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APLIKASI SMART CARD BERBASIS RFID UNTUK SISTEM KEAMANAN PARKIR Caroline Caroline; Ellyas Muda C.S; Loga Gilang A; Ardian S; Hermawati Hermawati; Ike Bayusari
Jurnal Mikrotiga Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

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Abstrak—Permasalahan parkir merupakan persoalan yang dewasa ini melanda terutama di kota-kota besar. Bukan hanya lahan parkir tetapi faktor keamanan menjadi masalah pokok yang harus dihadapi gedung-gedung pekantoran, mal dan sekolah ataupun tempat umum lainnya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) untuk mengatasi masalah keamanan pada tempat parkir dengan menerapkan RFID ini pada smartcard. Smartcard terhubung dengan webcam dan database yang telah berisikan data-data pemilik kendaraan yang terdaftar sehingga bila tidak sesuai dengan data yang ada maka palang parkir tersebut tidak akan dapat membuka secara otomatis. Hasil pembacaan webcam tersebut merupakan salah satu alat bukti bila terjadi kehilangan karena arah webcam tersebut akan merekam wajah pengendara motor. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa RFID yang dipergunakan pada smartcard ini dapat bekerja dengan baik dan terhubung dengan database yang telah dibuat menggunakan visual basic 6.0, sedangkan untuk jarak yang paling jauh dalam melakukan proses scan RFID yaitu 4,9 cm serta 1 cm untuk jarak terdekat dari proses scan RFID. Untuk posisi yang paling baik dalam menjalankan proses scan RFID adalah tepat di atas RFID reader.Kata kunci: RFID, smartcard, webcam, keamanan, parkirAbstract— Parking has become problem in some cities especially in urban area. Parking problem is not only the spaces but also its security especially for the public facilities such as offices, mall and school. This paper describes the use of RFID to overcome security problem in parking lots. This RFID is implemented in smartcard. Smartcard is connected to webam and database which consists of the information about the registered owner of vehicle. If the owner is not match then the parking bar will not open automatically. The information from webcam can be used as the proof in case of theft because webcam will record the face of rider or driver. The result shows that the implementation of RFID in smartcard works well and can be connected to the database. The furthest distance to scan RFID is 4.9 cm and the shortest is 1 cm. The best position to scan it is exactly on RFID reader.Keywords. RFID, smartcard, webcam, security, parking
Analisis Sistem Pencahayaan Pada Lantai 3 Gedung Kuliah Umum Institut Teknologi Sumatera Khoirun Naimah; Abri Rahmatullah; M Azzam As Tsabit; Muqqafa Akbar P; Kamilah; Javeni Eysama Lumban G; Nuril Hidayat; M Allezandro Alghozi; Reuben Damara; Aldhi S; Ardian S
Energi & Kelistrikan Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Energi dan Kelistrikan: Jurnal Ilmiah
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/energi.v15i1.1978


Various regulations and standards have been issued by various authorities to support and increase the efficiency of energy use and manage energy conservation activities. Energy conservation is the obligation of all parties, including from the side of energy users in buildings, including one of them is the ITERA Public Lecture Building which is used mostly for classrooms, but there is no data on the quality of the lighting system. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the lighting system (energy consumption and lighting level) on the 3rd Floor of the ITERA General Lecture Building using the energy audit method. From the results of the study, it was found that the total energy consumption in the artificial lighting system (lamps) was 798.72 kWh/month, and the lighting level met the minimum limits of SNI 6197-2020, but out of 11 classrooms there were 7 rooms that were too much larger than SNI 6197-2020. So that the saving opportunity that can be done is to change the awareness of room energy users by reducing the length of time the lamp is used and prioritizing the use of natural light in the morning and afternoon so that it can save energy use by up to 34%.