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Evaluasi Efek Samping Penggunaan Obat Tetes Mata Kortikosteroid Pada Pasien Pasca Operasi Di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Mata Jakarta Eye Center Kedoya Husna, Ihsanil; Ramatillah, Diana Laila; Anggraeni, Yunita Dian
Archives Pharmacia Vol 1, No 2 (2019): ARCHIVES PHARMACIA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

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ABSTRAKObat golongan kortikosteroid termasuk golongan obat yang sangat penting dalam dunia pengobatan. Salah satu penggunaannya yaitu dalam pemberian topikal pada mata pada pasien pasca operasi. Efek samping yang sering ditemui bila menggunakan obat tetes mata kortikosteroid ialah reaksi alergi sesaat serta dalam jangka waktu yang lama yaitu akanmeningkatkan tekanan intra okluar (TIO) yang bisa menyebabkan glaukoma. Lama penggunaan obat tetes mata kortikosteroid pun berpengaruh terhadap pemberian obat penurun TIO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran efek samping penggunaan obat tetes mata kortikosteroid serta lama penggunaan obat tetes mata kortikosteroid.Data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu lama penggunaan  obat tetes mata kortikosteroid pasca operasi yaitu lebih dari 30 hari. Sebanyak 32,31% tidak mengalami efek samping, 23,08% pasien mengalami perih, 13,85% pasien mengeluhkan buram. Pasien yang mengalami efek samping samping merah, pusing, dan ganjal masing-masing sebesar 3,08% dan sebanyak 21,54% pasien mengalami efek samping gabungan. Efek samping berupa peningkatan tekanan intra okuler terjadi pada 33,85% pasien. Kata kunci:kortikosteroid, efek samping, TIO, glaukoma ABSTRACTCorticosteroid drugs are a class of drugs that are very important in the world of medicine. One of its uses is in topical administration to the eye in postoperative patients. Side effects that are often found when using corticosteroid eye drops are instantaneous allergic reactions and for a long period of time that will increase intra-external pressure (IOP) which can cause glaucoma. The duration of use of corticosteroid eye drops also affects the administration of IOP-lowering drugs. This study aims to look at a picture of the side effects of using corticosteroid eye drops and the duration of use of corticosteroid eye drops. The data obtained from the results of this study are the duration of use of postoperative corticosteroid eye drops which is more than 30 days. A total of 32.31% did not experience side effects, 23.08% of patients experienced pain, 13.85% of patients complained of blurring. Patients who experienced side effects of red, dizzy, and bumpy were 3.08% respectively and 21.54% of patients experienced combined side effects. Side effects in the form of increased intraocular pressure occurred in 33.85% of patients.Keywords: corticosteroids, side effects, IOP, glaucoma
The Role of Specific Cellular Immune System in Chronic Hepatitis C Ihsanil Husna; Nurul Akbar; Rino Alvani Gani; Unggul Budihusodo; Nanang Sukmana
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1, April 2004
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/512004%p


Hepatitis C virus is a RNA virus with very high speed replication. The clinical course of chronic hepatitis C is frequently asymptomatic like other hepatitis viruses. Infection of hepatitis virus will activate the immune system specifically as well as non-specifically. Mechanism of the immune system regulation is controlled by tissues consisting of antibodies cells and cytokines. In the process, all of the immune systems integrate and coordinate with the main agent-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes recognize antigens through the specific-surface antigen receptors. Following exposure to viral chronic hepatitis virus, viremia takes place within 1-2 weeks. In immuno-competent hosts, viremia will be preceded with the increase in transaminase enzyme and delayed seroconversion of antibodies will occur. Unlike other immunologic processes, these established antibodies are not protective in nature but serve only as the sign that someone has been infected by hepatitis C. In most cases of hepatitis C virus infection, this virus cannot be eradicated in the acute phase. Approximately 80-90% of acute infection progresses to be chronic infection and in 50% of the cases, there is an increase in transaminase enzyme that reveals that there is still liver cell damage. The degree of liver tissue damage in hepatitis depends on the number of virus infecting and the activity of cytotoxic T cells. Keywords: hepatitis C virus, humoral immune response,cellular immune response