Zahid Fahmi Dai
Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Yogyakarta Magelang

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THE ANTHELMINTIC POTENTIAL OF TURMERIC (Curcuma domestica) EXTRACT AGAINST Ascaridia galli WORMS IN CHICKENS In Vivo Yudiani Rina Kusuma; Zahid Fahmi Dai; sunardi sunardi; wida wahidah mubarokah
Jurnal Sain Veteriner Vol 40, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerjasama dengan PB PDHI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jsv.67911


Ascaridia galli worm was chicken parasite that inflicted significant economic loss for breeders. Expensive commercial anthelmintic drug and drug resistance were the reasons why herbal anthelmintic study became strategic. The study aimed at finding out the effect of the application of turmeric (Curcuma domestica) extract in vivo on the number of eggs per gram (EPG) in feces. It used 30 free ranging chickens that were classified into 2 groups of 5 chickens with 3 repetitions. Group I served as control (Aquadestilata) and group II was treated using turmeric extract at the concentration of 2%, 3 times a week. Observation was conducted on days 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The results were then analyzed using Anova and advanced LSD test. The results of in vivo test showed that the application of the turmeric significantly decreased the number of the EPG as compared to negative control. The application of the turmeric had anthelmintic potential and significant effect on the decrease in the number of the EPG.