing fossil fuels resulting research in the field of renewable wind energy developing rapidly, one of the renewable energies is wind turbines. This study aims to determine the performance of the horizontal axis wind turbine by using the type of blade inverse taper NACA 4412 with a composite fiber empty palm fruit bunch combined with fiberglass. The wind turbine is placed on top of the building C Faculty of Engineering, Riau University at height ±15 m. The output power is measured using a 300 Watt generator. The data take form of wind speed, air temperature, voltage and shaft rotation speed. Data collection was carried out using arduino uno which was recorded in the data logger for 1 day, namely on 15 and 16 August 2020. After testing the wind turbine, the highest wind speed data was obtained, namely on August 16 with a wind speed of 5.12 m/s at 12:28:13 WIB. The maximum shaft rotation obtained from the maximum wind speed is 9.4 Rpm with a Cp of 0.08 and a TSR of 0.1. Keyword : wind turbine, wind speed, inverse taper.
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36499/jim.v16i1.3349


Tanaman siwalan atau biasa disebut tanaman lontar adalah salah satu sebuah inovasi terbaru dalam pemanfaatan serat alam yang selama ini belum begitu banyak digunakan, siwalan atau lontar selama ini hanya masih dimanfaatkan pada buah dan daun lontar yang digunakan sebagai kerajinan, untuk pemanfaatan serat lontar belum begitu banyak dimanfaatkan karena belum banyak yang memahami akan kegunaan dan fungsi serat alam atau serat pada pelepah lontar. Dalam penelitian ini serat lontar adalah bahan utama dalam pembuatan komposit selain resin dan katalis, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan sebenarnya pada serat pelepah lontar dengan beberapa variasi dengan melakukan pengujian uji tarik pada komposit dengan bahan utama serat lontar, selain itu juga untuk mengetahui kekuatan nodulus elastisitas dan regangan pada komposit tersebut serta mengetahui sifat fisik pada spesimen tersebut dengan melakukan uji makro. Pembuatan komposit berawal dari pengambilan serat dari pelepah lontar yang sudah dipotong-potong sesuai ukuran dan sudah dikeringkan pada sinar matahari, setelah itu serat dilakukan perendaman pada larutan NaOH sebesar 5% selama 120 menit untuk menghilangkan lapisan lignin pada serat, setelah itu melakukan pembuatan spesimen uji tarik dengan variasi fraksi volume serat yang berbeda yaitu variasi fraksi volume serat 0%,5%,10%,15% , serta menggunakan variasi arah serat yang berbeda yaitu arah serat searah dan arah serat acak. Untuk nilai kekuatan rata-rata uji tarik didapat pada variasi fraksi volume serat 15% dan arah serat searah dengan kekuatan tarik sebesar 36,35 MPa, dengan nilai regangan sebesar 6,86%, sedangkan nilai kekuatan tarik terendah didapat pada fraksi volume serat 0% dengan kekuatan uji tarik sebesar 13,05MPa, dengan nilai regangan sebesar 5,32%. Kata kunci: komposit, polyester, serat lontar, uji tarik
Proposed Policy Preventive Maintenance Machine Moriseiki NH 4000 DCG Method of Reliability Center Maintenance (RCM) And Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) Case Study PT Pudak Scientific Fachri Husaini; Judi Alhilman; Nurdinintya Athari
International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol 2 No 02 (2018): International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
Publisher : School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijies.v2i02.20


PT Pudak Scientific is a company engaged in the manufacture of aircraft parts industry. Meeting the precise and timely demand of aerospace parts from customers becomes a major corporate responsibility. However, Loss Revenue often occurs due to engine breakdown. So that cause because the production target is not achieved, the product reject, and the delay of delivery. One of the machines that often experience breakdown is Mori seiki NH4000 DCG. Mori seiki NH4000 DCG is the finishing machine for Blank fork End product. The demand for this part is quite large, making it a tough task for the Mori Seiki NH4000 DCG machine. But because the breakdown of the machine is high enough to cause production targets every month are often not met. In addition, Maintenance activities that have not noticed the characteristics of engine damage, as well as the distribution of historical data of the machine causing less effective and efficient actions resulted in substantial Maintenance costs. Based on the results of risk analysis of Mori Seiki NH4000 DCG engine damage, in terms of performance loss system caused by a large enough that is 3.773% of machine production capacity per year. This figure exceeds the risk acceptance criteria by the company that is 2%. Therefore it is necessary to find the appropriate Maintenance policy for the Mori Seiki NH4000 DCG machine. The approach is to use Reliability Centeres Maintenance and Risk Based Maintenance. Based on the above two approaches obtained the appropriate interval time so that the Maintenance activities more effective and can improve the efficiency of treatment by reducing the cost of care previously Rp167.506.286, - per year, to Rp 96.147.061, - per year. With the policy is expected to reduce engine breakdown and performance loss caused. So the number of risks that arise for the future are within the criteria of acceptance set by the company. Keywords: Preventive Maintenance, Reliability centered Maintenance, risk based Maintenance, Performance loss