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Comparative Study of Disaster Regulations in Analyzing Vulnerability Level of Elementary School Building Structures in Yogyakarta Lilis Tiyani; Hakas Prayuda; Bagus Soebandono
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 15, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research was conducted to compare several regulations that evaluate the level of vulnerability of school buildings in Yogyakarta. The regulations used in this study are a guide to assessing and repairing damage to public housing buildings due to the earthquake according to the Department of Public Works in 2000, technical guidelines for safe school rehabilitation according to the National Disaster Management Agency in 2011, a broken one or two-story simple building block safety check guide due to the earthquake according to the 2009 World Seismic Safety Initiative and using rapid visual screening of building for potential seismic hazards according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency No. 154 of 2002. The 25 schools selected in this study were located in areas prone to earthquakes, volcanoes erupted and prone to landslides. Through this research, the results of the appropriate regulations were obtained to evaluate the rapid level of vulnerability of buildings to disasters and evaluation of certain disaster cases was needed because the regulations did not accommodate all types of disasters.
Pengaruh Campuran Abu Sekam Padi terhadap Kuat Tekan Paving Block Budi Waluyo; As'at Pujianto; Bagus Soebandono
Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2013): NOVEMBER 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v16i2.4899


Rice husk is an abundant by-product of rice milling results, and so far only used as a fuel for combustion red stones, burning for cooking or thrown away. Rice husk ash (RHA) is a waste material of rice that has special properties. This material also contains chemical compounds that can be pozzolan, which contains silica (SiO2), a compound which, when mixed with cement and water can be used to enhance the compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete while silica is a chemical compound that is dominant in the rice husk ash. This study aimed to compare the results of the average compressive strength of the normal paving block with the added ingredient of rice husk ash, assess the effect of the addition of rice husk ash to the compressive strength and prices comparison between the paving block and normal paving block with the added ingredient of rice husk ash. In this study, rice husk ash serves as a replacement for cement additives with a variation of 0%, 30%, 35% and 40% by weight of cement in comparison 1pc: 10ps, 1pc: 13ps and 1pc: 15ps. The results showed that the paving blocks with a mixture of rice husk ash in comparison 1pc: 10ps produce optimum compressive strength with a mixture of rice husk ash 16.6% in the amount of 32.709 MPa. Furthermore in comparison 1pc: 13ps, paving block compressive strength values obtained with the optimal mix of rice husk ash rice 13.0% amounting to 23.709 MPa. Finally, in comparison 1pc: 15ps, paving block compressive strength values obtained with the optimal mix of rice husk ash 15.0% amounting to 17.260 MPa.
Pengaruh Faktor Air Semen terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton dengan Agregat Batu Apung Agus Pujiono; Dwi Riyanto; As'at Pujianto; Bagus Soebandono
Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2013): NOVEMBER 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v16i2.4921


Lightweight concrete is concrete that has a unit weight less than 1800 kg/m3. Pumice can be used to make lightweight concrete as the replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete mixtures. This research aimed to discover the compressive strength of lightweight concrete with water-cement ratio and the impact of the unit weight of the concrete. This research was divided into two types of method. Firstly, the concrete was produced with the water-cement ratio of 0.30, 0.32, 0.34, and 0.36 and additional superplasticiser 2% for each variation. Secondly, the concrete was created with water-cement ratio 0.36, 0.38, 0.40 and 0.42 without admixture. Samples were tested for compressive strength after 28 days and calculated the unit weight of the concrete with pumice as the replacement of coarse aggregate. The results of this study indicated that for the first method, the maximum compressive strength value of lightweight concrete with pumice and additional superplasticiser was 11.2880 MPa with water-cement factor 0.30 and unit weight 1691.59 kg/m3. While for the second experiment, results show that the maximum compressive strength of lightweight concrete with pumice without admixture reached at 10.4620 MPa with a water-cement ratio at 0.38 and unit weight 1692.74 kg/m3.
SINERGI Vol 23, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.031 KB) | DOI: 10.22441/sinergi.2019.1.009


Castellated steel beam is a beam with a regular section cut into half with a particular pattern and regrouped with welding to increase its height compared to the original. This structure element has been developed in building constructions since many years ago. However, its uniform section along the span will make the modification no longer effective in cantilever structure, unless it has additional adaptation. Therefore, in this study, it is proposed to use a castellated steel beam with a tapered shape to be applied as cantilever structures. A steel beam with IWF section 150x75x5x7 is the primary sample type in this research. Some variations were made such as openings angle for 450 and 500, openings space for 50 mm, 70 mm, and 90 mm, openings diameter for 50 mm, 75 mm, and 100 mm, and span length for 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m, and 3.5 m. Two open-source software namely FreeCAD and LisaFEA were used to draw solid 3-dimensional samples and to conduct the numerical analysis to determine stress and deformation respectively. From the result, it is known that the smallest stresses and deformations can be achieved by a different angle of openings, openings space, and diameter for each span length.
Implementasi Building Information Modelling (BIM) Menggunakan Tekla Strukctures Pada Konstruksi Gedung X Bagus Soebandono; Galih Surya Hergantoro; Mandiyo Priyo
Bulletin of Civil Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/bce.v2i1.12492


Berkembangnya teknologi informasi yang begitu pesat di berbagai belahan dunia khususnya bidang konstruksi, dimana teknologi tersebut sangat membantu mempermudah pekerjaan. Teknologi tersebut berada pada sektor AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) yang dikenal saat ini dengan BIM (Building Information Modeling). Pada penelitian ini akan memberikan gambaran penggunaan BIM sebagai konsepnya sampai dengan pemodelan 3D (dimensi) pada konstruksi struktur penuh pada sebuah proyek gedung X dengan menggunakan software Tekla Structures Student License. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membandingkan perhitungan volume struktur dengan Microsoft Office Excel dengan QTO (Quantity Takeoff) dari Tekla Structures yang akan menghasilkan rencana anggaran biaya dari kedua metode tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini perbandingan volume menghasilkan selisih untuk struktur bawah beton 0% dan besi 1% atau lebih efisien menggunakan metode konvensional. Untuk struktur atas selisih beton 0,28%, besi 1,1% dan bekisting 0,22% atau bisa dibilang disemua selisih tersebut lebih efisien perhitungan menggunakan metode BIM. Sedangkan, struktur atap memiliki selisih jurai 3,39%, gording 0,4%, usuk 1,23% dan reng 0,42% atau bisa dibilang selain perhitungan reng saja yang lebih efisien dihitung menggunakan metode BIM. Lalu perhitungan biaya didapat nilai selisih untuk struktur bawah sebesar 0,48% atau sebanyak Rp 1.452.861 struktur atas sebesar 0,58% atau sebanyak Rp 14.078.298 dan struktur atap sebesar 1,4% atau sebanyak Rp 6.795.712. Semua selisih tersebut dikatakan lebih efisien biaya jika digunakan metode BIM sebagai pengambilan volume pekerjaan. Namun, dibalik manfaat yang besar dari BIM perlu ketelitian yang tinggi dalam pemodelan. Karena beberapa kunci keberhasilan BIM pemodelan 3D penting untuk diperhatikan.
Pemanfaatan Lampu Panel Surya untuk Penerangan Jalan Lingkungan Bagus Soebandono; Anita rahmawati
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 5 (2022): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v6i5.11205


Solar street lighting (PJU) is an innovation of Appropriate Technology (TTG) as a result of energy engineering from the heat of solar light (the sun) which is converted into electrical energy, stored in batteries and used as a power source for streetlamp lighting. The main reliability of the solar led PJU is that it is not affected when the PLN electricity distribution network is in trouble or maintenance, because the solar led PJU can meet its own energy needs and not from the PLN electricity network. Environmental street lighting in the Minggir III area, RT.01/RW. 06 Sendangagung, Minggir, Sleman is not widely available, so it can interfere with the comfort and safety of road users at night. The livelihoods of the people in this area are farming, raising livestock and trading which often have to be active at night. With this public street lighting, it is hoped that it can provide comfort for road users and the surrounding environment.
Quantity Take Off pada Perencanaan Gedung Apartemen Menggunakan BIM Revit Seplika Yadi; Effendi Yusuf; Bagus Soebandono
Jurnal TeKLA Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Vol. 5 No. 1 Juli 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35314/tekla.v5i1.3422


The volume of work and materials in construction is one of the important aspects that can affect the budget of a construction as well as the procurement of materials. Small mistakes and the lack of accuracy of an estimator and quantity surveyor can cause cost overruns in the budget of a construction so that a method is needed to minimize the human error. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one method that can be used to accurately represent materials and construction volumes where modeling utilizes digital modeling to support the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) process. Revit is a software that implements the BIM system. The advantages of Revit are that apart from having a variety of families and items to support 3D modelling, Revit can do material take-off up to a layer, making it possible to do quantity take off with materials that have many layers. Revit can also detect clash detection which can detect collisions between fields before construction begins, which is very helpful in the construction process.
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 12 No. 03 (2023): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, 2023 (June-August)
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58471/scientia.v12i03.1722


It is necessary to control the quality of the concrete, so that the concrete specification requirements plan is achieved. The results of quality control research on PT "X"s ready mix concrete products based on SNI 2874-2019 requirements in regarding structural concrete requirements for buildings and explanations, it's found that the concrete produced by PT”X” for the raft foundation casting work on project "Z" can be accepted and qualifies as concrete with a quality of 30 Mpa. Meanwhile, the uniformity analysis using the X and R control charts in the SQC method obtained an uncontrolled process with a process capability value of Cp = 0.601; Cpk = 0.577 <1 this indicates a low process capability, needs to be improved, this process produces many products that do not align to the center line and causing a deviation patterns on the X and R control charts. The deviation pattern indicates that the ready mix product of PT "X"s that used in Project "Z" raft foundation is not uniform, however, the overall concrete quality achieved the technical specification requirements.
Analisis Kelayakan Investasi pada Proyek Perumahan Sederhana Tipe 31/60 M2 Bagus Soebandono
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Syntax Corporation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i8.14079


The need for housing is increasing along with the rate of population growth. Simple livable housing is an option for low-income communities in accordance with the regional minimum wage. In making investments to make housing requires a feasibility analysis so that it can assess in accordance with the company's financial capabilities so that the company does not experience losses and make profits after investing large enough funds. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of investing in the MPR 2 Type 31/60 m2 simple housing development project in the Semarang Regency area which is viewed from a financial perspective using the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) methods. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded in terms of the feasibility of investing in the construction of subsidized houses type 31/60 in MPR 2 housing is feasible. This can be seen from the results of the analysis with the positive NPV method of Rp.127,933,335.12 > 1, the results of the analysis with the IRR method of 9.79% > 5% (MARR), the results of the analysis with the PP method, it shows that the period of return on investment occurs for 1 year 4 days, and the results of the analysis with the BCR method of 1.018 > 1.