Komang Andi Dwi Saputra
Bagian/SMF THT-KL RSUP Sanglah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

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Journal : ISM (Intisari Sains Medis) : Jurnal Kedokteran

Pengaruh cuci hidung dengan daun dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L) terhadap infiltrasi sel inflamasi pada mukosa hidung tikus wistar yang menderita rinitis alergi Anggraini Anggraini; Sari Wulan Dwi Sutanegara; Komang Andi Dwi Saputra
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 10 No. 3 (2019): (Available online: 1 December 2019)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.139 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v10i3.452


Introduction: Pitanga Leaves (Eugenia uniflora L) was known to contain flavonoids such as quercetin – a substance that can prevent inflammation on an allergic reaction by preventing the degranulation of cell mast and prevent enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. The effects of quercetin in Suriname Cherry towards the allergic reaction can be identified by the decrease in inflammatory cell infiltration in the nasal mucosa.Methods: This study is a laboratory experiment using post-test only control group design. The study used 28 male Rattus norvegicus aged 8 – 12 weeks with body weights of 200 – 280 grams. The rats were divided into 4 groups: K Group (rats were induced with ovalbumin and were not treated), K1 Group (rats were induced with ovalbumin and were therapized an intranasal therapy using NaCl 3% in Day 21 – 31), P1 Group (rats were induced with ovalbumin and were given intranasal therapies with a 10mg/ml Pitanga Leaves extract in Day 21 – 31), and P2 Group (rats were induced with ovalbumin and were given internasal therapies with a 20mg/ml Pitanga Leaves extract. Afterwards, histopathology preparations were created, examined, and scored from inflammatory cell infiltration in the nasal mucosa.Results: Inflammatory cell infiltration was found on different significance between groups K, K1, P1, and P2 (p<0.05). On groups with 10mg/ml and 20mg/ml Pitanga Leaves extract therapy, there was a significant decrease in inflammatory cell infiltration compared to the control group (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the K and K1 groups (p>0.05).Conclusion: Rats that were induced with allergic rhinitis and were given intranasal therapy using Pitanga Leaves extract had lower inflammatory cell infiltration compared to the rats that were not given therapy.Latar Belakang: Daun dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L) telah diketahui memiliki kandungan flavonoid yang salah satunya merupakan kuersetin yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mencegah proses inflamasi pada reaksi alergi dengan cara mencegah degranulasi sel mast dan juga mencegah enzim siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase. Pengaruh dari kuersetin pada daun dewandaru terhadap reaksi alergi ini dapat ditandai dengan penurunan infiltrasi sel inflamasi pada mukosa hidung.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan menggunakan post-test only control group design.  Penelitian ini menggunakan 28 ekor tikus jantan galur wistar berusia 8 – 12 minggu dengan berat badan 200-280 gram. Tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu Kelompok K (tikus mendapatkan induksi ovalbumin dan tidak mendapatkan perlakuan), Kelompok K1 (tikus mendapatkan induksi ovalbumin dan terapi NaCl 3% secara intranasal pada hari ke 21-31), Kelompok P1 (tikus mendapatkan induksi ovalbumin dan terapi dengan ekstrak daun dewandaru 10mg/ml secara intranasal pada hari ke 21-31), dan Kelompok P2 (tikus mendapatkan induksi ovalbumin dan terapi dengan ekstrak daun dewandaru 20mg/ml secara intranasal pada hari ke 21-31). Kemudian dilakukan pembuatan dan pemeriksaan preparat histopatologi mukosa hidung dan dilakukan scoring pada infiltrasi sel inflamasi pada mukosa hidung.Hasil: Infiltrasi sel inflamasi ditemukan berbeda signifikan antar kelompok kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, perlakuan 1, dan perlakuan 2 (p<0.05). Pada kelompok terapi dengan daun dewandaru 10mg/ml dan 20mg/ml ditemukan infiltrasi sel inflamasi yang lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (p<0.05). Pada kelompok kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif hasil ditemukan tidak berbeda signifikan (p>0.05).Simpulan: Pemberian terapi intranasal dengan ekstrak daun dewandaru pada tikus yang diinduksi rinitis alergi memiliki infiltrasi sel inflamasi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang diinduksi rinitis alergi tanpa diberikan terapi.
Karakteristik penderita polip hidung di poliklinik THT-KL RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2018 I Made Surya Vedo Wirananda; Agus Rudi Asthuta; Komang Andi Dwi Saputra
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 10 No. 3 (2019): (Available online: 1 December 2019)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.85 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v10i3.454


Introduction: Nasal polyps might trigger physical disorders and disrupt the normal function of daily life, causing decreases in productivity. Prevention and good management of nasal polyp cases become important. Therefore, information related to socio-demographic information is necessary even though the data available were still lacking.Method: This descriptive research was done using a cross sectional design, which data were collected retrospectively. The research data were secondary data of patients’ medical records in ENT poly in RSUP Sanglah Denpasar. This research describes the data related to nasal polyp patients in Sanglah Depansar, 2018 based on age, sex, main symptoms, comorbidities, and therapy. Research samples were selected using total sampling technique, in which the whole population that matched the predetermined criteria were involved in this research as samples.Result: 27 data met the inclusion criteria. Nasal polyp mostly occurred in the group of 40-60 years old patients as many as 11 persons (40.7%), with the youngest patient aged 10 years old. The results also indicated that the number of Nasal polyp in males reached 20 patients (74.1%) than in females of 7 people (25.9%). Nasal congestion was the main symptoms experienced by 15 people (55.6%), while sinusitis was the highest risk factor that occurred to 16 patients (59.3%). It was also found that rhinitis allergy was experienced by 7 patients (25.9%). Furthermore, 4 patients (14.8%) patients had rhinitis & sinusitis risk factor. There were 9 patients (33.3%) who underwent medical therapy, while 18 patients (66.7%) had undergone medical therapy and surgery.Conclusion: The highest frequency of polyp patient in RSUP Sanglah Denpasar of 2018 was found in the group of patients aged between 46-50 years old (40.7%), The number of Nasal polyps was found higher in male patients (74.1%). Nasal congestion was the most common complaint (55,6%), while the most frequently-risk factor was sinusitis (59.3%). This research has confirmed that medicine and surgery were the most preferred nasal polyps therapy (66.7%).Latar Belakang: Polip hidung dapat menyebabkan gangguan fisik dan gangguan fungsi normal kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga menyebabkan penurunan produktivitas. Pencegahan dan penanganan yang tepat terhadap polip nasi sangat penting, sehingga informasi mengenai faktor sosio-demografi polip nasi sangat dibutuhkan walaupun data yang tersedia masih jarangMetode: Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yang didapat dari rekam medis pasien poli THT RSUP Sanglah Denpasar. Rancangan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat menggambarkan penderita Polip Nasi di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2018 berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, keluhan utama, penyakit penyerta dan terapi. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling dimana seluruh populasi target yang memenuhi kriteria dimasukan sebagai sampel.Hasil: Sebanyak 27 data yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Berdasarkan kelompok usia angka kejadian terbanyak terjadi pada kelompok usia 46-60 tahun (40,7%) dengan usia termuda yaitu 10 tahun. Angka kejadian pada laki-laki lebih banyak dari pada perempuan yaitu jumlah angka kejadian pada laki-laki sebanyak 20 orang (74,1%), perempuan 7 orang (25,9%). Hidung tersumbat merupakan keluhan utama yang paling banyak terjadi yaitu pada 15 orang (55,6%) dengan sinusitis sebagai faktor resiko tertinggi yang terjadi pada 16 orang (59,3%), sedangkan faktor resiko berupa rhinitis allergi didapatkan data sebanyak 7 orang (25,9%) dan pada faktor resiko rhinitis & sinusitis didapatkan 4 orang (14,8%). Pasien yang melakukan terapi medikamentosa didapatkan sebanyak 9 orang (33,3%), pada terapi medikamentosa & pembedahan didapatkan sebanyak 18 orang (66,7%).Simpulan: Distribusi frekuensi penderita polip nasi di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2018 terbanyak berdasarkan kelompok usia yaitu kelompok usia 46-60 tahun (40,7%), angka kejadian pada laki-laki lebih banyak (74,1%), hidung tersumbat merupakan keluhan utama yang paling sering terjadi (55,6%) dengan sinusitis sebagai faktor resiko yang paling sering ditemukan (59,3%) dan terapi polip nasi berupa medikamentosa & pembedahan (66,7%).
Kualitas hidup anak usia 12-15 tahun yang menderita tonsilitis kronis Sang Ayu Putu Novi Krisna Dewi KN; Komang Andi Dwi Saputra; Agus Rudi Asthuta; Sari Wulan Dwi Sutanegara
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): (Available online: 1 August 2020)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.753 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v11i2.650


Background: Inflammation that occurs in palatine tonsils is often called tonsillitis. The incidence of tonsillitis in Indonesia around 23% according to the Ministry of RI. In Bali, for oral health problems of 21.6% that occur in children aged 5-9 years and in children aged 10-14 years by 20.6% based on data from Riskesdas 2007.Aim: This study aims to determine the quality of life of children aged 12 -15 years old suffering from chronic tonsillitis in SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani.Methods: This descriptive study uses a cross sectional study design. This sample collection uses a descriptive conservative sample whose data is taken from a questionnaire taken at SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani with the conditions of inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Samples obtained 20 samples, as many as 11 people (55%) women were found to suffer the most from chronic tonsillitis, then the age group of 14 years 9 people (45%). Based on the type of tonsils most patients have T2 tonsil type as many as 16 people (80%). In terms of quality of life, almost all samples of 17 people (85%) had a normal quality of life. Based on the type of quality of life of a total of 17 samples with normal quality of life as many as 15 people (88.24%) had mild symptoms of tonsillitis while 2 people (11.76%) the rest had symptoms of moderate and severe tonsillitis.Conclusion: There was no significant difference was found in the proportion of tonsillitis symptoms in the sample group based on quality of life (p = 1.00) in SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani. Inflamasi yang terjadi pada tonsil palatina sering disebut dengan tonsilitis. Kejadian tonsilitis di Indonesia sekitar 23% berdasarkan Departemen RI. Di Bali, untuk masalah kesehatan mulut sebesar 21,6% yang terjadi pada anak berusia 5-9 tahun dan pada anak usia 10-14 tahun sebesar 20,6% berdasarkan data dari Riskesdas 2007.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  kualitas hidup anak usia 12-15 tahun yang menderita tonsilitis kronis di SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani.Metode: Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Pengumpulan sampel ini menggunakan deskriptif conservative sampel yang datanya diambil dari kuesioner yang diambil di SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani dengan syarat kriteria inklusi dan kriteria eksklusi.Hasil: Sampel yang didapatkan 20 sampel, sebanyak 11 orang (55%) perempuan ditemukan paling banyak menderita tonsilitis kronis, kemudian kelompok usia 14 tahun 9 orang (45%). Berdasarkan tipe tonsilnya paling banyak pasien memiliki tipe tonsil T2 sebanyak 16 orang (80%). Ditinjau dari kualitas hidupnya hampir seluruh sampel sebanyak 17 orang (85%) memiliki kualitas hidup yang normal. Berdasarkan jenis kualitas hidupnya dari total 17 orang sampel dengan kualitas hidup normal sebanyak 15 orang (88,24%) memiliki gejala tonsilitis yang ringan sementara 2 orang (11,76%) sisanya memiliki gejala tonsilitis yang sedang dan berat.Kesimpulan: Perbedaan bermakna tidak ditemukan dari proporsi gejala tonsilitis pada kelompok sampel berdasarkan kualitas hidupnya (p= 1,00) di SMP Negeri 1 Kintamani.
Cochlear implantation in a child with cystic cochleovestibular malformation: a case report Komang Andi Dwi Saputra; Adriyani Hartayanti
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 11 No. 3 (2020): (Available online: 1 December 2020)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.928 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v11i3.699


Background: The inner ear and internal auditory canal (IAC) malformations account for 20% of congenital sensorineural hearing loss in children. The cystic cochleovestibular malformation is one of the congenital malformations in the cochlea, in which the cochlea is empty, unpartitioned, and cystic. The dimension of the cochlea is normal. This presents a significant challenge even to the most experienced clinicians because of difficulty in the surgery with facial nerve anomaly and gusher, choice and placement of electrode, and increased risk of meningitis after the procedure. This study aims to report the procedure of cochlear implantation in one case of cystic cochleovestibular (IP type I) malformation, which still became a challenge in the otology field.Case Presentation: We reported one case of 5 years old boy with bilateral cystic vestibular malformation who underwent cochlear implantation on the left ear. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral profound congenital sensorineural hearing loss. He already used hearing aids on both ears but gained limited improvements. Peri-operative perilymph gusher was happened and was stopped by plugging the cochleostomy hole using fascia. The patient showed good condition after the procedure. Although facial nerve lesion occurred after the operation, it was improved by giving steroids. There is no sign of cerebrospinal fluid leaks such as rhinorrhea, otorrhea, or meningitis.Conclusion: This report showed good outcomes following cochlear implantation in cystic cochleovestibular malformation.