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Kinerja Mesin Pellet dalam Produksi Pakan Ayam Pedaging Fase Finisher Ichlasul Amal; Jamila Jamila; Jasmal A. Syamsu
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 7, No 3 (2020): JITRO, September
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.996 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v7i3.13492


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas kinerja mesin dalam produksi pakan pellet ayam pedaging fase finisher dengan berbagai bahan perekat. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan penambahan bahan perekat yaitu P0 = tanpa menggunakan bahan perekat, P1 = penambahan molases 2%, P2 = penambahan tepung tapioka 2%, P3 = penambahan bentonit 2%. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian adalah kinerja teoritis dan kinerja aktual mesin pellet, ukuran diameter dan panjang pellet, serta kualitas organoleptik pellet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan berbagai bahan perekat tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0.05) terhadap kinerja teoritis mesin pellet, kinerja aktual mesin pellet, serta ukuran diameter dan panjang pellet. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik pellet dengan kriteria tekstur, warna, serta bau menunjukkan bahwa lebih 50% panelis memberi penilaian kategori baik pada kriteria tersebut pada pellet yang diberi bahan perekat. namun, perlakuan tanpa bahan perekat sebanyak 41,67% panelis menyatakan teskstur pellet dengan kategori jelek. Disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan berbagai bahan perekat tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja mesin pellet, dan ukuran partikel pellet, untuk uji organoleptik menunjukkan lebih 50% panelis menyatakan kategori baik pada kriteria tekstur, warna serta bau, sedangkan tanpa bahan perekat persentase tertinggi panelis menyatakan teskstur pellet dengan kategori jelek.Kata kunci: bahan perekat, kinerja mesin, kualitas fisik, organoleptik pelletABSTRACTThis research aims to determine performance capacity of the machine in production of finisher phase broiler pellet feed with various binders. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) consist of 4 treatments with 4 replications. The treatment of adding binders are P0 = without using binders, P1 = addition 2% molasses, P2 = addition 2% tapioca flour, P3 = addition 2% bentonite. The parameters measured in the research were the theoretical performance and actual performance of the pellet machine, the diameter and length of the pellet, as well as the organoloptic quality of pellet. The results showed the addition of a variety of binders no significant effect (P>0.05) against the theoretical performance of pellet machines, the actual performance of pellet machines, as well as the size of diameter and length of pellets. Based on organoleptic test pellets with texture, color, and smell criteria showed that more than 50% of panelists gave a category rating on the criteria on pellets that were given binders. On the other hand, treatment without adhesives as much as 41,67% of panelists stated that the texture of pellets was in the bad category. It can be concluded that the addition of various binders has no effect on the performance of the machine, and the size of the pellet particles. For the organoleptic test, it showed that more than 50% of panelists stated good categories in the criteria of texture, color and smell, while without adhesive, the highest percentage of panelists stated that the pellet texture was in the bad category.Keywords: binder, machine performance, physical quality, organoleptic pellet
Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) Vol 1, No 3 (2012): Intelligent System dan Application
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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Pada proses produksi perusahaan manufaktur, subkontrak merupakan salah satu bagian yang ikut berperan mengatasi permasalahan produksi. PT. Adi Satria Abadi (ASA) yang berlokasi di Yogyakarta adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi sarung tangan golf dan seluruh hasil produksi di ekspor ke luar negeri. Untuk memenuhi target produksi, PT. ASA bekerjasama dengan beberapa subkontrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam memilih subkontrak terbaik. Selama ini, yang menjadi kriteria pemilihan subkontrak adalah kualitas hasil produksi sampel sarung tangan. Hasil observasi, wawancara dan diskusi dengan pihak perusahaan, diusulkan untuk mempertimbangkan kriteria lain dalam penilaian subkontrak, sehingga kriteria pemilihan subkontrak menjadi 4 yang terdiri dari kualitas, ketepatan waktu, service dan harga. Sedangkan metode penentuan bobot kriteria, diberikan dengan 3 cara yaitu (1) bobot awal yang diberikan perusahaan, (2) bobot entropy, dan (3) menggabungkan bobot awal dengan bobot entropy yang menghasilkan bobot entropy akhir. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil seleksi produksi sampel sarung tangan yang dihasilkan subkontrak berdasarkan style sarung tangan yang dipesan oleh buyer. Perangkingan subkontrak menggunakan Multi Atribute Decision Making (MADM), salah satu metodenya adalah TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Hasil penelitian, terbentuknya sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan subkontrak yang dapat menghasilkan subkontrak terbaik, sedangkan kriteria dan bobot dapat disesuaikan dengan kepentingan perusahaan. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan ketiga cara penetapan bobot kriteria mempengaruhi nilai akhir dan hasil perangkingan. Bobot entropy akhir dapat dijadikan pilihan model untuk menentukan bobot kriteria pemilihan karena selain menghasilkan bobot kriteria berdasarkan karakteristik data sekaligus dapat mengakomodasi preferensi subyektif dari pengambil keputusan.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol 13, No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMU KEPERAWATAN DAN KEBIDANAN
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26751/jikk.v13i1.1276


AbstrakPenurunan tinggi fundus uteri (Involusi) pada masa nifas  merupakan proses kembalinya uterus seperti sebelum hamil. Faktor yang mempercepat involusio uteri seperti mobilisasi dini dan senam nifas. Di PMB Muara Enim telah di galakkan senam nifas dan mobilisasi dini secara bersamaan, namun belum dilihat efektivitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam nifas dan mobilisasi dini dengan involusi uterus pada ibu post partum di PMB kelurahan Muara Enim Kabupaten Muara Enim tahun 2020.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasyeksperiment dengan desain pretest posttest with control group design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei – Oktober 2021 di PMB kelurahan Muara Enim Kabupaten Muara Enim tahun 2020. Subjek penelitian ini adalah ibu nifas normal di PMB yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi serta bersedia menjadi responden dengan menanda tangani lembar persetujuan setelah diberikan inform concent. Besar sampel yaitu 60 orang yang dibagi menjadi kelompok intervensi dan kontrol masing-masing 30 orang. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda tidak berpasangan.Hasil penelitian didapatkan, Pada kelompok intervensi lebih banyak yaitu -6,01±1,25 cm dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yaitu -7,87±1,36. Adanya perbedaan secara signifikan menunjukkan  bahwa ada Pengaruh senam nifas dan mobilisasi dini terhadap involusi uterus pada ibu post partum di PMB Kelurahan kota Muara Enim  (ρ<0,000). Disarankan bagi ibu nifas untuk melaksanakan mobilisasi dini dan senam nifas untuk mempercepat proses involusio uteri.Kata Kunci:involusio uteri,mobilisasi dini,senam nifas AbstractThe decrease in uterine fundal height (involution) during the puerperium is a process of the return of the uterus as before pregnancy. Factors that accelerate uterine involution such as early mobilization and postpartum gymnastics. At PMB Muara Enim, puerperal gymnastics and early mobilization have been promoted simultaneously, but their effectiveness has not been seen. This study aims to determine the effect of postpartum gymnastics and early mobilization with uterine involution in post partum mothers in PMB, Muara Enim sub-district, Muara Enim Regency in 2020. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a pretest posttest design with a control group design. This research was conducted in May – October 2021 at PMB, Muara Enim sub-district, Muara Enim Regency in 2020. The subjects of this study were normal postpartum mothers in PMB who met the inclusion criteria and were willing to become respondents by signing the consent form after being given informed consent. The sample size is 60 people who are divided into intervention and control groups of 30 people each. Data analysis used unpaired difference test. The results obtained, the intervention group was more -6.01±1.25 cm compared to the control group which was -7.87±1.36. The existence of a significant difference indicates that there is an effect of postpartum exercise and early mobilization on uterine involution in post partum mothers in PMB, Muara Enim urban village (ρ<0.000). It is recommended for postpartum mothers to carry out early mobilization and postpartum exercises to accelerate the process of uterine involutionKeywords:early mobilization, postpartum exercise, uterine involution 
Berkala Penelitian Teknologi Kulit, Sepatu, dan Produk Kulit Vol 14 No 2 (2015): Berkala Penelitian Teknologi Kulit, Sepatu, dan Produk Kulit
Publisher : Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

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Very hard competition in industrial world forces each industry to focus on product quality. Quality control play important role. In other side product quality is not only limited on one quality characteristic but on some characteristics that need special method in controlling. The research applied quality control method of P multivariate control chart in PT Forta La Rese a producer of safety shoe and was done in lasting process. In lasting process section, of 15 defect types, there were only 7 defect types that were consistent and often occur. So, this quality control used the seven defect types consisting of wrinkled, incline lasting, rough assembly, rough smoothing, torn leather, crack, and defect leather. Production process of safety shoe in PT Forta La Rese in lasting process indicated statistically uncontrolled results. It was due to four observations (5, 8, 13, and 21) that were above upper control limit. Based on analysis there were 6 defect types as dominant cause of entire defect proportion above upper control limit consisting of defect leather, wrinkled, torn leather incline lasting, rough assembly and crack. Causes of the defects are low quality of leather material and operator error in leather checking process, assembly and lasting process.
Berkala Penelitian Teknologi Kulit, Sepatu, dan Produk Kulit Vol 12 No 1 (2013): Berkala Penelitian Teknologi Kulit, Sepatu, dan Produk Kulit
Publisher : Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

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Akademi Teknologi Kulit has website ( The result of the recapitulation on the short message page, the guest book, and email shows that mostly the website visitors search he information about the new college student acceptance (PMB). The result of the recapitulation also shows that sometimes the information seeker still has the difficulty on finding the page link and asks the same question about the PMB information. Besides, the result of the report of the PMB activity in 2013 shows there are two highest information sources the new college student candidate gets, which are 45.96% from school presentation and 34.41% from ATK website. Based on that fact, there should be any analysis using cause effect diagram (fishbone) on the existence of ATK website to see the problem factors on the promotion activity and the analysis of PIECES (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficient and Services) to compare the conventional promotion system to the online one (website). According to that analysis, there should be any addition on a separate page to particularly show the PMB information to help the promotion and publication of Akademi Teknologi Kulit specially on the recruitment of the new college student candidate and the easy way to do the online register. The research produces one website for the PMB information of ATK ( that can be accessed from the new college student link.
The Development of Digital Teaching Module Using Flipbook Software Non Test Psychology Assessment M Fauzi Hasibuan; Jamila Jamila; Elisa Fitri Tanjung
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i2.6778


This study aims to develop a digital-based non-test psychological assessment course teaching module, using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker software, which can display various features, such as audio, images, and videos. This software helps students understand clearly the illustration of the module content. This research method used the development research, with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) as a reference. The research data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and non-parametric statistical analysis. The findings show that the digital module in the non-test GC psychological assessment course at this university can be used by lecturers to assist lecturers in providing interesting learning to students in higher education.