Indriati Indriati
Universitas PGRI Semarang

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AKSIOMA Vol 6, No 1/Maret (2015): AKSIOMA
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Semarang

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Mata kuliah sistem basis data terdiri atas teori dan praktek. Jadi, mahasiswa harus menguasai teori dulu sebelum mereka berparaktek. Teori ini diperoleh mahasiswa dari kuliah dilengkapi buku/diktat sistem basis data tentang pemrograman Borland Delphi. Di dalam program Borlnd Delphi itu terdapat petunjuk pengoperasian berbahasa Inggris. Jadi, untuk bisa mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi, mahasiswa harus bisa memahami petunjuk berbahasa Inggris itu. Dengan memahami petunjuk itu diharapkan mahasiswa bisa berpraktek mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi untuk bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang printout-nya berupa listing kode program (teks) dan gambar komponen program. Untuk sampai kepada keterampilan itu, mahasiswa perlu berlatih. Masalahnya ialah variabel mana yang lebih signifikan menentukan keterampilan mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi, kemampuan memahami petunjuk berbahasa Inggris dalam program Borland Delphi tentang pengoperasian Program Borland Delphi atau keseringan berlatih. Untuk memecahkan masalah itu dilakukan penelitian ex post facto di Universitas PGRI Semarang, khususnya mahasiswa jurusan S1 Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas PMIPATI semester 3 yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah sistem basis data. Mereka terdapat 2 kelas, setiap kelas rata-rata 21 orang mahasiswa. Untuk sasaran penelitian ini diambil 16 orang setiap kelasnya, sehingga jumlah mereka 32 orang. Dalam penelitian ini ada 3 jenis data, yaitu: (1) data tentang kemampuan memahami petunjuk operasional berbahasa Inggris yang ada dalam program Borland Delphi, (2) data tentang keseringan berlatih, dan (3) data tentang kemampuan mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi. Data tentang kemampuan mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi dan data kemampuan memahami petunjuk operasional berbahasa Inggris dalam program Borland Delphi diperoleh dengan tes, sedangkan data tentang keseringan berlatih diperoleh dengan kuesioner. Hasil uji lanjut, uji keberartian koefisien korelasi parsial, diketahui bahwa kemampuan memahami petunjuk operasional berbahasa Inggris dalam program Borland Delphi mempunyai peranan yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi. Hal itu terbukti dari hasil uji lanjut bahwa t1=5,385>tsig.5%=2,04. Sebabnya ialah mahasiswa telah mempelajari buku/diktat mata kuliah sistem basis data berbahasa Indonesia tentang pemrograman Borland Delphi serta tetap memperhatikan petunjuk pengoperasian program Borland Delphi yang berbahasa Inggris, mereka bisa mengoperasikannya. Sebaliknya keseringan berlatih tidak memberikan peranan signifikan terhadap kemampuan mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil uji lanjut bahwa t2=-0,029<tsig.5%=2,04. Ini berarti bahwa semakin tidak banyak berlatih, semakin tidak terampil mengoperasikan program Borland Delphi dan kurang memahami petunjuk berbahasa Inggris yang ada dalam program Borland Delphi. Kata Kunci: Peranan, Pemahaman, Berlatih, Kemampuan, Program Borland Delphi
LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Vol 7, No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Teaching and Education, University of Wiraraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.961 KB) | DOI: 10.24929/lensa.v7i2.26


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (a) untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa Kelas IX SMPN 1 Dasuk Kabupaten Sumenep setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran berpendekatan kontekstual dengan menggunakan media benda konkrit untuk pelajaran IPA pada pokok bahasan Wujud Benda (Padat, Cair dan Gas) Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian ini berawal dari permasalahan di lapangan, kemudian dievaluasi, dan dianalisis menurut teori-teori penunjang untuk kemudian dilakukan tindakan di lapangan. Hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pada awal siklus pertama, Hasil Nilai Siswa Pada Pelaksanaan Siklus I (Minggu Ke-1) Rata-Rata Nilai 61,25 siswa kurang antusias terhadap metode ceramah yang digunakan guru dalam penyampaian materi. Ketika guru mulai menyajikan contoh-contoh yang berkaitan dengan dunia nyata mereka mulai antusias terlihat bahwa Hasil Nilai Siswa Pada Pelaksanaan Siklus I (Minggu Ke-2) Rata-Rata Nilai 69,17. Namun contoh-contoh yang disajikan guru kurang variatif sehingga hasil yang dicapai kurang maksimal sedangkan pada siklus kedua guru mulai menyajikan contoh-contoh secara lebih variatif terlihat bahwa Hasil Nilai Siswa Pada Pelaksanaan Siklus II (Minggu Ke-3) Rata-Rata Nilai 76,25. Ketika guru juga tidak lagi menggunakan metode ceramah melainkan memandu siswa untuk melakukan praktek tentang Wujud Benda (Padat, Cair dan Gas) Semester I yang terjadi, mengamati dan menyimpulkan. Kemudian siswa diberi tes untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi terlihat bahwa Hasil Nilai Siswa Pada Pelaksanaan Siklus II (Minggu Ke-4) Rata-Rata Nilai 85,42. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran berpendekatan kontekstual dengan menggunakan media benda konkrit untuk pelajaran IPA pada pokok bahasan Wujud Benda (Padat, Cair dan Gas) Semester I pada siswa Kelas IX SMPN 1 Dasuk Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018.
Role of Nurse as Care Giver and Advocator In The Ward, Era National Health Insurance (NHI) Program Indriati, Indriati; Hartoyo, Mugi; Dwiningsih, Sri Utami
Journal Of Nursing Practice Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Journal Of Nursing Practice
Publisher : STIKes Surya Mitra Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jnp.v2i1.36


Background: There are many National Health Insurance (NHI) participants who do not yet understand the mechanism of NHI services, including clients who are hospitalized.  The phenomena that exist on the field, that the client will enlist the help of health professionals who are always in the ward, especially nurses, to provide information on all matters, including NHI. On the other hand, nurses have a major role in caring for clients, based on their duties and functions. Purpose : This study aims to determine if there is expansion of the role of nurses  as care giver and advokator   in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Methods : This research is a descriptive study of the role of nurses as care giver and advokator in inpatient era NHI program, employing triangulation method. Respondents were 64 inpatient clients registered as NHI participants in the Hospital Semarang assigned by proportional simple random sampling, and four nurses. Result : The results showed that there are expanding the role of nurses as care giver and advocator in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Conclusion : With the implementation of NHI program, the roles of nurses as care giver and advokator has expanded in the inpatient unit. BPJS/NHI parties need to disseminate information relating to NHI to nurses, as well as the need to be given compensatory reward for nurses
Role of Nurse as Care Giver and Advocator In The Ward, Era National Health Insurance (NHI) Program Indriati, Indriati; Hartoyo, Mugi; Dwiningsih, Sri Utami
Journal Of Nursing Practice Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Journal Of Nursing Practice
Publisher : STIKes Surya Mitra Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jnp.v2i1.36


Background: There are many National Health Insurance (NHI) participants who do not yet understand the mechanism of NHI services, including clients who are hospitalized.  The phenomena that exist on the field, that the client will enlist the help of health professionals who are always in the ward, especially nurses, to provide information on all matters, including NHI. On the other hand, nurses have a major role in caring for clients, based on their duties and functions. Purpose : This study aims to determine if there is expansion of the role of nurses  as care giver and advokator   in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Methods : This research is a descriptive study of the role of nurses as care giver and advokator in inpatient era NHI program, employing triangulation method. Respondents were 64 inpatient clients registered as NHI participants in the Hospital Semarang assigned by proportional simple random sampling, and four nurses. Result : The results showed that there are expanding the role of nurses as care giver and advocator in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Conclusion : With the implementation of NHI program, the roles of nurses as care giver and advokator has expanded in the inpatient unit. BPJS/NHI parties need to disseminate information relating to NHI to nurses, as well as the need to be given compensatory reward for nurses
Role of Nurse as Care Giver and Advocator In The Ward, Era National Health Insurance (NHI) Program Indriati, Indriati; Hartoyo, Mugi; Dwiningsih, Sri Utami
Journal Of Nursing Practice Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Journal Of Nursing Practice
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (632.566 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jnp.v2i1.36


Background: There are many National Health Insurance (NHI) participants who do not yet understand the mechanism of NHI services, including clients who are hospitalized. The phenomena that exist on the field, that the client will enlist the help of health professionals who are always in the ward, especially nurses, to provide information on all matters, including NHI. On the other hand, nurses have a major role in caring for clients, based on their duties and functions. Purpose : This study aims to determine if there is expansion of the role of nurses as care giver and advokator in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Methods : This research is a descriptive study of the role of nurses as care giver and advokator in inpatient era NHI program, employing triangulation method. Respondents were 64 inpatient clients registered as NHI participants in the Hospital Semarang assigned by proportional simple random sampling, and four nurses. Result : The results showed that there are expanding the role of nurses as care giver and advocator in the inpatient unit, era NHI program. Conclusion : With the implementation of NHI program, the roles of nurses as care giver and advokator has expanded in the inpatient unit. BPJS/NHI parties need to disseminate information relating to NHI to nurses, as well as the need to be given compensatory reward for nurses
The Effectiveness of Health Promotion in Reducing of Skabies In The Islamic Boarding School Indriati, Indriati; Setyowati, Tutik; Abidin, M. Zainal
Journal Of Nursing Practice Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Journal Of Nursing Practice
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.946 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jnp.v3i1.60


Background: The results of interviews with the School Health Unit in 3 Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Blora City District showed that 75% -90% of santri had been exposed to scabies.Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of health promotion in reducing the incidence of scabies.Methods: Interventions in the form of health promotion (counseling, and community development). Independent health promotion variables, the dependent variable is the incidence of scabies, the variable between knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The research design is quasi-experimental one group (pretest-posttest). Place of research for Islamic boarding schools in Blora City District. The research population of the santri was a sample of students in grades 8 and 9. Proportional random sampling sampling technique. The intervention is carried out on August, 26, 2018 until October, 23, 2018.Result: Mean knowledge, attitude, and behavior before intervention 69.76; 69.86; 54.65. After intervention 87,18; 88.06; 63.35. P Value of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior = 0.00; meaning that there are differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors before and after the intervention. Before the intervention students were exposed to 128 scabies (75.29%) and after intervention 5 people (2.94%). There is a difference in the proportion of scabies before and after the intervention with P Value = 0.00.Conclusion: Health promotion is effective in reducing the incidence of scabies in Islamic boarding schools in Blora City