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Modifikasi Mesin Pencacah Sisa Tanaman Tipe Circular Saw M. Rizky Fitriansyah; Tri Tunggal; R. Mursidi Mursidi
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Sriwijaya Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.52 KB)


A modified crushing machine made of circular saw was created with differences in some components, they are circular saw arrangement, concave shape, hopper, outlet boot, and source of power. This machine has 130 cm in lenght, 80 cm in height, 28 cm concave diameter, 25 cm of circular saw diameter, 20 cm of circular saw strengthener and 8 hp of diesel engine. Paddy straw was chosen as a trial material to test the performance of the machine. It was chosen because the previous machine did not success to chrush this material. The modified machine was able to run perfectly and crush the paddy straw. A capacity of 19,23 kg/h was reached when the test was done. The result of the crushing process was about 2 cm in length of the paddy straw. The fuel consumption was 0,880 L/h.Keywords : Crushing machine, Paddy Straw, Circular saw
PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS PADI LAHAN PASANG SURUT DAN KAPASITAS USAHA : (Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Kelompok Tani Kelurahan Sei Selincah Kota Palembang) Nelly Masnila; Tri Tunggal; Jovan Febriantoko
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bumi Raflesia Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bumi Raflesia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

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Pada Kelurahan Sei Selincah Kota Palembang terdapat banyak petani padi yang menggantungkan hidupnya pada hasil pertanian padi. Salah satu kelompok tani di kelurahan Kalidoni adalah Kelompok Tani Sumber Luhur yang menjadi mitra PIM. Berdasarkan justifikasi bersama mitra dapat ditarik sebuah permasalahan yang dialami, yaitu: (1)Sering gagal panen saat penanaman padi; (2)Belum memahami Teknik penanaman padi dengan baik; (3)Penjualan Terbatas pada penduduk sekitar dan tengkulak yang memonopoli harga; (4)Belum bisa menyusun laporan keuangan dengan baik; (5)Belum Mengetahui Cara Mengakses Modal Usaha. Solusi yang direncanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra tersebut, yaitu: (1)Pelatihan pemilihan benih padi varietas unggul yang ideal dengan kondisi lahan mitra; (2)Pelatihan Teknik Penanaman Padi Bibit Unggul; (3)Mendesain Logo usaha, label usaha, digital marketing dan kemitraan; (4)Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Pelaporan keuangan dan Manajemen Usaha; (5) Pendampingan dalam mempelajari dan mencari informasi akses pemodalan. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 7 bulan dengan sumber dana dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi melalului skema Penerapan Iptek Masyarakat 2022. Berdasarkan kegiatan Penerapan Iptek bagi Masyarakat yang telah dijalankan maka Kelompok tani merasa terbantu dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan mereka hingga 80% terkait penanaman padi di lahan pasang surut. Solusi yang diimplementasikan telah sesuai dengan permasalahan eksisting mitra. Kegiatan ini berdampak pada bertambahnya produk kelompok tani yaitu beras kemasan yang mulai di pasarkan melalui e-commerce. Kata Kunci:  padi, e-commerce, pertanian, pengabdian, produktivitas
Optimalisasi Keuntungan Usaha melalui Pelatihan Pembudidayaan Varietas Cabai Unggul yang Tahan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman dan Pengelolaan Pasca Panen: Optimizing Business Profits through Cultivation of Superior Chilli Varieties Resistant to Crop Pests and Post-Harvest Management Jovan Febriantoko; Tri Tunggal; Rian Rahmanda Putra
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v8i1.4038


Growing vegetables is a support to the family economy for farmers. The living conditions of fellow farmers are still far from good. The purpose of the Community Science and Technology Application in empowering Independent Advanced Farmer Groups is to provide solutions to problems in the aspects of production, management, marketing, management and post-harvest management. Thus, it has an impact in increasing the empowerment of partners. The methodology used in the application of community science and technology is training and direct practice in the field. Pre-Community Service and post Community Service results, Farmers in this activity experience increased knowledge up to 90.34%. The highest increase in knowledge results lies in the knowledge achievement indicator related to Understanding Superior Variety Seeds, while the lowest percentage increase is in the knowledge achievement indicator Understanding Post-Harvest Processing, which is 78.67%. The average level of improvement in the achievement of knowledge indicators is 45.23% of the knowledge previously possessed. The conclusion of this community service is the improvement of partners from various aspects such as the understanding of seeds of superior varieties, knowledge of planting techniques, the ability to install agricultural tools, understanding of post-harvest processing, knowledge of digital promotion and the ability to prepare financial reports.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas Vol 28, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jtpa.28.1.28-36.2024


This research was motivated by the use of a fixed bed furnace. Fixed bed furnaces are less effective because their use is fixed.  The purpose of this research was to design a mobile drying furnace fueled by sawdust biomass.  This research uses an experimental method with 3 stages of design, namely design approach, functional design and structural design. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The result of this research is a mobile drying furnace designed consisting of a fuel feeder, fuel channel, hopper, combustion chamber and heat exchanger chamber, chimney and furnace outlet channel and channel after the fan that can function properly. Furnace testing was carried out using sawdust fuel. The resulting feed speed is 10.3 kg/hour, the capacity of the combustion chamber for sawdust is 3.4 kg, the average temperature in the fuel feeder is 40.41 °C, in the combustion chamber 414.57 °C, in the heat exchanger 79.80 °C, in the chimney 104.11 °C, in the furnace outlet channel 62.77 °C, in the channel after the fan 46.08 °C, the sawdust fuel consumption rate was 5.8 kg/hour and the furnace efficiency obtained in the study was 53.90%. The resulting hot air temperature can be used for drying grain.Key words:  design, efficiency furnace, mobile drying furnace, temperature