Eti Indarti
Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam – Banda Aceh

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Journal : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri

KARAKTERISTIK LEMAK KAKAO HASIL EKSTRAKSI MENGGUNAKAN BANTUAN ULTRASONIK (Characterization of Cacao Fat Extracted by Ultrasonic Assisted) Supardan, M Dani; Hasnidar, Hasnidar; Indarti, Eti
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 25, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik lemak kakao yangdihasilkan dengan metode ekstraksi pelarut menggunakan bantuan ultrasonik. Lemakkakao diperoleh dari hasil ekstraksi biji kakao yang berasal dari perkebunan rakyat diKecamatan Langkahan Kabupaten Aceh Utara yang telah mengalami perlakuan awaldengan cara fermentasi dan pengeringan. Pada penelitian ini, proses ekstraksi dilakukandengan pelarut n-heksan. Karakteristik lemak kakao hasil ekstraksi menggunakan bantuanultrasonik adalah asam lemak bebas berkisar antara 0,83–0,90%; bilangan penyabunanberkisar antara 193,56–195,16 mg KOH/gram lemak; bilangan iod 33,93 gram/100 gram;titik leleh awal 33,27oC dan titik leleh akhir 35,28oC serta indeks bias 1,457. Hasil-hasilanalisis ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar parameter uji sudah memenuhi syaratmutu lemak kakao sesuai Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI) No. 01-3748-1995. Uji solidfat content pada suhu 40oC menunjukkan lemak kakao yang mencair sekitar 96,32% yangberarti sebanyak 3,68% masih merupakan padatan. Disamping itu, hasil analisis gaskromatografi menunjukkan kandungan asam lemak tertinggi dan terendah dalam lemakkakao masing-masing adalah asam stearat dan asam arasidat.
PERBAIKAN PROSES PEMISAHAN PENGOTOR PADATAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS GULA MERAH TEBU RAKYAT DI ACEH TENGAH (Modification of Solid Impurities Removal Process to Improve Brown Cane Sugar Quality Traditionally Produced in Aceh Tengah) Marwan, Marwan; Indarti, Eti; Abubakar, Yusya; Arpi, Normalina
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 27, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

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Brown cane sugar is traditionally produced by small enterprises at DesaBlang Mancung (Ketol District, Aceh Tengah Regency), one of them is Sara Ate Enterpriserun by a group of local young men since 2010. The product is purchased by food industriesin Medan and used as ingredients. However, its price was rather low around Rp. 5000,-per kilogram due to high content solid impurities. In this work, we introduced an improveddesign of solid separation equiment to remove un-dissolved content of the brown canesugar juice. A two stage stainless steel screen was applied to filter solids from the juice.The screen also separated entrained bagasse. The filtrate was then flowed to a settler thatallows further separation of solids such as sand or clay. To minimize possibility ofimpurities entrainment during cooking process, the furnace was also modified by usingconcrete construction. As the result, much better brown cane sugar was produced withmuch lower solid impurities (2.2% w/w) and brighter appearance, thus complying grade IISNI 01-6237-2000 .