Muhammad Junestrada Diem
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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Financial Distress Ditinjau Dari Leverage, Intangible Asset, Tangible Asset dan Ukuran Perusahaan Lidia Desiana; Muhammad Junestrada Diem
I-Finance Journal Vol 7 No 2 (2021): I-FINANCE: a Research Journal on Islamic Finance
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ifinance.v7i2.9728


This study examines the Effect of Leverage, Intangible Assets, Tangible Assets and Company Size on Prediction of Financial Distress in Companies Listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index for the 2014-2019 Period. The independent variables in this research are Leverage, Intangible assets, Tangible Assets and Company Size, while the variable is Financial Distress which is a description of the company's financial failure as measured by the Springate model or better known as the S-Score. The population in this study are companies listed at JII for the period 2014-2019. Sampling technique with purposive sampling method. A total of 14 companies for 6 years. Logistic regression analysis using IBM SPSS. The leverage variable with a value of -0.007 and a significance value of 0.109, that is > 0.05, means that leverage has no effect on financial distress. The intangible asset variable has a value of 0.053 with a significance value of 0.888 that > ​​0.05 then intangible assets have no effect on financial distress. The tangible asset variable has a value of -1.506 and a significance value of 0.002 that <0.05, then tangible assets have an effect on financial distress. The size variable has a value of -1.453 and a significance value of 0.007 that < from a significance level of 0.05, the size has an effect on financial distress. The conclusion shows that only tangible assets and size variables have an effect on financial distress, while leverage and intangible assets have no effect on financial distress.
Rekonstruksi Konsep Bisnis Halalan Thayyiban Penguatan Integrasi-Interkoneksi Ekosistem Halal Value Chain Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; M. Iqbal; M. Junestrada Diem; Muhlis
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v6i2.28543


The progress of the Halal Value Chain (HVC) ecosystem cannot be separated from the role of the government and other formal and informal institutions. In the HVC ecosystem, every organization/institution plays an important role in creating a halalan thayyiban business industry zone. One of the ways to promote halalization in supporting economic progress is to implement it through strengthening the Halal Value Chain in the economy. The purpose of this paper is to offer a reconstruction of the Halalan Thayiban business concept by strengthening the integration and interconnection of each subject in the HVC ecosystem. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, it is hoped that it will provide an overview of the concept of advancing a real HVC ecosystem. The results of this analysis will provide a long-term picture of the importance of promoting and accelerating HVC in terms of quality, not quantity. This study will discuss the reconstruction of the halalan thayyiban business concept and the importance of initiating an economic industry based on Islamic business ethics. By providing an overview and analysis of HVC acceleration efforts, it is hoped that this research will be oriented toward building the long term economy. Keywords: Reconstruction, Halalan Thayyiban, Integration and Interconnection, Islamic Business Ethics
Model Sinergistas Lembaga Pegadaian Syariah dan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Membentuk SDM Unggul Berbasis Syariah Muhamad Iqbal; Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; Faisal Muttaqin; Muhamad Junestrada Diem
ILTIZAM Journal of Shariah Economics Research Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Iltizam Journal of Shariah Economics Research
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sharia Pawnshop has transformed into one of the strengths of Islamic financial institutions whose existence is quite taken into account. The characteristics of sharia pawns that are solutive for the lower middle class are a strong factor in its progress from year to year. In line with that, the existence of Islamic economics and finance-based study programs in all PTKIN and even most PTN, brings new hope of producing superior sharia-based human resources. A hope that is just waiting for the momentum to make Indonesia a country of Islamic Economic Civilization in the world. Various efforts have been made to produce excellent students who will compete in the world of work, especially in Islamic financial institutions. However, the problem is that there is no relevance between the world of work and the basic knowledge of Islamic economics and finance that is owned, which is an irony and injures the spirit of printing sharia-based superior human resources. Many alumni work in conventional financial institutions, on the other hand, Islamic financial institutions lack sharia-based human resources. This study aims to describe the concept of human resource development in universities that are integrated with Islamic financial institutions, especially Sharia Pawnshop. There are three concrete steps that can be implemented through the integration-interconnection approach, namely the development of thematic courses, strengthening the role of laboratories, and optimizing field work practices for students. By providing an overview and analysis of the strengthening, it is hoped that it can contribute to the formation of superior sharia-based human resources.