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The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 13, No 2 (2020): The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v13i2.4518


Companies must have innovative ways of communicating messages to compete with other companies because of the many new companies that have sprung up. One of them is by using television media. However, with the increasing number of companies placing advertisements, the number of TV stations in Indonesia is now around 1027 television stations. The public's tendency to switch channels has made advertising conditions worse so that creative advertising is needed. Using a qualitative descriptive method focuses on describing, analyzing, and interpreting Tokopedia advertisements from television media. The data collection techniques used were observation, literature study, and documentation. The results showed that the Tokopedia WIB "Waktu Indonesia Belanja" advertisement was always on television. The advert is inspiring and easy to remember. This advertising has creativity as seen from the indicators of connectedness, suitability, and novelty.
RESONA : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35906/resona.v6i2.918


Tujuan PKM ini merupakan buat menanggulangi kasus mitra dengan metode aplikasi penjualan digital( digital marketing) alhasil produk KWT bisa menjangkau sasaran pasar dengan cara besar. Lewat pendekatan partisipatif, penerapan aktivitas pada golongan Wanita tani dengan cara bersama- sama bekerja sama mencari pemecahan memafaatkan tata cara penjualan digital. Indonesia serta semua bumi tengah mengalami masa- masa berat.  Hal ini karena wabah COVID-19 terus merajalela sehingga masayarakat mengalamai penurunan dalam hal pendapatan. Oleh karena itu, harus bisa memahami banyaknya keringanan serta peranan dari pemakaian alat digital, mendesak warga ataupun wiraswasta, buat mempergunakan alat digital pada tiap aktivitas. Peranan lain dari pemakaian alat digital merupakan melaksanakan advertensi. Perkembangan digital marketing pula mempengaruhi kepada kemajuan di aspek advertensi produk. Buat menggapai tujuan itu metode yang digunakan adalah diskusi yang dikemas dengan pelatihan secara langsung pada Kelompok Wanita Tani. Metode ini dinilai sesuai dengan tujuan pengabdian ini dengan senantiasa mempraktikkan aturan kesehatan, jaga jarak serta memakai masker.  Dengan terdapatnya aktivitas ini, warga diharapkan hendak lebih menguasai berartinya pemakaian digital marketing buat tingkatkan energi saing usaha. Beberapa besar anggota membagikan asumsi positif kepada penerapan aktivitas ini.  Abstract. This PKM's goal is to solve partner issues through the application of digital marketing (digital marketing), allowing KWT products to reach a large target market. The Women Farmers group implements activities using a participative approach to work together to discover solutions using digital marketing techniques. The rest of the globe and Indonesia are going through a difficult moment. This is due to the COVID-19 outbreak's ongoing spread, which has caused a fall in people's income. To encourage the general public or business owners to use digital media in all of their endeavors, one must be able to comprehend the various benefits and features of using them. The use of digital media for promotion is another purpose. The emergence of digital marketing has an impact on how product promotion has evolved. The Women Farmers Group's conversation is used in conjunction with direct training to accomplish this goal. This approach is regarded as being in line with the goals of this service because it continues to follow safety precautions, keep a safe distance, and wear masks. With this activity, it is hoped that the general people would gain a greater understanding of the value of employing digital marketing to boost corporate competitiveness. The majority of the participants responded well to the execution of this activity.
How an Organization Should Implement Risk Communication in Response to Cyber Attack in Indonesia Syifa Astasia Utari; Velda Ardia; Jamiati Jamiati; Della Fitria
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 4 Mei-Agustus 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

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The escalation of internet use in Indonesia is directly proportional to the increase in the vulnerability of cyber attacks that have the potential to create a crisis. When an attack occurs, proper handling is required, not only in terms of technical aspects related to cyber operational systems, but also in aspects related to reputation and public trust. Public Relations plays an important role in carrying out the communication function when a crisis due to cyber attacks occurs, to maintain good relations and maintain public trust in affected organizations. This study seeks to provide recommendations on how public relations practitioners provide communication responses when crises due to cyber attacks occur. Using a literature-based explorative research method. Research shows that public relations practice is an important thing to do, especially in carrying out the communication function. Public relations must be responsive and have high awareness in carrying out early detection of potential crises due to cyberattacks, designing response plans, and conducting transparent, credible and accountable communications in order to maintain public trust and organizational reputation.
KAIS Kajian Ilmu Sosial Vol 1, No 2 (2020): KAIS Kajian Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1002.855 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/kais.1.2.71-79


Saat ini dunia periklanan semakin modern dan kreatif dan televisi masih menjadi media favorit untuk sarana beriklan. Sarana ini pula yang kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh pengiklan seperti perusahaan transportasi jasa online untuk beriklan ditelevisi seperti iklan Gojek versi “Cerdikiawan”. Iklan seringkali menggunakan simbol atau tanda dalam memaparkan produknya, pesan didalam iklan berupa teks dan visual. Terkait hal tersebut tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Sign, Object, Interpretant serta pesan dan makna dalam iklan Gojek versi “Cerdikiawan. Teori yang digunakan yang dianggap relevan dengan menggunakan teori iklan, teori televisi, tehnik pengambilan gambar, konsep warna, teori makna, teori semiotika, semiotika model Charles Sander Pierce, teori konstruksi realitas. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, penelitian ini menggunakan semiotika sebagai sebuah analisis, dengan pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder, selanjutnya dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji keabsahan data triangulasi sumber dengan dua informan Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis dengan analisis semiotika model Charles Sander Pierce. Penelitian ini menganalisis makna iklan Gojek yang dikaji dengan Triangle of meaning yaitu sign, object, dan interpretant. Dengan hasil yaitu mengindikasikan iklan ini adalah aplikasi alternative yang cerdik karena mampu membuat solusi bagi setiap permasalahan yang selalu terselesaikan dengan kreatif yang setiap scene dari iklan Gojek versi Cerdikiawan ini tayangkan. Pesan verbal yang ditunjukan dari narasi suara Najwa Syihab. Sedangkan pesan nonverbalnya adalah semua aktivitas yang ditunjukan dari iklan ini ekspresi dan setting lokasi pada 11 scene. Makna pada iklan Gojek versi “Cerdikiawan” memuat makna tentang aplikasi alternative yang cerdik. Kesimpulannya yaitu iklan Gojek versi “Cerdikiawan” ini merupakan salah satu iklan yang mengajak masyarakat menjadi sosok Cerdikiawan, yang terdapat pesan dan makna dari iklan ini juga digunakan untuk membranding Gojek sebagai aplikasi cerdik dan mampu menjawab segala bentuk permasalahan kehidupan dengan kreatif dan sederhana
Proses Perencanaan Media di Advertising Agency PT. Citra Surya Indonesia pada Brand Wardah Iga Desara; Velda Ardia
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.4096


Media planning is the process of developing a scheduling plan that shows how advertising time and space will achieve marketing objectives. PT. Citra Surya Indonesia designed an effective media planning process to provide information about Wardah products offered to potential customers so as to attract consumer interest and to increase awareness by a larger number by using conventional media as a tool to reach all regions, PT. Citra Surya Indonesia uses television, radio and ooh media. The purpose of this study was to determine the media planning process used by PT. Citra Surya Indonesia and what obstacles were encountered in the media planning process at PT. Indonesian Solar Image. The theory in this study uses theory from the literature review, namely the planning process, agency, advertising agency, wardah. This study uses descriptive qualitative. The agency object in this study is PT. Indonesian Solar Image. By using data collection interviews with resource persons Media Planner PT. Citra Surya Indonesia and triangulation of sources and documentation. From the results of this study it was concluded that the media planning process is divided into several stages forming Marketing Strategy, Advertising Objectives, Advertising Budget, Message Strategy, Media Planning and Media Planning consisting of Selection of Target Audiences, Specification of Objectives, Selection of Media and Facilities, Media Purchases.
Strategi Branding Elshinta Radio Dalam Membangun Positioning Sebagai Radio Berita Muhammad Nevo Bizaro; Velda Ardia; Jamiati KN
TUTURAN: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November TUTURAN: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Nalanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47861/tuturan.v1i4.512


Elshinta Radio is a radio station that broadcasts full news broadcasts for 24 hours non-stop and without song interludes, and is the only radio station in Indonesia that has a broadcast concept like this. The research entitled "Elshinta Radio Branding Strategy in Building Positioning as a News Radio" has the aim of identifying the Branding Strategy carried out to build Elshinta Radio's Positioning as a news radio as well as the obstacles that exist in Elshinta Radio implementing its Branding Strategy. The theory used in this research is Gelder's theory, where this research uses a qualitative descriptive method which is accompanied by data collection techniques using structured interviews and observations and assisted by documentation as complementary evidence. Then the data that has been obtained is then continued to analyze the data by means of data reduction, data presentation and summary. From all the stages that have been carried out, the results of this research can be analyzed that Elshinta Radio uses a branding strategy in the form of brand positioning, brand identity and brand personality in forming brand positioning. In carrying out this branding, they actually think that there are no obstacles, but they think that it is a challenge that must be resolved and overcome well. However, there is one obstacle that occurs, namely maintaining the consistency of the competencies possessed by each existing human resource. Maintaining consistency is a current obstacle for Elshinta Radio.