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Implementasi Web Push Notification pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Arsip Menggunakan PUSHJS Alam Rahmatulloh; Andi Nur Rachman; Fahmi Anwar
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 6 No 3: Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3023.905 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.201963936


Teknologi terus menerus berkembang, berbagai jenis teknologi terus bermunculan seperti sistem informasi manajemen arsip, masalahnya para pekerja kadang melakukan pekerjaan lain di komputer sehingga arsip tidak terkontrol. Penerapan Web Push Notification dapat menampilkan pemberitahuan berbasis website meskipun tidak membuka web browser secara langsung atau dalam kondisi minimize. Web Push Notification merupakan mekanisme pemberitahuan menggunakan Javascript pada web browser. Fitur ini tersedia dalam Push API HTML5 dengan menggunakan Push Service atau Messaging server yang mengirim pemberitahuan ke web browser yang telah berlangganan tanpa membuka website sehingga dapat melakukan broadcast message dan Notification API HTML5 tidak memerlukan Push Service atau Messaging server tetapi harus membuka website, tetapi belum didukung semua web browser sehingga pada makalah ini dibahas Implementasi Web Push Notification pada sistem informasi manajemen arsip menggunakan PushJS, metode pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Rational Unified Proccess (RUP). Teknologi pemberitahuan yang cocok untuk sistem informasi manajemen arsip berbasis web yaitu Notification API HTML5 karena tidak akan mengirim pemberitahuan yang sama ke semua pengguna. Namun tidak ada proses di belakang layar sehingga tidak akan dijalankan secara otomatis, masalah tersebut diatasi dengan menggunakan AJAX dengan mengambil JSON kemudian dijalankan berulang-ulang pada web browser dan  meminimalisir bentrokan antara script web push notification di multi tab window atau window web browser diatasi menggunakan localStorage dari WebStorage API HTML5. Hasil uji menunjukan bahwa penerapan teknologi Web Push Notification pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Arsip dapat membantu para pengguna dalam mengelola arsip yang banyak serta penggunaan AJAX berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan akses web. AbstractTechnology continues to evolve, various types of technology continue to emerge such as records management information systems, the problem is that workers sometimes do other work on the computer so that the archive is not controlled. Web Push Notification application can display website-based notifications even if you don't open the web browser directly or in a minimized condition. Web Push Notification is a notification mechanism using Javascript in a web browser. This feature is available in the HTML5 Push API by using a Push Service or Messaging server that sends notifications to subscribed web browsers without opening the website so that it can broadcast and the HTML5 Notification API does not require a Push Service or Messaging server but must open a website, but not supported all web browsers so that this paper discusses Push Notification Web Implementation in archive management information systems using PushJS, the development method used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP). Notification technology that is suitable for web-based archive management information systems namely HTML5 Notification API because it will not send the same notification to all users. But there is no process behind the scenes so that it will not be run automatically, the problem is overcome by using AJAX by retrieving JSON and then running repeatedly on the web browser and minimizing clashes between web push notification scripts on multi tab windows or web browser windows resolved using localStorage from the HTML5 WebStorage API. The test results show that the application of Web Push Notification technology in the Archive Management Information System can help users manage many archives and use AJAX influences the speed of web access.
Application Programming Interface Google Picker Sebagai Penyimpanan Data Sistem Informasi Arsip Berbasis Cloud Indra Sontana; Alam Rahmatulloh; Andi Nur Rachman
Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/TEKNOSI.v5i1.2019.25-32


Arsip merupakan salah satu sumber informasi di suatu organisasi baik organisasi pemerintah ataupun organisasi swasta. Dengan semakin berkembangnya perusahaan, penyimpanan arsip akan semakin bertambah banyak, meskipun sudah di simpan ke media penyimpanan fisik seperti harddisk, flashdisk dan server. Penggunaan media penyimpanan dan keamanan menjadi faktor yang mengharuskan perusahaan untuk mengembangkannya lebih jauh. Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mengembangkan media penyimpanan dan keamanan sangatlah besar terlebih untuk perusahaan yang berskala besar. Dalam penelitian ini solusi yang diambil adalah membuat suatu sistim e-arsip dengan mengimplementasikan cloud storage google drive menggunakan API google picker dimana sebagai media penyimpanan dari sistim tersebut. Sehingga dengan di impementasikannya API google picker sebagai penyimpanan data e-arsip, diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam melakukan proses penyimpanan data, kemudahan akses data, dapat melakukan penekanan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk pembelian infrastruktur dan software, pengguna dapat melakukan proses simpan dan unduh data secara langsung tanpa membuka aplikasi google drive, dapat memperluas ruang lingkup penyimpanan data tersebut, dan data dapat di unduh secara online ketika pengguna berada di lokasi mana saja dan waktu kapan saja.
Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Accuracy Analysis Andi Nur Rachman; Supratman Supratman; Euis Nur Fitriani Dewi
CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) Vol 7, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/cess.v7i2.34245


Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus merupakan penyakit tidak menular, tetapi penyakit ini  merupakan salah satu penyakit yang mematikan bagi yang mengidapnya. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh beberapa factor diantaranya pola makan hidup yang tidak teratur atau berlebihan. Apabila penyakit ini tidak dihentikan, maka penderita penyakit Diabetes Mellitus akan semakin memakan para pasien penderita penyakit ini. Menurut WHO atau World Health Organization, sekitar 425 juta orang menderita penyakit diabetes, kemudian 1,6 juta kematian setiap tahunnya di akibatkan oleh penyakit diabetes. Kemudian, pada tahun 2016 di Indonesia, kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit diabetes sekitar 99 ribu jiwa. Penyakit diabetes pada tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, jadi perlu adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu medis untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap diabetes berdasarkan data kesehatan pasien. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi penyakit diabetes mellitus adalah dengan menggunakan data mining. Data mining merupakan suatu proses yang interaktif untuk memprediksi penyakit diabetes mellitus. Prediksi untuk mendiagnosis penyakit ini menggunakan seleksi fitur berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) pada dataset Dan metode klasifikasi yang digunakan yaitu metode Decision Tree dan K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN). Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai akurasi tertinggi sebanyak 79.8% dengan AUC 0.71 dengan menggunakan metode Decision Tree, dan untuk menggunakan optimasi metode K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) memiliki nilai akurasi tertinggi sebanyak 77.09%.
Piloting Penanggulangan Krisis Pangan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Optimalisasi Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari di Kelurahan Mugarsari dan Setiawargi Kota Tasikmalaya Edi Fitriana Afriza; Andi Nur Rachman; Fuad Abdullah; Betanika Nila Nirbita
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol2.iss1.art6


The Covid-19 outbreak and the enactment of the "New Normal" era created a tentative situation, especially with limited food commodities for the needs of all people during times of food insecurity. Food products are limited in number and prices are increasingly soaring in the market, making people have a solution to resistance from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the "New Normal" era, by realizing a sustainable food home area (KRPL), the community of housewives can meet their food needs, in addition to It is also a breakthrough that can provide an injection to the family economy if it is developed comprehensively. The activity will take place with the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach focusing on the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) group where each group will be limited to 20 people / group, besides that the implementation of education and counseling will apply health protocols according to the direction of the central government. It is hoped that the realization of a sustainable food house area (KRPL) will provide stimulus and solutions to the community so that they can survive, be productive and be independent in this pandemic. Keywords: Food, Commodities, Asset Based Community Development (ABCD).
Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Penyediaan Air dan Sanitasi Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) berbasis Web Acep Irham Gufroni; Cecep Muhamad Sidik Ramdani; Haikal Millah; Miftahul Habib Fachrurozi; Andi Nur Rachman
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol2.iss1.art7


The availability of clean water is a hope for the community to meet the needs of drinking sources and the availability of proper sanitation will prevent various diseases. So the government collaborates with villages in providing Community Based Drinking Water and Sanitation (PAMSIMAS). The PAMSIMAS program aims to increase the number of clean water facilities for communities in areas with low economic income levels. In the PAMSIMAS program in Tigaherang Village, Rajadesa District, Ciamis Regency, socialization steps are needed to the community to provide an understanding of clean water and sanitation, monitoring of clean water use and transparency of the PAMSIMAS program. To support its implementation, a Web-based Information System for Water Supply and Sanitation (PAMSIMAS) application design is proposed. This information system is expected to be able to optimize the performance and service of clean water for the community. Keywords: Community, PAMSIMAS Program (community based drinking water supply and sanitation), Information System.
COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Using Random Forest and Information Gain Andi Nur Rachman; Husni Mubarok; Euis Nur Fitriani Dewi; Mitha Maharani
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 3 (2022): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i3.246


Covid-19 in Indonesia has increased from January 2021 unti February 2021 there were 1,217,468 people who were confirmed positive for the corona virus. As a result the increase in the number, the government has taken preventive measures, one of which is the distribution of vaccines or vaccinating the Indonesian people, which has been started since January 13,2021. The government’s covid-19 vaccination efforts had a broad influence on the community through social media (especially Twitter) which then led to pros and cons. Therefore, sentiment analysis is needed to predict the tendency of public opinion regarding the Covid-19 vaccination policy which is classified into positive opinions, neutral opinions, and negative opinions. Random Forest Classifier has high performance compared to other machine learning methods. But the Random Forest Classifier is weak in the level of accuracy and stability of data, so it requires a selection feature to increase its accuracy by applying Information Gain which can increase accuracy by optimizing data features. Measurement of accuracy and sentiment prediction is measured by confusion matrix and classification report. The results show that the application of Information Gain can improve accuracy with the highest accuracy obtained in experiment 1 of 0.00747, that is 0.94776 from 0.94029 with a precision value of 0.65, recall 0.43 and f1-score 0.47 and have a tendency to have a neutral opinion on public tweets about the Covid-19 vaccination on Twitter
COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Using Random Forest and Information Gain Andi Nur Rachman; Husni Mubarok; Euis Nur Fitriani Dewi; Mitha Maharani
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 3 (2022): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i3.246


Covid-19 in Indonesia has increased from January 2021 unti February 2021 there were 1,217,468 people who were confirmed positive for the corona virus. As a result the increase in the number, the government has taken preventive measures, one of which is the distribution of vaccines or vaccinating the Indonesian people, which has been started since January 13,2021. The government’s covid-19 vaccination efforts had a broad influence on the community through social media (especially Twitter) which then led to pros and cons. Therefore, sentiment analysis is needed to predict the tendency of public opinion regarding the Covid-19 vaccination policy which is classified into positive opinions, neutral opinions, and negative opinions. Random Forest Classifier has high performance compared to other machine learning methods. But the Random Forest Classifier is weak in the level of accuracy and stability of data, so it requires a selection feature to increase its accuracy by applying Information Gain which can increase accuracy by optimizing data features. Measurement of accuracy and sentiment prediction is measured by confusion matrix and classification report. The results show that the application of Information Gain can improve accuracy with the highest accuracy obtained in experiment 1 of 0.00747, that is 0.94776 from 0.94029 with a precision value of 0.65, recall 0.43 and f1-score 0.47 and have a tendency to have a neutral opinion on public tweets about the Covid-19 vaccination on Twitter
Application of Virtual Assistant in Information System for Student Practicum Case Study Laboratory Informatics Department Siliwangi University Cecep Muhamad Sidik Ramdani; Andi Nur Rachman; Euis Nur Fitriani Dewi
CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/cess.v8i1.39365


Practical activities are carried out in an orderly and timely manner and require systematic recording of activities. The implementation of practicum activities takes place in the Siliwangi University laboratory, to create conducive conditions for practicum activities, a system must be able to support academic success. Not only that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, previous practicum lectures were held offline and campus policy required online learning. These problems can be overcome by building a logbook information system that can record and keep records of laboratory activities automatically. This information system was created using the Extreme Programming system development method. Starting from database design, system design with UML, system development with Visual Studio. NET 2021. This technology can be used by universities for practical activities at the Siliwangi University Laboratory. The application will remind students to complete each activity in each session by displaying notifications in each practicum schedule, rewards, announcements, and other information related to practicum activities. All activities must be recorded in the application. Based on the results of black box testing, the system can run according to the system test design that the response from each student to the application used is 75.68% which can be concluded that the application of virtual assistant is in the interesting category.  
Android Battle Game Based on Augmented Reality with 2D Object Marker Muhammad Fauzan Azim; Eka Wahyu Hidayat; Andi Nur Rachman
JOIN (Jurnal Online Informatika) Vol 3 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/join.v3i2.255


This research develops the game by applying the Augmented Reality (AR) system in making games. Similar games that have been observed have a weakness where the Augmented Reality characters that appear do not match the marker, there is no calculation of the distance between the marker card as a battle trigger, and no character has raised the urband legend. For this reason, it is necessary to make a similar game by applying the Based Tracking Marker technique by calculating the distance of action between two markers by raising the theme of urband legend Indonesia and foreign legend legend. This research succeeded in making Multimedia battle fighting game products using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method approach - Luther. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the alpha test results are functionally appropriate and from the beta testing the results of the User Acceptence Test (UAT) functionalities obtained a value of 71% declared feasible to use with the interpretation of "Good" which means this game is feasible and can be developed.
Design of an Integrated Medical Record Information System at Puskesmas Kota Banjar Rahmi Nur Shofa; Andi Nur Rachman; Cecep Muhamad Sidik Ramdani; Euis Nur Fitriani Dewi
CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) Vol 8, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/cess.v8i2.48269


Perkembangan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memberikan dampak yang dapat digunakan diberbagai bidang salah satunya Puskesmas. Salah satu pengembangan yang dilakukan puskesmas yaitu mengembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas manajemen pelayanan kesehatan dengan menerapkan sistem informasi puskesmas berbasis teknologi informasi. Pencatatan apabila dilakukan dengan cara ditulis pada buku pasien merupakan cara lama yang digunakan. Maka perlu adanya suatu sistem yang membantu untuk memudahkan pencatatan. Metode pengembangan pada sistem informasi yang akan di ajukan ini yaitu dengan metode Waterfall. Menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis yang terintegrasi untuk mempermudah pihak Puskesmas di daerah Kota Banjar dalam mengolah data jika terdapat pasien yang sebelumnya belum pernah mengunjungi puskesmas tersebut maka akan terdapat Rekam Medis. Sistem Informasi mempermudah dalam mengelola data Rekam Medis sehingga tidak perlu mencari catatan yang begitu banyak dikarenakan data nya sudah tersimpan dalam database. Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis terintegrasi maka data pasien akan terlihat di semua Puskesmas yang ada di Kota Banjar.   Pengujian dalam penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan metode System Usability Scale (SUS) mendapat nilai akhir yaitu 73,1 dan Hasil pengujian menghasilkan nilai rekomendasi dalam kategori Acceptable.The development of the use of science and technology has an impact that can be used in various fields, one of which is the Puskesmas. One of the developments carried out by the puskesmas is developing to improve the quality of health service management by implementing an information technology-based puskesmas information system. Recording when it is done by writing it in the patient book is the old way used. So, it is necessary to have a system that helps to facilitate recording. The development method for the information system that will be proposed is the Waterfall method. Producing an integrated Medical Record Information System to make it easier for the Puskesmas in the Banjar City area to process data. If there are patients who have never visited the puskesmas before, there will be Medical Records. The Information System makes it easy to manage Medical Record data so there is no need to search for so many records because the data is already stored in the database. The Medical Record Information System is integrated so that patient data will be visible in all Community Health Centers in Banjar City. Testing in the study was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method, obtaining a final score of 73.1 and the test results yielded a recommendation value in the Acceptable category. Â