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Pengaruh media tumbuh dengan aplikasi irigasi tetes terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil melon Didi Carsidi; Saparso Parso; Kharisun Kharisun; Catur Rahardjo Febrayanto
Jurnal Agro Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/9514


 Penggunaan media tumbuh dan volume air yang tepat menentukan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman melon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui volume air optimum pada media tumbuh tertentu yang dapat menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang optimum. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan split plot 4 x 3, dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama yaitu volume irigasi tetes dengan empat taraf; 600 ml hari-1 tan-1, 1200 ml hari-1 tan-1, 1800 ml hari-1 tan-1 dan 2400 ml hari-1 tan-1 sedangakan anakan petak yaitu media tumbuh dengan tiga taraf; tanah + arang sekam, tanah + cocopeat, serta tanah + bokhasi. Parameter yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, total panjang akar tanaman, luas daun, kandungan air nisbi daun, prolin, lebar bukaan stomata, kerapatan stomata, kadar klorofil, umur berbunga, bobot tanaman basah, bobot tanaman kering, bobot buah, lingkaran buah, brix buah, kadar air buah melon, dan kandungan NPK jaringan daun melon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan volume air 600 ml hari-1 tan-1 optimum dengan media tumbuh tanah + bokhasi pada bobot tanaman segar (1083.33 g) sedangkan volume air 1200 ml hari-1 tan-1 dengan media tumbuh tanah + bokhasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap bobot tanaman kering (95.80 g). Jenis media tumbuh memiliki kapasitas volume air yang berbeda untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman yang optimal. AbstractThe proper growing media and water volume provide the growth and yield of melon plants. This study aimed to determine the optimum water volume in certain growth media to optimize the growth and yield. The study used a 4 x 3 split plot design with three replications. The main plots were volume of drip irrigations i.e 600 ml day-1 tan-1, 1200 ml day-1 tan-1, 1800 ml day-1 tan-1, and 2400 ml day-1 tan-1 while the sub plots were growing media with three levels i.e soil + husk charcoal, soil + cocopeat, and soil + bokashi. The observed parameters  were plant  height,  leaf number, total plant root length, leaf area, leaf relative water content, proline, stomatal opening width, stomata density, chlorophyll content, flowering age, wet plant weight, dry plant weight, fruit weight, fruit circle, fruit brix, the fruit water content, and NPK content in leaf tissue. The water volume of 600 ml day-1 tan-1 is optimum with growing media soil + bokashi on fresh plant weight (1083.33 g) while the water volume of 1200 ml day-1 tan-1 with soil + bokhasi growing media had an effect on dry plant weight (95.80 g).The types of growing media have different water volume capacities for optimal plant growth and yields.  
Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Terhadap Macam Media Tanam Dan Pestisida Organik Risma Ayu Afriyani; Didi Carsidi; Faisal Al Asad; Pandu Sumarna; Yudhi Mahmud
Jurnal Agro Wiralodra Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Agro Wiralodra
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/agrowiralodra.v7i1.105


Melon production in Indonesia is currently unable to meet the needs of public consumption, so melon production must continue to be increased. This study aims to determine the dosage of organic pesticides on certain growing media that can produce the best growth and yield of melon plants. The research was conducted in Karanganyar Village, Indramayu District, Indramayu Regency. The study used an experimental method with a Split-Plot Design 2 x 3 repeated 4 times. The main plot is the growing media with 2 levels; M0 = Land, M1 = Soil + Bokashi. Subplots were a combination of organic pesticides Bio T10 and Bio P60 with 3 levels; B0 = Without Dosage of Bio T10 and Bio P60, B1 = Dosage of 2 ml of Bio T10 and 1 ml of Bio P60, B2 = Dosage of 3 ml of Bio T10 and 1.5 ml of Bio P60. The results showed that the growing media significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and leaf area. The best type of growing media is shown by soil treatment and bokashi. The dose of organic pesticides significantly affects plant height and number of fruit seeds. The best dose of organic pesticides was shown by organic pesticide treatment with a combination dose of 3 ml of Bio T10 and 1.5 ml of Bio P60.
Aplikasi bio P60 dan bio T10 serta macam media tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman melon Didi Carsidi; Faisal Al asad; Catur Raharjo Febrayanto; Taufik Nur Hidayah
Gema Wiralodra Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Gema Wiralodra
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/gw.v14i1.280


Penggunaan media tumbuh dan hormon pertumbuhan tepat menentukan pertumbuhan tanaman melon. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10 pada media tumbuh tertentu yang dapat mencapai pertumbuhan optimal. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan Split Plot 3 x 3 diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Petak utama yaitu media tumbuh dengan 3 taraf: tanah + Sekam bakar, tanah + Cocopeat dan tanah + Bokhasi sedangkan anak petak yaitu kombinasi Bio P60 + Bio T10 dengan 3 taraf: tanpa larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10, larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10 200 ml.tanaman-1 .2 minggu-1 serta larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10 300 ml.tanaman-1 .2 minggu-1. Parameter diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, diameter batang, umur berbunga dan kadar klorofil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media tumbuh kombinasi tanah dan bokhasi mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan; tinggi tanaman (197,19 cm) dengan laju pertumbuhan 6,28 cm, jumlah daun (27,97 helai) dengan laju pertumbuhan 0,84 helai, umur berbunga (23,67 hari), klorofil a (0,81 mg.g-1), klorofil b (0,86 mg.g-1) dan klorofil total (1,67 mg.g-1). Volume dosis kombinasi Bio P60 + Bio T10 dengan tanpa larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10, larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10 200 ml.tanaman-1 .2 minggu-1 serta larutan Bio P60 + Bio T10 300 ml.tanaman-1 .2 minggu-1 pada semua media memiliki pengaruh yang sama.