Yufi Wiyos Rini Masykuroh
UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2016): Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.238 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijpmi.v9i2.948


Based on the Constitutional Court Number 46 /PUU-VII / 2010, the civil relationship between childwith his father and his father's family based on theirblood relationship between the child and his fatherand mother, although the both do not have themarriage bound. The imperfections of maritalrelationship between the father and mother did notabolish their blood relationship and civil relationshipbetween a child and his biological father as a civilrelationship between a child and his biologicalmother. To find the right meaning of the phrase“civil relations children nonwedlock with a man ashis father” in the Constitutional Court decision No.46 / PUU-VIII / 2010, is to observe opinions fromlegal experts. Therefore, this discussion is intendedto find answers to the meaning and scope of civilrelations between children nonwedlock with a manas his father, by analyzing the opinion of a numberof academics and legal practitioners who havecompetence in this field.
Peranan Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bandar Lampung terhadap Implementasi Pasal 2 Peraturan Menteri dalam Negeri Nomor 02 Tahun 2016 tentang Kartu Identitas Anak Perspektif Siya Mira Melinda; Yufi Wiyos Rini Masykuroh; Herlina Kurniati
Aktivisme: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Politik dan Sosial Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Aktivisme : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Politik dan Sosial Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/aktivisme.v1i4.475


The Identity Status of Children in Indonesia is contained in Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Child Identity Cards article 1 paragraph (7) which reads: Child Identity Card, hereinafter abbreviated to KIA, is the child's official identity as proof of being a child who is less than 17 years old. and unmarried issued by the Regency/City Population and Civil Registration Service. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The sampling technique used in this research is the Purposive Sampling method with 6 samples. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis.The results of this research show that the implementation of Article 2 of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Children's Identity Cards in the Bandar Lampung City Population and Civil Registration Service can be declared implemented as seen from the implementation of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Children's Identity Cards in article 2 which explains the purpose of child identity cards so that the number of children who have Child Identity Cards from 2016 to 2024 is 309,758 children and in issuing child identity cards, the Population and Civil Registration Service has carried out its duties based on its authority and obligations and in Siya's view >Sah Tanfiz|iyah Syari'iyyah has been implemented in the community through a pick-up and drop-off program carried out by the Bandar Lampung City Population and Civil Registration Service which is in accordance with a leader (ulil amri) who must be responsible for the mandate that has been given and conveyed and carried out with the community according to tabligh characteristics and with Surah An-Nisa Verse 58.
Implementasi Pasal 9 Peraturan Walikota Bandar Lampung Nomor 43 Tahun 2021 tentang Peran Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Kota Bandar Lampung terhadap Perbaikan Jalan Perspektif Fiqh Siyasah Tanfidziyah : (Studi di Kelurahan Waydadi Baru Kecamatan Sukarame, Bandar Lampung) Adinda Reza Novita; Yufi Wiyos Rini Masykuroh; Hasanuddin Muhammad
Demokrasi: Jurnal Riset Ilmu Hukum, Sosial dan Politik Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): Oktober : Demokrasi: Jurnal Riset Ilmu Hukum, Sosial dan Politik
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/demokrasi.v1i4.482


This study evaluates the role of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency of Bandar Lampung City in repairing Jalan Nusa Indah Raya, Waydadi Baru Village, Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City, based on Bandar Lampung Mayor Regulation Number 43 of 2021. The focus of the study is the implementation of Article 9 of the regulation and the review of siyāsah tanfiżiyah on the role of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency in road repairs. This study uses a field research method with qualitative descriptive analysis, collecting primary and secondary data. The results of the study indicate that the role of the Public Works Agency, especially the Road sector, in providing road infrastructure repair services is not optimal. This can be seen from the long-term road damage and the slow repair response. The review of siyāsah tanfiżiyah shows that the implementation of road repairs by the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency of Bandar Lampung City is not in accordance with the applicable siyāsah tanfiżiyah principles.