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The Improvement of Accreditation through Evaluation on Management Standards in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sukmawati Sukmawati; Yusak Ujang; Soeharto Soeharto
Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) Volume 5 Number 1 April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (983.055 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/est.v5i1.9260


This research was a descriptive study and conducted at MTs Al-Anwar. The research process is carried out in several stages, namely: the preliminary stage, pre-field, fieldwork, research, analysis of data collected findings, data presentation, and research reports. Data collection techniques are interviews and observation with a tool to collect data on observation and documentation format. The results are obtained 1) The gap between expectations and reality on management standards; 2) Obstacles encountered in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Anwar in implementing management standards, namely (a) The budget is not enough to carry out activities (RKAS) because the costs incurred are not in accordance with the plan; (b) There is no community assistance other than committee funds; (c) The number of education levels in one location has resulted in the development of madrasah tsanawiyah being hampered; (d) Adjacent to the Madrasah Tsanawiyah there are several schools around the place; 3) Efforts made by Madrasah to overcome obstacles through 1) Carry out activities in accordance with available funds; 2) The principle of openness to financial conditions to committees and teachers and staff; 3) There is BOS assistance and participating in the DNDMFN BOS, so that it can complement the needs of madrasah.
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Communication on Employees’ Work Satisfaction at Education and Culture Office in West Kalimantan Erna Oktafiani; M. Chiar; Sukmawati Sukmawati
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Volume 4 Number 1 March 2019
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.033 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v4i1.981


The process of reorganization of the application of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the moratorium of civil servants and the limited quota of participants on attending education and training leads to two factors of job satisfaction, namely organization, and management. This study aims to (1) determine the influence of leadership emotional intelligence with job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province; (2) To determine the effect of interpersonal communication with job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province; (3) To determine the influence of leadership emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication on job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province. The results obtained from this study are the emotional intelligence of leaders significantly influence the job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province, which means that the better the emotional intelligence of their leaders, the higher the job satisfaction of employees of the West Kalimantan Provincial Education and Culture Office. Second, interpersonal communication has a significant effect on the job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province, which means that the better interpersonal communication that exists between employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province, the higher the job satisfaction of employees. Third, leadership emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication together have a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province. It means that the better the emotional intelligence of leaders and interpersonal communication that exists between employees of the Department of Education and Culture of West Kalimantan Province, the higher the job satisfaction of the employees.
The Effect of The Principal's Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation Toward Service Quality to Teachers of Private Islamic Junior High School (MTs) in Pontianak Diana Fitriyah; Sukmawati Sukmawati; M. Chiar
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Volume 4 Number 1 March 2019
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.747 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v4i1.986


The problems that occur in the madrasahh are caused by the lack of quality of service in which the madrasahh principal leadership in Pontianak is not supported and the work motivation of teachers in improving education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership and work motivation of madrasahhh principals on the quality of service for private MTs in Pontianak. This study uses a quantitative approach and a type of descriptive research. The sample in this study were 70 teachers selected based on the sample random sampling technique. Data collection research was conducted by questionnaire and documentation. The results obtained from this study are that there is a significant effect between transformational principals' leadership and work motivation on service quality to Pontianak MTs teachers.
The Evaluation of Coramil Model Program in KODIM (District Military Command) 1207/BS at Pontianak City Edy Kuswanto; M. Chiar; Sukmawati Sukmawati
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Volume 4 Number 1 March 2019
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.905 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v4i1.980


The Koramil Model program that is formed at this time, especially those in the Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak ranks has not yet described the expected results in accordance with the objectives of the establishment of the Koramil Model. This study aims to improve the quality of Apkowil through an evaluation of the Koramil Model program at Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak. This type of research is evaluative research. The program evaluation procedure for the Koramil Model in Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak in this study uses evaluation of the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). The results of this study indicate that (1) the results of the context evaluation of the Koramil Model program at Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak containing program planning fall into less criteria; (2) the results of the evaluation of inputs (input) of the Koramil Model Program in Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak are included in the criteria of very few; (3) the results of the evaluation of the Koramil Model program implementation process at the Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak included in the criteria were not appropriate; (4) the results of the evaluation of the Koramil Model program at the Kodim 1207/BS Pontianak included in the criteria of lacking.
Evaluasi Program Sekolah Penggerak Menggunakan Model Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) di SMA Negeri 5 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya Rudi Maryati; Sukmawati Sukmawati; Usman Radiana
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i5.4852


Penelitian yang dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya bertujuan untuk menilai pelaksanaan program sekolah mengemudi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini melibatkan tujuh subjek: kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum, seorang guru yang juga mengawasi sarana dan prasarana, staf administrasi, siswa laki-laki dan perempuan, dan anggota komite sekolah. Temuan-temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa program ini sejalan dengan visi dan misi sekolah, memenuhi persyaratan masukan, menunjukkan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dalam prosesnya, dan secara positif mempengaruhi pola pikir guru, kepatuhan kurikulum, kebiasaan siswa, dan hasil pembelajaran yang berbeda dalam aspek produk. Secara keseluruhan, Program Sekolah Mobilisasi di SMA Negeri 5 Sungai Raya secara efektif sesuai dengan tujuan sekolah, memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi siswa, pendidik, dan administrator, sehingga memerlukan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan. Implikasi yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini mencakup penyesuaian kontekstual yang menyelaraskan visi sekolah dengan program implementasi. Dari segi masukan, ada fokus pada pengorganisasian sumber daya untuk mendukung visi tersebut. Dalam aspek proses, ada penekanan pada pelaksanaan program yang komprehensif. Dari segi produk, terdapat diversifikasi produk pembelajaran, peningkatan kompetensi guru dan kepala sekolah, serta potensi dampak positif terhadap sekolah tetangga.