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Optimasi Multirespon Proses Wire Electrical Discharge Machining untuk Pengerjaan Komponen Punch and Dies Bracket Konstruksi Kapal Alumunium Fipka Bisono; Dhika Aditya P.
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 12 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (807.641 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2019.v12.i02.p11


Wire electrical discharge machining(WEDM) banyak digunakan untuk proses pembuatan punch and dies. Dimana material yang digunakan memiliki tingkat kekerasan yang sangat tinggi. Parameter pemesinan yang kurang tepat dapat menyebabkan hasil pemotongan yang tidak optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan beberapa karakteristik hasil proses pemesinan secara serentak dengan cara mevariasikan variabel-variabel proses pemesinan WEDM. Karakteristik hasil proses yang diteliti antara lain adalah lebar pemotongan, kekasaran permukaan, dan tebal lapisan white layer. Proses pemesinan dilakukan pada material tool steel SKD 11. Arc on time, on time, open voltage dan servo voltage merupakan variabel-variabel proses yang akan divariasikan. Rancangan percobaan dilakukan menggunakan metode Taguchi dengan matriks ortogonal L18(21x33) dengan dua kali replikasi. Sedangkan langkah yang digunakan untuk mengoptimasi karakteristik hasil proses pemesinan yang diteliti secara serentak adalah menggunakan metode grey relational analysis (GRA). Lebar pemotongan, kekasaran permukaan dan tebal lapisan white layer memiliki performance characteristics “smaller-is-better.” Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan nilai variabel-variabel proses pemesinan yang menghasilkan kualitas karakteristik yang paling optimum adalah sebagai berikut: arc on time (1A), on time (4?s), open voltage (70V), dan servo voltage (40V). Dengan persentase kontribusi variabel proses dari yang terbesar berturut-turut adalah on time (65,09%), open voltage (11,35%), arc on time (7,71%), dan servo voltage (5,61%). Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process is commonly used to make punch and dies. WEDM services are typically used to cut hard metals. Inappropriate machining parameters can cause suboptimal cutting results. This research was conducted to optimize several characteristics of the machining process simultaneously by varying WEDM machining process variables. Performance characteristics of the WEDM process include the kerf, surface roughness and thickness of the white layer. The machining process is carried out on SKD 11 tool steel material. Arc on time, on time, open voltage and servo voltage are process variables that will be varied. The experimental matrix design was carried out using the Taguchi method L18 (21x33) orthogonal array with two replications. Then to optimize the performance characteristics of the machining process simultaneously is using the Gray Relational Analysis (GRA) method. Performance characteristics of kerf, surface roughness, and thickness of the white layer is "smaller-is-better". The results of the experiment indicate the value of the machining process variables that produce the most optimum quality performance characteristics are as follows: arc on time (1A), on time (4?s), open voltage (70V), and servo voltage (40V). And the percentage of contribution of the process variables from the largest to smallest are as follows: on time (65,09%), open voltage (11,35%), arc on time (7,71%), and servo voltage (5,61%).
Analysis of Threshold Angle Variations on The Quality of Finishing Free-form Surface in CNC Milling Process Dhika Aditya Purnomo; Fipka Bisono; Rizal Indrawan
International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Information Technology Vol 6, No 2 (2022): IJSEIT Volume 06 Issue 02 July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/ijseit.v6i2.14952


The machining process using a combination of steep and shallow strategy is the most widely used strategy for the finishing process on complex models that have many areas of steep walls and shallow floors. Using a single machining strategy on the entire model can lead to long machining times and poor surface finish quality. The steep and shallow strategy can efficiently detect parts of the model that have steep contours and those that have shallow contours. In other words, this strategy can analyze the model surface angle at runtime to identify and divide the machining zone based on the slope angle or commonly called the threshold angle. In this context, the selection of the threshold angle is very important when carrying out the finishing process on free-form surfaces to produce a good surface quality. This study was conducted to determine the optimum threshold angle that can produce the minimum surface roughness between steep areas and shallow areas. Threshold angles that were varied were 20°, 30° and 40°. Machining was carried out using Ballnose type cutting tools with a diameter of 6 mm. Then the stepover and stepdown is 0.1 mm for the finishing process on the surface of the propeller product made of Aluminum by using a CNC Milling machine. From the experimental results, the most optimum threshold angle is at an angle of 40° with an average roughness value in the steep area of 1.9 mm and in the shallow area of 1.3mm and a total average roughness of 1.6mm.
Perancangan Mesin Loading-Unloading untuk Mesin TruPunch 5000 Reza Vannessa Valentina; Fipka Bisono; Fais Hamzah
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Komputer Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/juritek.v3i2.1801


Mesin TruPunch 5000 merupakan mesin pemotong dengan penggerak hidrolik yang menghasilkan tekanan hingga 1.600 langkah permenit, memiliki working area dengan ukuran 3050 mm x 1550 mm. Proses loading dan unloading pada mesin TruPunch 5000 menggunakan proses secara manual. Dimana untuk proses ini diperlukan 2 operator, 1 operator untuk melakukan proses loading dan unloading dan 1 operator untuk handle mesin pada saat pengambilan plat dari mesin agar kembali menyala. Sehingga penulis merancangkan alat bantu alternatif mesin loading-unloading yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan mesin agar mempercepat proses produksi. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah Metode Ulrich dengan membuat tiga konsep desain yang nantinya akan dipilih satu desain terbaik sesuai kriteria seleksi. Pembuatan desain dan analisis kekuatan struktur menggunakan Software Fusion 360 yang berbasis Finite Element Methods. Analisis kekuatan struktur mesin loading-unloading pada konsep terpilih didapatkan hasil dengan nilai tegangan (von mises stress) maksimum sebesar 80,9 MPa pada analisis software dengan batas tegangan izin material ASTM A36 sebesar 166,667 MPa. Kemudian didapatkan nilai safety factor sebesar 3, yang berarti struktur rangka mesin aman untuk digunakan.