Ahmad Furqon
Departemen Ilmu Peternakan, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya Jln Veteran Malang, Jawa Timur 65145

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Identifikasi Tingkahlaku Reproduksi dan Karakteristik Telur Ayam Hutan Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Sumberdaya Genetik di Merauke Nurcholis Nurcholis; Ahmad Furqon; Ayu Lestari; Yamin Yaddi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 8, No 2 (2021): JITRO, Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.605 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v8i2.16303


ABSTRAK Plasma nutfah di Merauke perlu di lesatrikan sebagai sumber daya genetik salah satunya adalah ayam hutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai informasi awal tentang habitat, proses reproduksi, karakteristik telur, hingga proses penetasan. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive, penelitian menggunakan metode survey, dan pengamatan secara langsung. Data di analisis secara deskriptif dan rerata menggunakan standar deviasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa habitat alami ayam mulai di tiga wilayah secara umum diareal “deek” hutan sedang hingga lebat. Sarang ayam hutan terbuat dari daun kering, ranting serta dibuat diantara tumpukan kayu lapuk ataupun pada kayu yang masih hidup diatas tanah. Rata-rata diameter sarang mencapai 53-61 cm dengan ketinggian mencapai rata-rata 163-174 cm. Ayam hutan betina mampu bertelur antara 4-5 butir per ekor, rata-rata berat telur ayam hutan mencapai 67- 69 gr dengan warna dominan adalah coklat muda serta bentuk telur oval.  Karakteristik fenotipik warna bulu ayam hutan adalah berwarna coklat dan hitam, sedikit berjambul dibagian kepala.  Habitat ayam hutan di tiga wilayah mulai terganggu, yang berdampak pada tingkahlaku mencari pakan, reproduksi hingga produksi telur ayam hutan. Namun demikian potensi sumber genetik ini perlu dilestarikan di kabupaten merauke.Kata Kunci: tingkahlaku, reproduksi, telur, ayam hutan Identification of Reproductive Behavior and Characteristics a Partridge as an Effort to Preserve Genetic Resources in MeraukeABSTRACT Plasmanutfah needs to be located as a genetic resource, one of which is partridge. The purpose of this research is as initial information about habitat, reproductive process, egg characteristics, and hatching process. The research location was chosen purposively, the study used survey methods and direct observation. Data were analyzed descriptively and averaged using standard deviation. The results showed that the natural habitat of the chickens was starting to be disturbed, the habitat of the forest fowl in the three areas was generally in the middle of the dense forest “deek” area. Forest chicken nests are made of dry leaves, twigs and made between piles of weathered wood or wood that is still alive on the ground. The average nest diameter reaches 53-61 cm with an average height of 163-174 cm. Female jungle fowl can lay between 4-5 eggs per head, the average egg weight of partridge reaches 67-69 grams with the dominant color being light brown and oval egg shape. The phenotypic characteristics of the color of the jungle fowl are brown and black, with a slight crust on the head. The habitat of partridge in these three areas has begun to be disturbed, resulting in the foraging behavior, reproduction, and production of partridge eggs. Therefore, the potential of this genetic source needs to be preserved in Merauke Regency.Keywords: behavior, reproduction, eggs, partridge