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Synthesis and Characterization of Coordination Compounds of Silver(I) Nitrite with Ligands Ethylenethiourea and N,N'-diethylthiourea Fariati Fariati; Nurul Istikfaroh; Effendy Effendy; Lutfia Ayu Darojah
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Chemistry Department, The University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (762.988 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jpacr.2016.005.03.253


Silver(I) nitrate and ethylenethiourea (etu) in 1 : 4 stochiometry have been reported [1]. Coordination compounds of A and B as silver(I) nitrite with etu and silver(I) nitrite with N,N’-diethylthiourea (detu) respectively, have never been done. The purposes of this study are to synthesize and characterize coordination compounds of A and B. Synthesis coordination compound of A with 1 : 4, while B with 1 : 2 stoichiometry. Both of coordination compounds are conducted directly in acetonitrile. Compounds obtained are characterized by melting point, electrical conductivity measurement, SEM-EDX, qualitative nitrite test, free energy calculation and structures prediction using Spartan’14 v1.1.0. Coordination compounds of A and B are colourless needle and prism crystals; have melting point of 189°C and 103-105°C; free energy of -289,2567 and -1182.8101 kJ/mol respectively. Electrical conductivity measurement and qualitative nitrite test show that the obtained compound of A is an ionic and B is a molecular one. EDX analysis gives empirical formula prediction of two coordination compound A is C12H24AgN9O2S4  and  B is C15H36AgN7O2S3.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Vol.2, No.3, Maret 2017
Publisher : Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.503 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jptpp.v2i3.8584


This research used one group pre-test-post tes design with 69 students of semester I Departement of Chemistry-FMIPA-UM. The sample were divided into three groups i.e upper, middle and lower groups and given a treatment with chemical bond learning materials with POE strategy. Five misconceptions from upper, middle, and lower groups were found in pre-test. Results of post-test showed that there were no misconceptions in upper and middle groups but two misconceptions were still found in lower group.Rancangan penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian satu kelompok pre-post tes dengan 69 mahasiswa semester I jurusan kimia-FMIPA-UM. Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu, kelompok atas, tengah dan bawah yang kemudian diberi perlakuan pembelajaran bahan ajar ikatan kimia dengan strategi POE. Sebanyak lima kesalahan konsep dari kelompok atas, tengah dan bawah ditemukan dari data pre tes. Hasil post tes menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan kesalahan konsep pada mahasiswa kelompok atas dan tengah tetapi sebanyak dua kesalahan konsep masih dialami oleh mahasiswa  kelompok bawah.
J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia) Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia (J-PEK) Vol. 1 No. 2 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.516 KB)


AbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan ketuntasan belajar, pemahaman konsep, dan persepsi peserta didik, serta mengetahui efektivitas modul stoikiometri berdasarkan konsep sukar dan kesalahan konsep dibandingkan latihan soal. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua set soal tes diagnostik dan angket persepsi peserta didik. Data selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif dan statistik. Hasil penelitian menyatakan peserta didik yang belum tuntas dan dibelajarkan dengan bantuan modul dan latihan soal pada ketuntasan belajar mencapai 49,27% dan 31,88%, penurunan konsep sukar sebanyak 16,94% dan 14,38%, serta penurunan kesalahan konsep sejumlah 10,0% dan 4,6%. Persepsi peserta didik terhadap isi dan pembelajaran menggunakan modul sangat positif. Hasil uji-t pihak kanan menunjukkan bahwa modul stoikiometri lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep peserta didik yang belum tuntas dibandingkan dengan latihan soal (thitung(2,923) > ttabel (1,995)). Kata kunci: modul stoikiometri, konsep sukar, kesalahan konsep, pemahaman, persepsi AbstractThe purposes of the research were to describe students' mastery learning, understanding, perception, and to determine the effectiveness of the stoichiometry module based on difficult concept and misconception which were compared with the exercises. Collecting datas used two set of diagnostic tests and a questionnaire student's perceptions. Analysis technique data used descriptive and statistic analysis. The results of research showed that students who were taught with module and those who were taught with exercises had average percentages as following: mastery learning were 49,27% and 31,88%, reduction of difficult concept were 16,94% and 14,38%, and reduction of misconception were 10,0% and 4,6% respectively. Students' perception of the module's content and learning that uses modules were very positive. The result one sample t-test of showed that stoichiometry module based on difficult concept and mosconception was more effective to improve the understanding of students in the topic of stoichiometry than exercises (thitung(2,923) > ttabel (1,995)). Keywords: stoichiometry module, difficult concept, misconception, understanding, perception 
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Kompleks dari Kadmium nitrat dan 1,3-bis(difenilfosfino)propana dengan Stoikiometri 1 : 1 Wawan Setiawan; Effendy Effendy; Fariati Fariati
JC-T (Journal Cis-Trans): Jurnal Kimia dan Terapannya Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : State University of Malang or Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.575 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um026v1i22017p019


Senyawa kompleks dari kadmium nitrat dan dppp belum pernah dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mensintesis senyawa kompleks dari kadmium nitrat dan dppp dengan stoikiometri 1 : 1 serta menentukan strukturnya sesuai hasil karakterisasi. Senyawa kompleks hasil sintesis berupa kristal tidak berwarna, berbentuk balok, dan melebur pada suhu 272-275 oC. Hasil pengukuran DHL dan uji kualitatif ion nitrat menunjukkan bahwa kompleks merupakan senyawa molekuler. Analisis EDX memberikan rumus empiris yaitu C27H26CdN2O6P2. Struktur yang diterima yaitu kompleks monomer [Cd(ONO2)2(dppp)] dengan geometri tetrahedral terdistorsi di sekitar atom pusatnya dan energi bebas per ikatan sebesar -47,5 kJ/mol.
Structure Prediction and Ultrasonic Assisted Synthesis of Coordination Compound Cadmium (II) Bromide with N,N’-diethylthiourea Ligand Yuni Susanti; Fariati Fariati; Effendy Effendy; Yulyani Nur Azizah
Jurnal Kimia Valensi Jurnal Kimia VALENSI Volume 9, No. 1, May 2023
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jkv.v9i1.30868


Cadmium (II) halides with N,N'-diethylthiourea (detu) ligands at a stoichiometry of 1: 2 tend to form molecular complexes [Cd(detu)2X2] with a distorted tetrahedral geometry at the central atom. Generally, these complex compounds are prepared by the conventional method of reflux for 4 hour. The use of ultrasonic waves for complex synthesis can be an alternative to make the reaction time more efficient and environmentally friendly. The aim of this study was to synthesize and characterize complex compounds from CdBr2 and detu ligands using the ultrasonication method that have not previously reported. The synthesis of complex compounds was carried out by reacting CdBr2 and detu (1:2) in methanol solvent. In the synthesized compounds, a melting point test, electrical conductivity test, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Xray (SEM-EDX), qualitative test of bromide ion and calculation of free energy using Spartan'14 software were carried out for the complex structure prediction. The complex compound resulted has colorless needle crystals with a melting point of 93-94°C. The results of the EDX analysis provide the empirical formula C10H24CdBr2N4S2. The electrical conductivity test data and the bromide ion qualitative test proved that the synthesized complex compound was a molecular complex compound with the molecular formula [Cd(detu)2Br2]. The complex compound has two possible structures, namely a distorted tetrahedral and a square planar. Free energy calculations showed that complex compounds with a distorted tetrahedral structure and a square  planar have free energies of -527.5574 kJ/mol and -408.7424 kJ/mol, respectively.