Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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Diksi Vol 13, No 5: DIKSI MEI 1997
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17199.357 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v13i5.7066


Diksi Vol 24, No 1: DIKSI MARET 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1183.591 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v24i1.11501


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesalahan sintaksis dan morfologis padakarangan narrative, recount, dan procedure siswa kelas X SMA BOPKRI I Yogyakartaserta kemungkinan penyebabnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif yangmenggunakan karangan siswa sebagai sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan denganmenggunakan taksonomi kesalahan (Dulay, 1982), teori penyebab kesalahan berbahasa(Richards, 1974), dan metode agih-padan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) siswaberprestasi tinggi dan sedang memiliki peluang kesalahan relatif sama, sedangkan siswaberprestasi rendah memiliki peluang kesalahan lebih tinggi; (2) kesalahan sintaksis palingdominan adalah kesalahan bentuk verba, yaitu penggunaan sistem kala, dan kesalahanmorfologis paling dominan adalah penghilangan infleksi verba; (3) kesalahan yangmendapat prioritas utama perbaikan adalah kesalahan dengan frekuensi paling dominanserta kesalahan global yang berupa kesalahan susunan kata; (4) frekuensi kesalahan ketigakarangan siswa cukup tinggi dan sering terjadi dua kesalahan atau lebih dalam satu kalimat;dan (5) penyebab kesalahan adalah faktor antarbahasa dan faktor intrabahasa.Kata kunci: analisis kesalahan, sintaksis, morfologis, implikasi, pembelajaran
Diksi Vol 13, No 5: DIKSI 1997
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17210.981 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v13i5.6989


Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v10i2.1167


The first phase of this two-year study aims at describing the teachers’ awareness to include culture in the teaching and learning process, what cultural aspects are included in the English textbooks used in a number of schools in the Province ofDIY and how the cultural elements are inserted in the books. The research data were obtained through a focus group discussion (FGD) attended by 20 English teachers from 5 regencies in the Province of DIY and from 7 English textbooks used by theseteachers. The data from the FGD were analyzed using qualitative data analysis, while the books were discerned using content analysis. The results of the analyses show (1) the teachers have inserted cultural elements in their teaching and learning process,following the explicit and implicit modes of insertion used in the textbooks; (2) the cultural elements in the books consist of knowledge, behaviors, and artifacts; and (3) there are 409 western cultural elements and 739 Indonesian ones, but they are notfollowed by adequate explanations to anticipate confusion and misunderstanding.
Senior high school students’ attitudes towards intercultural insertion into the ELT: Yogyakarta context Ragil Safitri; Sugirin Sugirin
EduLite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.764 KB) | DOI: 10.30659/e.4.2.261-274


Experts in English Language Teaching often consider culture as the fifth skill in foreign language learning as cultural literacy is a must in 21st-century learning. Thus, this study is to investigate students’ interest in the insertion of Big ‘C’ and little ‘c’ themes from different countries into the English classroom. In this study, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to 58 students in a senior high school in Yogyakarta. The study indicated that the respondents’ preferences were mostly about local culture (Yogyakarta and Indonesian culture), followed by target culture (culture of English-speaking countries) and international culture. In accordance with the cultural themes, they showed a relatively higher preference toward Big ‘C’ over the little ‘c’ culture. Concerning Indonesian culture, the students were excited in learning about art/literature, history, and food while for Yogyakarta culture includes history, foods, and lifestyles. Meanwhile, for target culture (Britain, America, and Australia), the students were eager to learn about lifestyles and foods. The last, for international culture, the cultural themes of lifestyles and music/sports were preferred by the students.
LingTera Vol 2, No 2: October 2015
Publisher : Department of Applied Linguistics, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.701 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/lt.v2i2.7383


Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengembangkan bahan ajar yang sesuai untuk keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jepang tingkat menengah dengan mengangkat tema-tema kebudayaan Jepang dan Indonesia, yang memadukan empat keterampilan berbahasa dengan fokus utama pada keterampilan berbicara; (2) mengetahui tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Prosedur pengembangan produk terdiri dari: (1) pengumpulan data pada survei kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk, (4) validasi (uji ahli, uji coba terbatas, uji coba lapangan) dan revisi, dan (5) produk akhir. Bahan ajar terdiri dari lima unit dan disertai VCD. Hasil validasi oleh ahli menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata materi adalah 4.76 dengan kategori ‘sangat baik’ dan nilai rata-rata media adalah 4.31 dengan kategori ‘sangat baik’. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Kata kunci: bahan ajar berorientasi budaya, keterampilan berbicara, Kaiwa, bahasa Jepang tingkat menengah.  DEVELOPING A CULTURE-ORIENTED JAPANESE LANGUAGE LEARNING MATERIALS FOR SPEAKING SKILL OF INTERMEDIATE KAIWA LESSON Abstract This study aims to: (1) develop appropriate learning materials for intermediate Japanese Language speaking skill by adapting Japanese and Indonesian culture themes, which integrate four language skills focusing on the speaking skill; (2) reveal the properness level of the learning materials. This is a research and development study. The steps of conducting the study were (1) collecting the data on needs analysis, (2) planning, (3) developing the product, (4) validating (expert judgment, preliminary field testing, main field testing) and revising, (5) writing the final draft of the learning materials. The learning materials consist of five units accompanied with a VCD. The result of the expert judgment shows that the material is in the average score of 4.76 which is in the very good category. The result of the expert judgment on the media is in the average score of 4.31 which is in the very good category. The conclusion of this study is that the learning materials are appropriate to be implemented in the learning activities. Keywords: culture-oriented learning materials, speaking skills, kaiwa, intermediate Japanese language
The Effectiveness of English Learning Media through Google Classroom in Higher Education Abd. Syakur; Sugirin; Widiarni
Britain International of Linguistics Arts and Education (BIoLAE) Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education - March
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/biolae.v2i1.218


The industrial revolution's technological development, dubbed era 4.0, had a significant impact on the world of education, particularly higher education. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of implementing education through teaching methods in the Covid 19 season. Online Education is one of the techniques used in blended learning. All academics at the tertiary institution participate in Teaching through blended learning. This research is a two-cycle trial, referred to as cycle I and cycle II. The results of the data are compared to the cycle of learning implementation. The results of the study describe blended learning, Google classroom as an alternative process of teaching English, and Google classroom as a process of teaching blended learning. Cycle I results are on average lower than Cycle II results in terms of learning (69 to 100 percent), active student (27 to 100 percent), accomplishments (89 to 96 percent), learning process (70 to 100 percent ), complete score (25 to 86 percent ), not complete ye (75 to 12 percent ), and success (45 percent to 75 percent ) Use of Google Classroom helps improve the average achievement of students enrolled in English education departments. The research concludes that this application is capable of operating effectively, assisting lecturers and students enrolled in English language education study programs in carrying out the learning process more intensely.
Think Aloud Method: Is it effective in Enhancing Indonesian EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills? Muhammad Tolhah; Sugirin Sugirin
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 6(1), May 2021
Publisher : Pusat Pelatihan, Riset, dan Pembelajaran Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.264 KB) | DOI: 10.21462/ijefl.v6i1.341


The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the think-aloud method in teaching reading comprehension skills. The quasi-experimental research used pre-test and post-test design involving students of tenth grade at state senior high school Bolano in Parigi-Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia in academic 2019-2020 who were selected using probability sampling. The stratified sampling was used to divide the population on some specific characters. Then, a simple random sampling technique was conducted to assign the experimental and control group with 61 total participants. To collect the data, pre-test and post-test were assigned. The tests of reading skills were validated through peer validation and content validity. A split-half method is used to find the reliability of the instruments. The inferential statistics using SPSS 22 were applied to analyze the data, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing result. The findings of this study revealed that the think-aloud method had a significant difference in enhancing students’ reading comprehension skills compare to the grammar-translation method. It was indicated by the value of 0.00 in the reading comprehension test which was lower than 0.05. This means that the use of the think-aloud method is effective to enhance students’ reading comprehension skills and help students to be effective readers.
Fostering Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability through Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) Strategy Yuni Putri Utami; Sugirin Sugirin
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 4(2), August 2019
Publisher : Yayasan Visi Intan Permata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.811 KB) | DOI: 10.21462/jeltl.v4i2.250


The current curriculum school reform in Indonesia supported the students to be a critical thinker in the sense that the students become a centered of teaching instruction in the school life. This changing becomes a new demand for the teacher as an educator to facilitate their learners with teaching aids practices that adjust learners to be actively participate in the classroom. Thus, this study used Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA) to reveal the effectiveness of this strategy on the students’ reading comprehension teaching. A quasi-experimental research design with pretest and posttest was used in this study. Two classes were randomly selected as the sample of this research. They are class 8C which used Directed Reading Activities (DRA) as the control group, while class 8H becomes the experimental group which used Directed Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA). Independent and dependent (paired) sample t-tests were used to analyze the data. The research finding showed: 1) there were no significant differences of posttest score among the students taught by using DRTA and those taught by using DRA strategy in reading comprehension teaching, 2) there were significant effects of using DRTA in reading comprehension teaching for grade eight students. DRTA strategy was believed to give more contribution (82%) than DRA strategy which contributed only 77%. In conclusion, DRTA was effective strategy in reading comprehension teaching.
Revisiting PQ4R and CSR for Teaching Reading Skills for Adolescents Ryan Oktarini; Sugirin Sugirin
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 4(2), August 2019
Publisher : Yayasan Visi Intan Permata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.335 KB) | DOI: 10.21462/jeltl.v4i2.294


The developing technonolgy brings the teenagers to the world interaction without boundary. Teenagers, or adolescents, are demanded to be able to master English. Thus, teaching and learning reading skills has become one essential factor to help them to master English. The aims of this research are to find out the effectiveness of PQ4R and Collaborative Strategic Reading on students’ reading skill development for adolescents; (2) to find out the most effective technique for teaching reading skill for adolescents. This study was a quasi-experimental research with two experimental groups and one control group. The three variables used were PQ4R, Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), and Conventional techniques. The sample of this study were grade X Science 1, X Social 1 and X Social 2 who had homogenous reading level who were selected by using Cluster Random Sampling. The quantitative data were collected by using pretest and posttest to assess the reading comprehension. The result indicated that there was a difference in the students’ reading achievement given different treatment. Students taught using PQ4R had an improvement from 61.75 to 71.63 while students taught using CSR had improvement from 63.32 to 75.50. Students taught using conventional technique also indicated improvement from 62.5 to 68.38. The most effective technique was CSR compared to PQ4R and Conventional techniques. The improvement of students’ reading skill development reach 15.9% while the improvement using PQ4R was 19.25% 9 and using conventional technique was 9.28%. Therefore, it can be concluded that CSR was the most effective technique for teaching reading skills for adolescents compared to PQ4R and conventional techniques