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Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA) Vol 8 No 2 (2024): ON GOING
Publisher : LPPM STIE Muhammadiah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31955/mea.v8i2.4027


Modal terbesar dan paling penting adalah sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Agar sumber daya manusia terus berkembang, mereka harus terus diperhatikan. Semua orang yang bekerja di bidang pendidikan harus siap untuk bertransformasi menuju kemajuan institusi dan individu manusianya karena kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.. Untuk menelaah lebih dalam maka dilakukan penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literature review. Penelitian literature review merupakan mengemukakan bahwa tidak hanya wawancara dan survei tetapi juga bahan tekstual, artefak fisik, dan arsip-arsip dapat berfungsi sebagai sumber informasi dalam studi kualitatif. Buku, jurnal ilmiah, dan laporan terkait semuanya merupakan tempat yang baik untuk mulai mencari literatur. Dalam lembaga pendidikan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia harus melibatkan semua komponennya, mulai dari kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga kependidikan, hingga keamanan sekolah. Untuk mendukung proses pencapaian tujuan lembaga pendidikan, proses pengembangan sumber daya manusia juga harus didasarkan pada analisis kebutuhan dan perencanaan yang matang. Sumber daya manusia, yaitu tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berkualitas, akan dihasilkan melalui proses yang baik dan cermat.
Evaluasi Pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya Alida, Nelfi; Adripen, Adripen; Salam, Muhammad Yusuf; Munir, Sirajul; Jamilus, Jamilus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47668/pkwu.v12i1.1053


Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya, mengungkapkan relevansi antara komponen input-proses-output menurut model logika dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan tersebut, serta menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi SMK Pusat Keunggulan Kab. Dharmasraya dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitaif, dimana peneliti mendapatkan data melalui angket yang disebar kepada seluruh guru dan tenaga kependidikan di 2 SMK pelaksana program Pusat Keunggulan (PK). Data angket diolah dengan statistik deskriptif melalui bantuan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistics 25, selanjutnya peneliti mencoba menggali dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemenuhan dari delapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK Pusat Kenggulan Kabupaten Dharmasraya yaitu, SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Rumbai dan SMK Negeri 1 Koto Baru, serta menganalisis apakah terdapat relevansi antara komponen input, komponen proses dan komponen output dari 8 standar nasional tersebut menurut model logika. Dari data penelitian ditemukan fakta bahwa 2 SMK Pusat Keunggulan di Kabupaten Dharmasraya telah memenuhi standar nasional pendidikan dengan capaian rata-rata pada level baik. Namun tidak terdapat relevansi antara komponen input, komponen proses dan komponen output dalam pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan menurut model logika, hal ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa keduasekolah telah mencapai komponen input yang baik, komponen proses yang baik, namun komponen output masih berada pada level cukup. Selayaknya ketika sekolah telah memiliki kurikulum yang baik, dengan dukungan guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang kompeten serta sarana prasarana yang memadai karena pembiayaan yang baik maka diharapkan proses dan pengelolaan pendidikan akan berjalan dengan baik sampai pada tahap penilaian sehingga menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Namun data peneilitian menunjukkan kompetensi lulusan yang belum seutuhnya baik, hal ini di sebabkan oleh program SMK PK ini baru berjalan 2 tahun dan belum menghasilkan lulusan.
Etika Profesi Pemimpin dan Gaya Kepemimpinan di SDN 15 Baringin Ramadani, Degita Laila; Jamilus, Jamilus
Journal of Islamic Education Leadership Vol 3 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jmpi.v3i2.556


Professional Ethics of Leaders and Leadership Styles at SDN 15 Baringin.This article discusses the ethics of a leader in upholding justice and his leadership style towards specific communities and institutions. In every educational institution or company, a leader is needed. A good leader can provide trustworthy directions to his subordinates regarding the duties and responsibilities of a leader. Unsurprisingly, a leader requires ethics in carrying out responsible duties and functions. A quality leader can provide good direction and assignments for his subordinates. A leadership style triggers the nature of the leader. This style includes the types of leaders carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The urgency of a leader's leadership style will affect his performance in giving direction. In every institution and company, a leader holds the duties and responsibilities for the institutions he carries out. A leader has a high sense of authority to build his performance and quality
the Manajemen Kerja Tim (Team Work) dalam Pendidikan Islam Febrina, Winda; Jamilus, Jamilus
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v8i1.1705


Islamic education has an important role in shaping the character and noble character of the younger generation. To achieve this goal, effective and efficient teamwork management is needed in the learning and coaching process. Teamwork management is an important aspect in the success of an organization. An effective team can increase productivity, creativity and innovation. This paper discusses teamwork management in Islamic education, including the basics of the Qur'an and Sunnah, the principles of teamwork management, and strategies for its application in education.
Teknik Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Terkini untuk Perencanaan Optimal dalam Konteks Pendidikan Islam Liza, Nova; Jamilus, Jamilus
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.977


This article discusses the importance of human resource (HRM) management in the context of Islamic education and explores the latest techniques in HR management that can be applied effectively. With a focus on the management of educators and education personnel, the author outlines several techniques, from planning to compensation, that aim to support the quality of education and achieve the educational goals that have been set. This study uses a library research approach. The process of collecting information and data from various literature sources such as reference books, similar previous research, articles, notes, and various journals relevant to the problem to be solved. Descriptive analysis is a method that involves collecting data, structuring, or grouping, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain a deep understanding. The results of data analysis show that human resource planning is one of the management functions that is oriented towards developing strategic steps to prepare human resources (employees) in organizations with the number and quality needed. HR planning is a management process to determine the movement of an organization's human resources from the current position to the desired position in the future, using data as a guide for future planning
Pengaruh Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Pegawai Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Jamilus, Jamilus; Basri, Henny Hamdani
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.1007


Manpower placement is a series of processes after recruitment and selection to determine positions in accordance with their abilities in order to complete work effectively and efficiently in accordance with what has been determined by the organization. Performance is the achievement of work results charged to employees based on experience, proficiency, sincerity, time, quantity, quality, reliability, attendance, and ability to cooperate. In the placement of manpower, knowledge and experience and ability are needed in carrying out their duties and if they are not experts who do it, there will be destruction or failure, so to achieve success in the right placement according to their expertise is needed. This research is library research and is included in the qualitative research approach. Data collection is carried out directly from various relevant literature including research articles sourced from Google Scholar. Data analysis is carried out qualitatively consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of data analysis show that labor placement affects employee performance. This can be seen from the responsibility of employees to work, the punctuality of coming to work and the responsibility in completing tasks at work
Sistem Rekrutmen dalam Pengembangan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berdasarkan Konsep Pendidikan Islam Junaidi, Junaidi; Jamilus, Jamilus
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.1009


This study aims to explore the implementation of a recruitment system based on the concept of Islamic education in the development of human resource management (HR). The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach in several organizations that apply Islamic principles in the recruitment process. Data are obtained through interviews, observation, and analysis of related documents. Data analysis is carried out qualitatively consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the integration of Islamic values in recruitment criteria had a positive impact on work culture, performance, and organizational alignment with Islamic principles. Training employees on Islamic ethics has also proven effective in strengthening their understanding of the values that should be upheld in the work environment. This research provides practical recommendations for organizations in developing an Islamic-based recruitment system, such as integrating Islamic aspects in performance monitoring and evaluation, as well as organizational commitment to human resource development in accordance with Islamic principles.
Mengembangkan Kerjasama Tim dalam Pengelolaan Pendidikan Islam di Era Digital Aris, Maifalinda; Jamilus, Jamilus
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.1010


Teamwork in the management of Islamic education in the digital era is the focus in this research. This study aims to analyze effective methods and strategies in developing teamwork in Islamic educational institutions. A qualitative approach was used by conducting in-depth interviews and observations of Islamic education management teams in several institutions. Data analysis is carried out in depth using qualitative data analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that cooperation skills training, multidisciplinary team building, use of collaborative platforms, community engagement, and regular evaluations were key factors in improving teamwork. These findings make an important contribution to practical understanding in the management of Islamic education in the digital age, as well as provide practical recommendations for educational institutions to improve teamwork and quality of education.
Strategi Rekrutmen Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan dalam Penempatan Kerja di MAN 2 Sijunjung Jamilus, Jamilus; Alwis, Dona Ana Yori
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.1021


This article investigates various strategies used in the recruitment of educators and education personnel for effective job placement. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The subjects of the study were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection is carried out directly through observation and interviews. Data analysis is carried out qualitatively with stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that diverse approaches have been used by educational institutions and organizations to attract qualified individuals into these educational roles. An effective recruitment strategy is not just about finding academically qualified candidates, but also about considering the cultural fit and values of the organization. This article also discusses challenges in the recruitment of educators and education personnel, such as job market competition and changes in education trends. A holistic and continuous approach in the development of recruitment strategies that can adapt to the changing dynamics in the world of education and the job market. This research is in the form of interviews, literature studies, where the author collects data from various references such as books, and scientific articles.
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Pendidikan Islam (Studi Kasus di SD Plus Lillah Pasir Putih) Zurhidayati, Zurhidayati; jamilus, Jamilus
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i2.1024


This research will explain related to the concept of human resource management in Islamic education. The study used descriptive qualitative methods implemented by collecting data obtained from documentation, observation, and interviews. The results showed that SD Plus Lillah Pasir Putih meets the needs of teachers / educators and education staff in accordance with needs such as administrative personnel, cleanliness, and security. HR competencies are enhanced through education and training, seminars, workshops, and internships. Recruitment and selection of HR candidates is carried out every year since its establishment, along with the development of the school and the increase in the number of students. Meanwhile, compensation, both financial and non-financial, is always improved to provide qualified quality human resources. The implementation of Islamic Education Human Resources in Plus Lillah Pasir Putih has been well implemented, especially in the field of HR management, ranging from HR planning, recruitment, selection of HR candidates, training, and development, to employee relations