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Analisis Determinasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Studi Kasus di Indonesia Nur Syamsiyah; Yudhistira Ardana; Muhamad Rahman Bayumi
Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah Vol 10 No 02 (2022): Adzkiya: Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Meto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/adzkiya.v10i02.4522


Economic growth is still an important goal in the economy of a country, especially for developing countries like Indonesia. If the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) experiences growth, then the country's economy will grow well. This study will discuss the short-term and long-term effects of taxes, Zakat, Infaq and Alms (ZIS) and inflation on economic growth in Indonesia. This study uses the Error Correction Model with quarterly time series data starting from 2010-2020. The results of the study show that in the short term inflation has no significant positive effect on Indonesia's economic growth, while taxes have an insignificant negative effect and ZIS has a significant negative effect. In the long term, the tax and ZIS variables have a significant positive effect, while the inflation variable has a significant negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia.
Rekonstruksi Konsep Bisnis Halalan Thayyiban Penguatan Integrasi-Interkoneksi Ekosistem Halal Value Chain Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; M. Iqbal; M. Junestrada Diem; Muhlis
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v6i2.28543


The progress of the Halal Value Chain (HVC) ecosystem cannot be separated from the role of the government and other formal and informal institutions. In the HVC ecosystem, every organization/institution plays an important role in creating a halalan thayyiban business industry zone. One of the ways to promote halalization in supporting economic progress is to implement it through strengthening the Halal Value Chain in the economy. The purpose of this paper is to offer a reconstruction of the Halalan Thayiban business concept by strengthening the integration and interconnection of each subject in the HVC ecosystem. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, it is hoped that it will provide an overview of the concept of advancing a real HVC ecosystem. The results of this analysis will provide a long-term picture of the importance of promoting and accelerating HVC in terms of quality, not quantity. This study will discuss the reconstruction of the halalan thayyiban business concept and the importance of initiating an economic industry based on Islamic business ethics. By providing an overview and analysis of HVC acceleration efforts, it is hoped that this research will be oriented toward building the long term economy. Keywords: Reconstruction, Halalan Thayyiban, Integration and Interconnection, Islamic Business Ethics
Model Sinergistas Lembaga Pegadaian Syariah dan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Membentuk SDM Unggul Berbasis Syariah Muhamad Iqbal; Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; Faisal Muttaqin; Muhamad Junestrada Diem
ILTIZAM Journal of Shariah Economics Research Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Iltizam Journal of Shariah Economics Research
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI

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Sharia Pawnshop has transformed into one of the strengths of Islamic financial institutions whose existence is quite taken into account. The characteristics of sharia pawns that are solutive for the lower middle class are a strong factor in its progress from year to year. In line with that, the existence of Islamic economics and finance-based study programs in all PTKIN and even most PTN, brings new hope of producing superior sharia-based human resources. A hope that is just waiting for the momentum to make Indonesia a country of Islamic Economic Civilization in the world. Various efforts have been made to produce excellent students who will compete in the world of work, especially in Islamic financial institutions. However, the problem is that there is no relevance between the world of work and the basic knowledge of Islamic economics and finance that is owned, which is an irony and injures the spirit of printing sharia-based superior human resources. Many alumni work in conventional financial institutions, on the other hand, Islamic financial institutions lack sharia-based human resources. This study aims to describe the concept of human resource development in universities that are integrated with Islamic financial institutions, especially Sharia Pawnshop. There are three concrete steps that can be implemented through the integration-interconnection approach, namely the development of thematic courses, strengthening the role of laboratories, and optimizing field work practices for students. By providing an overview and analysis of the strengthening, it is hoped that it can contribute to the formation of superior sharia-based human resources.
Kontribusi Peran Perempuan dalam Membangun Perekonomian sebagai Penguatan Kesetaraan Gender di Indonesia Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; Rizal Alfit Jaya; Bunga Maratush Shalihah
Al Huwiyah: Journal of Woman and Children Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Al Huwiyah: Journal of Woman and Children Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.341 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/jwcs.v2i2.14317


Kesetaraan gender merupakan satu persoalan kompleks yang kajiannya tidak terbatas pada aspek sosial saja, tapi juga akan berkaitan dengan aspek ekonomi, politik, budaya, agama, dan ilmu pengetahuan. Keberadaan perempuan seringkali disalah artikan perannya dalam kehidupan, yaitu perempuan dianggap tidak lebih baik dan berhak dari laki-laki, baik untuk mendapatkan posisi di ranah personal, publik dan negara. Tulisan ini memaparkan peran dan kontribusi perempuan dalam membangun perekonomian dalam mengatasi isu aktual untuk penguatan capaian kesetaraan gender di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif, dengan memanfaatkan sumber data sekunder berupa laporan, jurnal, buku, dan dokumentasi yang relevan untuk melakukan studi literatur dalam menganalisis persoalan ini. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menguraikan bahwa perempuan memiliki peran dan kontribusi yang sangat penting dalam membangun perekonomian demi tercapainya kesetaraan gender di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Perempuan, Pembangunan Ekonomi, dan Kesetaraan Gender
Sharia Business Ethics Fight for a More Sustainable Post-Pandemic Recovery Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; M. Junestrada Diem; Rizal Alfit Jaya
International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/ijedr.v4i3.2588


Sharia business ethics is a set of normative moral principles originating from Islamic law to regulate what should be done and what should not be done. The authenticity of the Islamic teaching system is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, and even facilitated when faced with various business problems that make these activities far from achieving maqashid sharia. The rise of crime during the pandemic disrupted the stability of life. As a country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia should be the safest country in the world because of the perfection of its religious teachings, which regulate ways of life, socializing, the economy, politics, and all the details of life. This study provides a conceptual description of the re-contextualization of sharia business ethics to achieve more sustainable goals. The question in this research is how to re-contextualize Islamic business ethics in the success of economic activities to improve the order of life starting from the grassroots level to the top level. The findings in this study describe the concept of Islamic business ethics that is applicable, integrative, and interconnected. This research is expected to offer a description, design, policy, and sustainable contract model for policymakers to accelerate and improve life after the pandemic.
Kontribusi Peran Perempuan dalam Membangun Perekonomian sebagai Penguatan Kesetaraan Gender di Indonesia Muhamad Rahman Bayumi; Rizal Alfit Jaya; Bunga Maratush Shalihah
Al Huwiyah: Journal of Woman and Children Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Al Huwiyah: Journal of Woman and Children Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/jwcs.v2i2.14317


Kesetaraan gender merupakan satu persoalan kompleks yang kajiannya tidak terbatas pada aspek sosial saja, tapi juga akan berkaitan dengan aspek ekonomi, politik, budaya, agama, dan ilmu pengetahuan. Keberadaan perempuan seringkali disalah artikan perannya dalam kehidupan, yaitu perempuan dianggap tidak lebih baik dan berhak dari laki-laki, baik untuk mendapatkan posisi di ranah personal, publik dan negara. Tulisan ini memaparkan peran dan kontribusi perempuan dalam membangun perekonomian dalam mengatasi isu aktual untuk penguatan capaian kesetaraan gender di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif, dengan memanfaatkan sumber data sekunder berupa laporan, jurnal, buku, dan dokumentasi yang relevan untuk melakukan studi literatur dalam menganalisis persoalan ini. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menguraikan bahwa perempuan memiliki peran dan kontribusi yang sangat penting dalam membangun perekonomian demi tercapainya kesetaraan gender di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Perempuan, Pembangunan Ekonomi, dan Kesetaraan Gender
The Discourse Contestation Against Conflict in the Implementation of Qanun Concerning Sharia Financial Institutions for Strategizing Public Policy in Aceh Muhamad Rahman Bayumi
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam ARTICLE IN PRESS
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

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The conflict over the implementation of the Qanun in Sharia financial institutions in Aceh received a lot of news and protests from various parties, which were raised and disseminated nationally. Several media framed this by reporting that the Qanun had caused high unemployment rates, poverty and limited community activities due to Aceh's general use of bank products. The formulation of the problem in this research is to describe the contestation of discourse in Aceh regarding the prohibition of conventional banks. This research aims to analyze miscommunication, misperceptions and rejection of the implementation of Qanun in Sharia financial institutions. This type of research is qualitative with a philosophical descriptive approach. The data sources in the research are interviews at the grassroots (coffee shop community), online news, the Aceh Sharia Economic Society, IAEI Aceh, OJK, religious figures, and several Acehnese economists. Primary data was also obtained from researcher observations in 2019 and 2022 in Aceh. Secondary data in this research comes from relevant documents. The analysis technique uses triangulation techniques with an integration-interconnection paradigm. The findings in this research are that the conflict that emerged was only exaggerated by the media because the media exaggerated the protests without a comprehensive and objective analysis. This study offers appropriate solutions, strategies and models to support the accelerated implementation of Qanun so that its benefits can be realized and bring benefits to the more sustainable progress of Aceh through the advancement of maqashid sharia.