Wahyudin Noe
Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraa, FKIP Universitas Khairun Ternate

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Merawat Mistisisme di Surakarta Novia Wahyu Wardhani; Erisandi Arditama; Wahyudin Noe; Sabar Narimo
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya Vol 23, No 1 (2021): (June)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jantro.v23.n1.p93-100.2021


Since the days of kingship-kingdoms in Indonesia, Java, especially Surakarta, has been attached to something mystical. This has to do with forces beyond human power. This behavior exists because that power can have a positive impact. Examples can perpetuate power, bring authority, attract fortune, and attract. But interestingly, at that time mystical behavior was hidden while in this modern and democratic era mysticism was packaged in a different form. This research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach that focuses on the peculiarities of mysticism in the city of Surakarta in 2019-2020. The data collected comes from the first observations made in Surakarta. Second, interviews with mystical actors. Third, documentation obtained from books, journals, and mass media explaining mysticism in Surakarta. The data validity uses the triangulate method, member check, prolonged time, peer debriefing. Data analysis using ethnographic analysis model. The result is that the people of Surakarta, especially government leaders and those with an interest in maintaining mysticism by making mystical traditions become cultural preservation, are legally regulated in policy, the implementation of traditional rituals is open so that people participate, and make irrational ones rational.
Realizing multiculturalism and social integration in Banuroja community Wahyudin Noe; Novia Wahyu Wardhani; Sitirahia Hi Umar; Rasid Yunus
Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan Vol 18, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jc.v18i1.37983


There have been many studies concerning Banuroja; however, there is always something novelty in creating a role model for village-based character education where the aim is to create a multicultural society into a multicultural community. This study examines community activities related to the national character values that embody multiculturalism and social integration in the Banuroja community. The method was qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data were obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation carried out during 2019-2020. The validity of the data used triangulation, member checks, prolonged time, and peer debriefing. While the data analysis technique used ethnographic data analysis, namely describing, analyzing, and interpreting. The result shows that the realization of multiculturalism and social integration in the Banuroja community is carried out using three ways of assimilation, tolerance in beliefs/religions, appreciating other ethnic/religious activities by attending, and mutual cooperation. Guidance is also carried out through national and religious activities in the community, advice from parents in the family, and civic education in the schools, exemplary by community leaders, including ethnic, religious, and youth leaders.
Membentuk Karakter Bangsa pada Masyarakat Multikultural Maluku Utara Wahyudin Noe; Sitirahia Hi Umar
Jurnal Geocivic Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Issue April
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/geocivic.v3i1.1912


The phenomenon of the nation's problems until now has not been resolved from various conflict events that smelled of ethnicity, religion, and race (SARA) because of the strong attitude of intolerance and sectoral egoism. This issue is important to be raised, bearing in mind the living conditions of the people of North Maluku with a high level of cultural diversity (multicultural), both the diversity of languages, ethnicities, ethnicities, and religions as examples in good living. Although it looks diverse, the activities of daily community life look safe and peaceful. Of course, diversity is seen as a social reality for people to know each other, respect and respect each other, and build better brotherhood without looking at different social backgrounds. Such living conditions must be jointly guarded by all components of the nation including government, community leaders (religious leaders, ethnic leaders, youth leaders, academics), and parents. The need for a high anticipatory attitude to prevent from various potential social conflicts. Therefore, this anticipatory form is carried out by strengthening the role of the three education environment sectors, namely: (1) formal education (in schools and colleges); (2) non-formal education (in the community); and (3) informal education (in the family and environment) to shape national character values such as tolerance, democratic values, and cooperation values in multicultural societies. The formation of national character values informal education can be held through the process of character learning in all subjects and the habituation process in the association of students in schools/colleges. While the formation of the nation's character in non-formal education can be through community activities organized by the community and the government such as workshops (training), upgrading and socialization, where the community activities can provide the understanding and build community awareness to further recognize the importance of values national character value. While the formation of the nation's character in informal education can be through guidance and exemplary parenting and community leaders. The three paths of the educational environment, have an important role to shape the character of the nation so they can build a multicultural life that is peaceful, harmonious, and harmonious.
Penguatan Nilai Entrepreneurship Dalam Membentuk Karakter Mandiri Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Deskriptif Pada Mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Khairun) Sitirahia Hi. Umar; Wahyudin Noe
Jurnal Rontal Keilmuan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tingi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) PGRI Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29100/a


The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the country is a serious concern for the government in raising the economy of the community, including students. One of the efforts made by the government is by holding the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Program (PKMI) as a form of implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) policy. The purpose of the program is to provide broad opportunities for students to be involved in entrepreneurial activities so that they hope to form an independent character. However, this is not appreciated because of the low interest of students to be involved in entrepreneurial activities as happened to the students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University. This problem must be a joint concern of the educators/lecturers and the leadership of the Khairun University higher education institution. In general, this study aims to obtain descriptive information about the extent to which the internalization of entrepreneurship values in the formation of independent character of Khairun University FKIP students. This research approach is qualitative by using descriptive study method. The results illustrate that: 1) Khairun University FKIP students' understanding of entrepreneurship in general is relatively low 2) the process of internalizing the value of entrepreneurship in the formation of students' independent character is carried out through various educational channels 3) supporting factors in internalizing the value of entrepreneurship to students.
Penerapan Model Blended Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Untuk Membentuk Karakter Wirausaha Sitirahia Hi. Umar; Wahyudin Noe
Civic Education: Media Kajian Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Desember 2022, Jurnal Civic Education: Media Kajian Pancasila dan Kewarganegara
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.308 KB) | DOI: 10.53682/jce.v6i2.5489


Entrepreneurship education through learning Civics Education can foster the entrepreneurial character of students from an early age. In general, this research aims to obtain descriptive information regarding the application of the blended learning model in Civics learning to build the entrepreneurial character of students at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Ternate. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results illustrate that the application of the blended learning model in Civics learning at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Ternate can build the entrepreneurial character of students because: 1) availability of Information and Technology (IT) facilities in the classroom (such as projectors, laptops and smartphones) that are sufficient to support blended learning in an interesting, creative and innovative way; 2) the application of the blended learning model in Civics learning can optimize the formation of mindsets, explore interests and talents, and learner independence in entrepreneurship. In the future, this research can be further developed by creating an entrepreneurship learning model based on local wisdom so that it is able to develop students' entrepreneurial character well.
Strengthening Banuroja Multicultural Social Integration from Social Conflict Threats Socio-Cultural Ethnographic Study in Gorontalo Wahyudin Noe; Epin Saepudin; Irwan Efendy; Irwan Djumat
Jurnal Civicus Vol 22, No 2 (2022): JURNAL CIVICUS, DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v22i2.51800


This research was motivated by the researcher’s anxiety about the nation’s problems that seem to never end from social conflicts related to ethnicity and religion, because of the attitude of sectoral egoism and intolerance towards diversity. The people of Banuroja are very aware of the impact of risks if social conflict befalls their citizens. This can happen due to a lack of understanding in accepting diversity as a necessity. Their critical readiness has been built very strongly, where seeing diversity is not a threat to people's lives. Therefore, it is important to strengthen social integration in multicultural societies as practiced by the Banuroja community. This study aims to describe the efforts of the Banuroja multicultural community in strengthening social integration in order to avoid the threat of conflict in their communities. This research used a qualitative approach with ethnographic study methods. The results showed that strengthening social integration in the multicultural society of Banuroja was carried out through (1) Strengthening tolerance in the midst of community diversity; 2) Prevent the emergence of sectoral egoism and foster an attitude of solidarity; and 3) Strengthening the role of community leaders as unifier from the threat of social conflict.
KONTROL SOSIAL MASYARAKAT DALAM UPAYA MENGATASI KENAKALAN REMAJA PUTUS SEKOLAH (Studi Kasus di Desa Tanjung Una, Kec. Taliabu Utara, Kab. Pulau Taliabu) Taufik Boda; Wahyudin Noe; Nani Rajaloa
Jurnal GeoCivic Vol 7, No 1 (2024): EDISI APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/geocivic.v7i1.8102


This research is based on a phenomenon of juvenile delinquency dropping out of school in Tanjung Una village, North Taliabu District, which is increasingly widespread, such as cheating, drunkenness and livestock theft which has disturbed the residents. Therefore, it is important to explore the role of the community in the village in exercising social control over juvenile delinquency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results illustrate that the role of the community in dealing with delinquency among out-of-school teenagers in Tanjung Una village is carried out in several ways, namely: 1) reprimanding teenagers who race motorbikes and get drunk, 2) approach and give advice to out-of-school teenagers to return to school, and 3 ) resolve juvenile delinquency through deliberation involving the perpetrator, parents and the village government, but if it involves unlawful acts (for example: stealing people's livestock) then it is handled directly by the village government in the form of strict sanctions/punishments. The obstacles faced by the community in dealing with delinquency among teenagers who have dropped out of school consist of 2 (two) factors, namely internal factors such as individual teenagers who find it difficult to accept advice from parents or residents and external factors originating from the family environment which pays little attention to children's relationships, love and affection. affection, as well as disharmonious family life.