Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan
Divisi Bedah Onkologi, Departemen Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

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Gambaran Karakteristik Kanker Payudara Metastasis Berdasarkan Subtipe Molekuler di RSUP Sanglah Tahun 2014- 2019 Natasha Lumongga Bernadette; I Gede Budhi Setiawan; IB Made Made Suryawisesa; Ni G.A.A. Manik Yuniawaty Wetan
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 11 No 2 (2022): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MU.2022.v11.i02.p07


ABSTRAK Angka kejadian kanker payudara meningkat setiap tahunnya. Subtipe molekuler merupakan prediktor yang baik dalam memprediksi kejadian metastasis. Studi Epidemiologi ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik pasien kasus kanker payudara di Indonesia, khususnya di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah, Denpasar selama periode 2014-2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Cancer Registry Perhimpunan Ahli Bedah Onkologi Indonesia (PERABOI), Divisi Bedah Onkologi RSUP Sanglah. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling. Dari 161 sampel kasus kanker payudara metastasis diperoleh hasil kejadian metastasis kanker payudara paling banyak mengalami metastasis ke paru-paru yaitu sebanyak 108 kasus (48,9%). Kejadian metastasis kanker payudara paling banyak dialami oleh pasien dengan subtipe molekuler Luminal B-positif yaitu sebanyak 45 kasus (28%). Pasien dengan metastasis tulang cenderung memiliki subtipe molekuler Luminal B-positif yaitu sebanyak 19 (32,2%). Pasien dengan metastasis paru-paru cenderung memiliki subtipe molekuler HER2+ yaitu sebanyak 28 (14,2%). Pasien dengan metastasis otak cenderung memiliki subtipe molekuler HER2+ yaitu sebanyak 6 (50%). Pasien dengan metastasis liver, cenderung memiliki subtipe molekuler HER2+ dan Luminal B-positif yaitu sebanyak 11 kasus (26,2%). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mempelajari kejadian kanker payudara metastasis. Kata kunci : Kanker Payudara Metasasis, Organ Metasastasis, Subtipe Molekuler
SKALA NYERI PADA PASIEN KANKER PAYUDARA YANG DIRAWAT DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PUSAT SANGLAH PADA BULAN OKTOBER 2019 Kadek Santi Diahswari Widyadari; Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra; Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 10 No 3 (2021): Vol 10 No 03(2021): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MU.2021.V10.i3.P16


ABSTRAK Nyeri adalah suatu sensasi tidak menyenangkan yang dapat bersifat sensorik maupun emosional dan berkaitan dengan adanya kerusakan jaringan. Nyeri sering kali menjadi alasan utama seorang pasien, terutama pasien kanker untuk mencari pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan intensitas nyeri yang dialami pasien kanker payudara yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode deskriptif cross-sectional. Penelitian ini melibatkan pasien yang telah terdiagnosis kanker payudara yang dirawat jalan di Poliklinik Bedah Onkologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah pada bulan Oktober 2019. Sampel dipilih melalui metode consecutive sampling. Data diambil dari data primer berupa kuesioner yang berisi identitas pasien, diagnosis kanker payudara, dan skala nyeri berupa skala Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Responden paling banyak berada direntang umur 41-50 tahun. Seluruh subjek adalah perempuan. Lebih banyak kanker berada pada sisi kiri payudara. Responden paling banyak berada pada stadium II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari total 50 sampel, sebanyak 10 orang (20%) tidak mengalami nyeri, 6 orang (12%) mengalami nyeri ringan, 26 orang (52%) mengalami nyeri sedang, 6 orang (12%) mengalami nyeri berat, dan 2 orang (4%) mengalami nyeri sangat berat. Intensitas nyeri yang paling banyak dijumpai adalah nyeri dengan intensitas sedang. Kata kunci : Skala nyeri numerik (NRS), intensitas nyeri, kanker payudara.
Strategi Pembedahan di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan; Putu Astri Novianti
JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Special Issue COVID-19 - JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.338 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JBN.2020.v04.is01.p03


Sebagai simpulan, dengan memperjelas strategi pembedahan dan mengikuti protokol pembedahan yang telah disepakati, akan membantu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pasien sekaligus melindungi petugas medis di era pandemi COVID-19 ini.
Perbedaan Karakteristik Pasien Kanker Payudara Stadium Dini Dengan dan Tanpa Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening Aksila di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar NGAA Manik Yuniawaty Wetan
JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional) Vol 3 No 1 (2019): JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.502 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JBN.2019.v03.i01.p03


Tujuan: untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik kanker payudara stadium dini dengan dan tanpa metastasis kelenjar getah bening aksila di RSUP Sanglah. Metode: penelitian ini adalah penelitian deksriptif pada pasien kanker payudara stadium dini dengan dan tanpa mengalami metastasis kelenjar getah bening aksila di RSUP Sanglah. Data dicatat dari rekam medis mengenai, usia, status menopause, letak kanker payudara, ukuran tumor, varian histopatologi, subtipe, dan status hormonal. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square atau t-independent dengan interval kepercayaan (CI) 95% dan p<0,05. Hasil: penelitian ini dilakukan pada masing-masing 22 pasien kanker payudara stadium dini dengan dan tanpa metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening aksila di RSUP Sanglah. Ada perbedaan yang bermakna usia (45 tahun dan 53 tahun; p=0,012) dan status menopause (68,2% premenopause dan 31,8% postmenopause; p=0,016) pada subjek kanker payudara stadium dini dengan dan tanpa metastasis KGB aksila. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna mengenai letak kanker payudara, ukuran tumor, varian histopatologi, subtipe, dan status hormonal. Simpulan: usia dan status menopause berbeda secara bermakna pada subjek kanker payudara stadium dini dengan metastasis kelenjar getah bening aksila di RSUP Sanglah.
GAMBARAN PASIEN KARSINOMA TIROID BERDIFERENSIASI DI RSUP SANGLAH TAHUN 2015-2020 Made Visvayoni Wisescistiati; Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan; Ida Bagus Tjakra Wibawa Manuaba; Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 11 No 4 (2022): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MU.2022.V11.i4.P13


ABSTRACT Background: differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) is the most common type found in thyroid malignancies. Onset of the disease is influenced by several factors such as history of radiation exposure, environmental influences and iodine intake in certain areas. Due to the limited data in Indonesia related to the mapping of differentiated thyroid cancer cases, the author is interested in conducting this study. Objective: to determine the description of differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients in Sanglah General Hospital year 2015-2020. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study. The population and samples were all patients diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer treated at the SMF/Surgery Department of Sanglah General Hospital year 2015 -2020. The variables in this study are age, gender, area of residence, main diagnosis, staging and therapy. Results: total sample obtained 223 patients. Most common age group were 41-50 years old with 52 people (23.3%). Women are more common with 173 people (77.6%). Denpasar City has the highest number of cases with 75 people (33.6%). The main diagnosis is papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) with 215 cases (96.4%). Stage I are most found with 140 cases (62.8%). Most widely given therapy is total thyroidectomy in 183 people (82.1%) and 124 people (55.6%) received radio ablation. Conclusion: In this study, differentiated thyroid carcinoma was mostly found in women, at the age of 41-50 years, residents living in Denpasar. Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) as the most common type in stage I and mostly treated with total thyroidectomy. Keywords : description, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, sociodemographic
ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN KANKER KEPALA DAN LEHER DI RSUP SANGLAH Made Sinta Ayu Suci Nirmala; Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra; I Gede Budhi Setiawan; Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 11 No 7 (2022): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Head and neck cancer ranked as the fifth most common cancer in the world. A series of treatment is likely to cause changes in the quality of life in cancer patients. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the patient's quality of life and the relationship between EORTC QLQ-H&N35 and Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). This study is analytic with a cross sectional approach. The technique is total sampling adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data obtained were gender, age, anatomical location of head and neck cancer, stage of cancer, therapy, KPS, and EORTC QLQ-H&N35. Data was collected for 3 months and 45 samples were obtained. There were 24 patients ((53.3%) above 45 years old. 33 men (73.3%) and 12 women (26.7%). The most cases were nasopharyngeal cancer is 25 people (55.6%). A total of 19 patients (42.2%) were in stage IV. The most used therapies were surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy is 19 people (41.3%). The mean KPS is 72.23 ± 16.992. The factor affect the quality of life of head and neck cancer patients the most is weight loss with a mean of 59.49 ± 49.989 and a significant correlation (p=0.000, p<0.05) between EORTC QLQ-H&N35 and KPS.
Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Kualitas Hidup Pasien Kanker Payudara Post Mastektomi di RSUP Sanglah Made Syanindita Putri Larasati; I Gede Budhi Setiawan; Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan; Ida Bagus Tjakra Wibawa Manuaba
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 11 No 10 (2022): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: Breast cancer is a malignancy of breast tissue that starts from the lobules or epithelial glands of the breast, where cancer cells grow out of control. Quality of life is a functional representation of physical, psychological, and social responses. Breast cancer affects a person's quality of life which is influenced by various factors, so it is necessary to conduct further research on the quality of life of post-mastectomy breast cancer patients at Sanglah Hospital to determine the quality of life of post-mastectomy breast cancer patients at Sanglah Hospital. Methods: This research is a cross sectional descriptive analytic study with primary and secondary data collection. The sample collection technique is total sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria considerations, in order to obtain 92 respondents who then answered the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire which was distributed for 3 months (July-September). The variables measured included quality of life, age, KPS, education level, occupation, stage, therapy, economic condition, and physical activity of breast cancer patients. Results: This study was analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. From 92 respondents, the quality of life of breast cancer patients was found to be functional in good condition, symptoms and complaints were in poor condition, and overall quality of life and health were in good condition. In the bivariate analysis, therapy, occupation, physical activity, and KPS affect quality of life. In multivariate analysis, KPS affects the condition of symptoms and complaints, and physical activity affects the condition of quality of life and overall health. Conclusion: The quality of life of post-mastectomy breast cancer patients at Sanglah Hospital is generally in good condition, but there are several factors that affect the quality of life of post-mastectomy breast cancer patients at Sanglah Hospital. Keywords : Breast cancer, quality of life, questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30
Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma (MBC), Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Subtype in A 49-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report Putu Erika Paskarani; Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan; Ni Putu Sriwidyani; Sang Ayu Putu Yuliantini
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 16, No 4 (2022): December
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v16i4.932


Introduction: Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma (MBC) is quite a challenging case because metaplastic breast cancer is one of the rarest subtypes of invasive breast cancer. It is reported that MBC occurs only 0.2 to 1% throughout the world. The metaplastic changes can be squamous cells or other mesenchymal cell types. Clinically, MBC presents as a large palpable mass and may be associated with rapid growth. The size of MBC tends to be larger compared with other types of invasive breast cancer ranging from 1 to more than 10 cm. Although there are several main categories of MBC, some carcinoma can be difficult to classify due to their unusual histologic patterns. This case report study is to provide a clinicopathological overview and approach to MBC.Case Presentation: We reported a 49-year-old woman who suffered from a breast mass that rapidly grew for less than one year. The microscopic findings showed squamous cell carcinoma. While molecular studies revealed triple negative results for hormone receptors although Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) overexpression was unusual (< 5%). Then, we confirmed with chromogen in situ hybridization (CISH) and there was no gen amplification for HER2. Microscopically, we found ductal carcinoma in situ and this finding supported breast origin.Conclusions: Metaplastic carcinoma did not have any specific and distinctive signs clinically. Metaplastic carcinoma can be monophasic (with only a metaplastic component) or biphasic with two or more components. As treatment options, our patient received conventional chemotherapy. Metaplastic breast cancer is reported to have a lower response rate to conventional adjuvant chemotherapy and worse clinical outcome after chemotherapy than other forms of triple-negative breast cancer.
Review Terapi Bisfosfonat pada Pasien Kanker Payudara, Berapa Lamakah Diberikan? NGAA Manik Yuniawaty Wetan; Hendry Irawan
JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBN.2023.v07.i01.p05


Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas, efek samping serta durasi yang optimal dalam pemberian bisfosfonat pada pasien kanker payudara. Metode: Pencarian komprehensif dilakukan pada database PubMed, Science Direct, dan CENTRAL dari tahun 2012 hingga 2022 yang dilakukan selama 10 tahun. Hasil: Tinjauan saat ini, yang termasuk tiga studi randomized controlled trials, yang melibatkan 7.162 kasus kanker payudara, menilai efek bisfosfonat pada risiko kanker payudara serta durasi penggunaan bisfosfonat. Ditemukan adanya pengurangan risiko kanker payudara dengan paparan bisfosfonat. Penggunaan bisfosfonat jangka pendek (<1 tahun) tidak menyebabkan perubahan yang signifikan, sementara penurunan risiko kanker payudara yang signifikan sebesar 26% tercatat dengan penggunaan jangka panjang (>1 tahun). Efek perlindungan bisfosfonat ditunjukkan pada kanker payudara kontralateral. Simpulan: Tinjauan ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bisfosfonat dikaitkan dengan penurunan risiko payudara kanker, termasuk kanker payudara kontralateral. Dibandingkan dengan jenis bisfosfonat lainnya, hanya etidronat yang menunjukkan signifikansi hubungan terbalik. Selain itu, penggunaan bisfosfonat jangka panjang (>1 tahun) lebih signifikan dalam mengecilkan risiko kanker payudara.