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Jurnal Penelitian Saintek Vol 10, No 1: April 2005
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7251.364 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jps.v10i1.5546


This   research   with   the   title   Thin   Layer   Chromatography  for Determination of Hesperidins Content in Orange Peel has been done in organic chemistry laboratory. The aim of this research is to select the solvent mix for  the best hesperidins standard peak result and to determinate the content (in relative percentage) of some orange peel. Hesperidins isolation from  orange peel conduct by soaks the orange peel piece  in f 0% Calcium hydroxide solution for  a night in room temperature.    The   mixture   than  jiltered    and   neutralized   with hydrochloric acid to obtain hesperidins contain filtrate.  Hesperidins analyzed   by   thin   layer   chromatography.    Characterization   of hesperidins did by compare the sample chromatogram with standard chromatogram.  The yield  (in  relative  percentage)   determinate  by  compare the sample peak area with hesperidins standard peak area. The solvent  mix  selected  before  by  attempt  some  solvent  mix for eludate hesperidins standard solution. The result of this research shown that hesperidins can analyzed using thin   layer   chromatography   method.   with   the   best  solvent   was chloroform:  methanol mixture (2 : 3). Hesperidins content in extract solution of some strain orange peel  is; Baby Egypt 0, f 380%, Baby Pacitan 0,0615%, Mandarin Lokam 0,0018%, Santang 0,0049%, and Sunkist  Nevel 0,0360%.  The hesperidins  content  in orange peel  of Mandarin Pakistan, Medan super, Nipis, Sunkist,  Peras, and Purut was 0,0000. The hesperidins content in these orange peel was too low to be detected
Struktur wacana berita pendidikan dalam surat kabar Kompas Sri Handayani; Suhardi Suhardi
LingTera Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Applied Linguistics, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/lt.v8i1.14905


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan struktur tematik, skematik, semantik, sintaksis, dan stilistik berita pendidikan dalam surat kabar Kompas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripsi kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, tematik yang dikedepankan yaitu Kurikulum 2013 yang didukung topik dan tema. Kedua, skematik berita pendidikan disusun dengan skema summary yang mencakup judul dan lead, dan story yang berupa komentar narasumber serta kesimpulan wartawan berdasarkan pernyataan narasumber. Ketiga, semantik mencakup latar, detil, maksud, dan praanggapan. Elemen tersebut mengungkapkan makna yang ditekankan pada hal-hal atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 selama tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Keempat, sintaksis mencakup bentuk kalimat, kohesi, koherensi, dan kata ganti. Pada bentuk kalimat, Kompas menggunakan kalimat aktif dikarenakan untuk menonjolkan narasumber. Kohesi dan koherensi menunjukkan bahwa berita pendidikan sebagai wacana yang utuh, padu dan runtut. Kelima, stilistik berkaitan dengan pilihan kata (leksikon). Pilihan kata yang digunakan Kompas cenderung halus, sopan, dan universal. Hal tersebut menunjukkan kesan positif terhadap narasumber dan Kurikulum 2013. The discource structure of educational news in Kompas newspaper AbstractThis study is aimed at: describing and explaining thematic, schematic, semantic, syntactic, and stylistic structures of education news in Kompas newspaper. This research was a qualitative research. The study reveals five findings as follows. First, the main thematic is Curriculum 2013 which is supported by topics and themes. Second, the schematic of educational news is arranged by a summary scheme which includes titles and leads while the story scheme is the commentary of interviewees and journalist's conclusion from the interviewees’ statement. Thirdly, semantics includes background, detail, intent, and presupposition. The element expresses the emphasis on the things or events that occured in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 during the academic year 2014/2015. Fourth, syntax includes sentence form, cohesion, coherence, and pronoun. In the form of a sentence, Kompas uses active sentences because of accentuate the interviewees. Cohesion and coherence show that the educational news is as integrated discourse, united and coherent. Fifth, stylistic is related to the word choice (lexicon). Kompas uses universal, smooth and polite choice of words. It shows a positive impression to the interviewees and Curriculum 2013.
Formulasi, Uji kualitas Dan Uji Organoleptik Sabun Mandi Padat Menggunakan Bahan Aditif Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) Sri Handayani; Aris Tiana Anjali
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 17 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31001/jfi.v17i2.798


Guava leaves have flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids as main compounds which have been shown to be active as antibacterial and anticarcinogenic agents. However, they have never been used as additives in skin care products because they have a rough texture. The purpose of this research are to formulate the method in the production of bath soap with the leaves as additives, and they were examined in quality and organoleptic tests. Formulation in production of the soap was carried out by means of variations of the method of extracting guava leaves as additives, namely: without additive as a control (A), with water solvent (B), with vegetable oil solvent (C), and powder dried as a scrub (D). The soap quality tests based on SNI 2016 including tests for alkaline or free fatty acid levels, insoluble ingredients in ethanol and unsaponified fat fractions. Organoleptic test was carried out involving 20 panelists. Data were analyzed by ANOVA-Duncan test. It was found that soap quality test for all samples meet INS except free alkali levels in D soap. The hedonic test results show that all soap samples can be accepted by panelists. Based on quality and organoleptic tests, the formulation method for adding guava leaf extract as an additive that produces the best soap is extraction using a water solvent (soap B). For the next study, it is necessary to confirm the biological activity of soap with guava leaf additives because it is very potential to be used as an antimicrobial soap.
Peningkatan Minat Wirausaha Masyarakat melalui Pembuatan Sabun Scrub Alami dari Ampas Kopi Sri Handayani; Antuni Wiyarsi; Nur Fitriyana; Metridewi Primastuti; Erfan Priyambodo
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat MIPA dan Pendidikan MIPA Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Yogyakarta State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.643 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpmmp.v6i2.49860


Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) bertujuan untuk: (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat Seyegan tentang bahan dan manfaat sabun scrub alami dari ampas kopi, (2) meningkatkan ketrampilan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna pembuatan sabun scrub alami dari ampas kopi, dan (3) memotivasi minat wirausaha masyarakat Seyegan. Kegiatan PPM ini bersifat pelatihan dan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi dan praktik. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, peserta telah mendapat materi tentang: (1) pembuatan sabun scrub alami dari ampas kopi, (2) kandungan dan manfaat kopi untuk kesehatan kulit, (3) sabun yang aman untuk kesehatan kulit, (4) peluang wirausaha sabun kopi, dan (5) pewarna dan pewangi yang bersifat skin grade. Peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan ini berjumlah 11 orang yang merupakan masyarakat di daerah Padukuhan Kamal Wetan, Mangsel VII, Margomulyo, Seyegan. Evaluasi kegiatan PPM dilakukan dalam 2 tahapan, yaitu evaluasi proses melalui observasi selama kegiatan PPM dan evaluasi hasil melalui produk sabun yang dihasilkan serta isian angket kegiatan PPM. Melalui kegiatan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta pelatihan telah memperoleh (1) manfaat tentang bahan dan sabun alami dari ampas kopi, (2) pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna pembuatan sabun scrub alami dari ampas kopi, namun motivasi dan minat wirausaha peserta pelatihan untuk membuat sabun scrub ampas kopi masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan.