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KARAKTERISTIK KOMUNITAS SASTRA DI BALI Triadnyani, I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas; Banda, Maria Maltidis; Nama, I Ketut
Aksara Vol 31, No 2 (2019): AKSARA, EDISI Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.952 KB) | DOI: 10.29255/aksara.v31i2.434.239-250


Abstrak Komunitas sastra merupakan salah satu ujung tombak bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya kesusastraan di suatu wilayah, termasuk Bali. Di dalam komunitas sastra tersebut dilakukan berbagai aktivitas, seperti diskusi sastra (baik cerpen, novel, puisi, maupun drama), peluncuran buku sastra, pembacaan puisi, musikalisasi puisi, pertunjukan teater, dan berbagai lomba. Komunitas sastra berperan menjaga iklim yang sehat dan kondusif bagi terciptanya kreativitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan pentingnya kehadiran komunitas sastra yang marak bermunculan di berbagai daerah di Bali. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskriptif-analitik. Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan teknik kuesioner dan teknik wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, diperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai berbagai aspek terkait komunitas sastra, seperti karakteristik pendukung komunitas sastra dan aktivitas yang mereka lakukan. Kata kunci: komunitas sastra, karakteristik, kreativitas Abstract The existence of a literary community marks the growth and development of Indonesian literature in a region, such as Bali. In the literary community, various activities are carried out, such as book discussions (novels, poetry, and drama), publishing literary books, poetry reading, poetry musicals, theater performances, as well as various competitions. The literary community plays a role in maintaining a healthy and conducive climate for the creation of creativity. This research aims to show the importance of the presence of a literary community that is rife in various regions of Bali. To achieve these objectives, descriptive-analytic methods were used with interview techniques and questionnaire. Based on this research, obtained a number of information about various aspects related to the literary community and the activities they did. Keywords: literary community, characteristic, creativity
KARAKTERISTIK KOMUNITAS SASTRA DI BALI I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani; Maria Maltidis Banda; I Ketut Nama
Aksara Vol 31, No 2 (2019): AKSARA, EDISI Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.95 KB) | DOI: 10.29255/aksara.v31i2.434.239-250


Abstrak Komunitas sastra merupakan salah satu ujung tombak bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya kesusastraan di suatu wilayah, termasuk Bali. Di dalam komunitas sastra tersebut dilakukan berbagai aktivitas, seperti diskusi sastra (baik cerpen, novel, puisi, maupun drama), peluncuran buku sastra, pembacaan puisi, musikalisasi puisi, pertunjukan teater, dan berbagai lomba. Komunitas sastra berperan menjaga iklim yang sehat dan kondusif bagi terciptanya kreativitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan pentingnya kehadiran komunitas sastra yang marak bermunculan di berbagai daerah di Bali. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskriptif-analitik. Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan teknik kuesioner dan teknik wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, diperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai berbagai aspek terkait komunitas sastra, seperti karakteristik pendukung komunitas sastra dan aktivitas yang mereka lakukan. Kata kunci: komunitas sastra, karakteristik, kreativitas Abstract The existence of a literary community marks the growth and development of Indonesian literature in a region, such as Bali. In the literary community, various activities are carried out, such as book discussions (novels, poetry, and drama), publishing literary books, poetry reading, poetry musicals, theater performances, as well as various competitions. The literary community plays a role in maintaining a healthy and conducive climate for the creation of creativity. This research aims to show the importance of the presence of a literary community that is rife in various regions of Bali. To achieve these objectives, descriptive-analytic methods were used with interview techniques and questionnaire. Based on this research, obtained a number of information about various aspects related to the literary community and the activities they did. Keywords: literary community, characteristic, creativity
The Phenomenon of News and Stories In A Collection of Poetry Ada Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro? By Sapardi Djoko Damono I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani; I Ketut Nama
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 11 (2021): the 11th AIC on Social Sciences, Syiah Kuala University
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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This paper discusses the issue of binary opposition, especially dealing with the opposite genres between fiction and non-fiction in literary works. Commonly fiction is assumed to concern only with imaginations, while non-fiction with realities or facts. This issue is applied to examine the poems of number 1-9 through the work, titled "Ada Berita Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro?" The theory of hermeneutics, especially covering the concept of hermeneutic circles, is the main tool to analyze. Finally, the results prove that the continual contradiction between news and story is intentionally constructed by poets to gain ambiguity effects of the poem.Keywords: opposition, fiction, non-fiction
Novel Bapak, Kapan Kita Akan Berdamai? Karya Regza Sajogur: Kajian Psikologi Sastra Yunita Gallu Moni; I Ketut Nama; Sri Jumadiah
Humanis Vol 21 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.926 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2017.v21.i01.p11


The object of this research is the novel Bapak, Kapan Kita Akan Berdamai?. This research is motivated by psychological phenomenon of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on Marolop character. The theory used in the research is the structural theory of Burhan Nurgiyantro, and the theory of literary psychology of Albertine Minderop, Endraswara, and Wahyudi Siswanto, as well as the theory of post traumatic stress disorder namely Emotional and psychological trauma: causes, symptomps, effects, andtreatment of Jaffe. Stuctural theory explains the object of research in three intrinsic elements, namely: characterization, plot, and background. The theory of literary psychology explains several theories related to some psychological psychological theories into this research, namely: the theory of personality structure of psychoanalysis and PTSD theory. The formulation of the problem to be discussed consists of two, namely: structural analysis which includes, characterization, plot, and background, and PTSD phenomena on Marolop. The purpose of this research is to know the novel structure of BKKAB in terms of characterization, plot, and background, and PTSD phenomenon on Marolop. Methods and techniques used in this study there are three, namely: (1) methods and techniques of data collection, used library methods and techniques used is the technique of reading, record; (2) methods and techniques of data analysis used descriptive analysis method, followed by reading and listening techniques; (3) methods and techniques of presenting the results of data analysis described in the format of writing a good and correct thesis. Analysis structure according to Nurgiyantoro cover three aspects namely, characterization, plot and background. Based on the analysis of the psychoanalytic personality structure associated with PTSD, the characters in the BKKAB novel affect each other psychically between one character and another. In the PTSD figures forming a linkage that is, Marolop as victims of physical abuse, the father as the perpetrator, and the mother as a unifier.
Kepercayaan Tradisional Masyarakat Jawa dalam Novel Suti Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra Eva Yulianti; I Ketut Nama
Humanis Vol 22 No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.294 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i03.p02


I choose the novel Suti as the research object because firstly, in this novel it is described about historical ocassion in the year of 1960’s. Second, the novel Suti has a rural background. Third, the novel Suti describes the belief that had happened in the rural region. There are two problems that will be discussed. First, structure analysis that consists og figures, plots, and background. Second, literature sociology discussion that consists of javanese traditional belief. There are two results oh this research, they are structure analysis and literature sociology analysis that discuss about javanese traditional belief in the novel Suti. The main character in this novel is Suti. Besides, there are secondary and complementary characters too. The plots in this novel are divided into three plots. The first plot tells about the life of Suti since little until adult. The second plot tells about the close relationship between Suti and Sastro’s family, until finally Suti disappers by being brought away by her mother. The last plot tells about the life of Sastro’s family after being left by Suti, until finally Suti went back to Tungkal Village. The background in this novel are divided into three backgrounds, they are background pf place that takes place in Tungkal Village, Solo, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta. Background of time that describes the situation in the year of 1960’s, and background of culture that tells about the daily life of Tungkal Village’s people, ranging from traditional rituals until behaviors. The analysis of traditional belief in the novel Suti uses the theory of Wayland. D. Hand, that the traditional belief is divided into four aspects, such as : (1) the belief in the environment of human’s life, for example the beliefs about weton, age of marriage, etc; (2) the belief about mystical world, for example the belief in the existence of Mbah Parmin and worshipping practice towards Mbah Parmin; (3) the belief in the creation of universe, for example the belief in the sound of crow; (4) the other kind of belief, for example someone’s behavior.
Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Perempuan Di Titik Nol Karya El-Saadewi Ni Kadek Enny Muliandayani; I Ketut Sudewa; I Ketut Nama
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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This thesis entitled "The Inner Conflict Main Figures in the Novel Women at Work Zero Point El-Saadewi". Novel Woman at Zero Point has a strong psychological picture of the main character. The problems discussed there are two, namely: analysis of the structure and inner conflict. The purpose of this study to determine the structure and the inner conflict of the main character. The methods and techniques used in the study, there are three, namely: (1) methods and techniques of data collection, used qualitative methods and techniques read, see, and note; (2) Methods and techniques of data analysis used descriptive analytic method followed by techniques see, and note; (3) Methods and techniques of presentation of the results of data analysis using the description and presentation of the results of data analysis techniques presented in the format of preparation of the thesis. Structural elements are analyzed in a novel Women in Ground Zero, namely: characterization, plot, and setting. The third analysis used functional structure, because the elements support each other to establish the integrity of the story. Inner conflict such as physical violence and sexual abuse from childhood to adulthood. Solutions done to resolve inner conflict, namely: sublimation, projection, and rationalization.
Determinants of Asset Utilization of Yogyakarta Special Region Government Sri Suharsih; I Ketut Nama; Rini Dwi Astuti
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 22, No 1 (2021): JEP 2021
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v22i1.12704


Regional assets are an essential resource for local governments as the primary support for local revenue. Therefore, local governments must be able to manage assets adequately. The variables that affect the probability of using local government assets in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are population density and health facilities. Variables of land area, GRDP, and educational facilities have not increased the probability of asset utilization in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The various problems and challenges faced in asset management must be addressed immediately by carrying out reforms in regional government asset management.
TEATER SEKOLAH AJANG KREATIVITAS DAN MASA DEPAN SENI TEATER [Schools’Theater as a Media to Improve Creativity and the Future of Theater itself] I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani; Maria Matildis Banda; I Ketut Nama
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/ttbng.v9i1.289


Theater as one of the extra-curricular activities in Senior High-school gradually attract more students to join. The previous reseaches provedg their  interesting on it. Based on  several undergone activities, there was 40% students who stated that their joining in the literary community  in schools due to the existence of the theater. This research aims to more deeply explore the characteristics of theater in schools, especially the Senior High-Schools which located in the three districts of Bali. The method applied is due to field-method combined by library research. The techniques are  questionnaires and interviews. As a result, the students have great interests in play theater because they think that  this kind of activity is the arena to self improve and also to stimulate creativity. Kegiatan teater sebagai salah satu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang ada di SMA semakin lama semakin diminati. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa minat siswa pada kegiatan ini sangat tinggi. Dari beberapa kegiatan yang diselenggarakan, 40% siswa menyatakan bahwa mereka bergabung dengan komunitas sastra di sekolah karena adanya kegiatan teater. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam karakteristik teater sekolah, khususnya di tingkat SMA yang ada di tiga kabupaten di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode lapangan yang didukung studi pustaka. Teknik yang dipakai adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa siswa-siswi menyukai kegiatan teater/drama karena kegiatan ini dapat menjadi ajang pengembangan diri siswa, di samping membangkitkan kreativitas.
Moralitas dalam Novel 728 Hari Ibu Jembatanmu Menuju Surga Karya Djono W.Oesman Eka Ayu Permata Sari; Ida Bagus Jelantik; I Ketut Nama
Stilistika : Journal of Indonesian Language and Literature Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.114 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/STIL.2021.v01.i01.p05


Novel 728 Hari Ibu Jembatanmu Menuju Surga by Djono W.Oesman was chosen as research data for several reasons. First, because this novel is a best seller. Second, this novel tells the true story of a person. Third, this novel has many useful references to morality. The analysis of this resersch uses structural theory and moral value theory as formulated by Burhan Nurgiyantoro’s. Structural theory discusses the object of research in the intrinsic elements that build and literary work, among others, characterization, plot, and setting. Moral value theory is uused analyze the morality contained in the novel. The method used in this research is the library research method with reading, listening, and note taking techniques. Then, the data were analyzed using the analytical descriptive method. The results of this study consist of two parts. First, the structure of the novel 728 Hari:IJMS, the characters in the novel are the main character, Eva Meliana Santi, and additional characters, namely Sugiarti, Badarudin, Ryantori Ahmad, and Winantyo Adi Tamtomo (Nanan). The flow used consisnts of three stages, namely the initial stages, the middle stages, and the final stages. The setting of this novel is divided into three, namely place setting, time setting, and social setting. Second, the morality contained in the novel 728 Hari:IJMS and the moral of the main character in dealing with life’s problems.
Buletin Ekonomi: Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Akuntansi Vol 17, No 2 (2019): Buletin Ekonomi: Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/be.v17i2.5614


This research is to identifies determinants of waiting period to get a job for graduates of the Development Economics Study Program. The research variables include the waiting period is Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA), Toefl score, Organization and Training. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis tools. The results of the research show that the Toefl and Training scores negatively affected the waiting period. This means that if the Toefl and Training score increases, it will shorten the waiting period for graduates to get a job. While the GPA and the Organization have no effect on the waiting period for graduates to get a job.Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi determinan masa tunggu memperoleh pekerjaan bagi lulusan Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan. Variabel penelitian mencakup Masa tunggu, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK), skor Toefl, Organisasi dan Pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor Toefl dan Pelatihan berpengaruh negatif terhadap masa tunggu. Hal ini berarti jika skore Toefl dan Pelatihan bertambah akan memperpendek masa tunggu lulusan memperoleh pekerjaan. Sedangkan IPK dan Organisasi tidak berpengaruh pada masa tunggu lulusan memperoleh pekerjaan.