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PENGARUH EKSTRAK AKAR TUBA (Derris elliptica L.) TERHADAP DAYA TETAS TELUR IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio L.) Yosnita, Marfi; Ramadhan, Ramadhan; Kasmeri, S.Si, M.Si., Ria
Pendidikan Biologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACT In develop of the effort of carp fish culture necessary suported by preparing seeds which have good of viability. The poison roof often used by farmer for poisoning the fish to the pool. A prosess hatch egg of fish influenced many factors of areas is water quality. The aimed of this research to know influence extract poison roof to capacity hatch egg of fish it is normality larvae and abnormality larvae.The research had done at January 2014 in the Laboratory Zoology Biology Faculty of  Mathematic and  natural  sciences University of  Padang. This  research  is experimental research, using Complete Random Program with five treatment and six replications. This ach (P1) 0,000%, 0,002% (P2), 0,003% (P3), 0,004% (P4), and 0,005% (P5). Observation is doing to the egg thatwas hath becoming larvae after four (4) days incubation. The data about ability of hatch and abnormality larvae carp fish analyzed with ANOVA on standar significant0,05 and continue with Clarify Smaller Different. In this research be able the average produce capacity hatch of egg on act P1 92,50%, P2 80,83%, P3 77,50%, P4 74,17% and P5 72,50%. Percentatiton ability of higher hatch in P1 diferent (p< 0,05) considered act P2, P3, P4 and P5. Average of larvae is normality in act P1 99,12%, P2 98,49, P3 97,92, P4 96,22% and P5 95,30%, average abnormality larvae is P1 0,88%, P2 1,51%, P3 2,08%, P4 3,78% and P5 4, 71%. The presentation of normality larvae and abnormality larvae not have influence. Itcan be concinded that decreased of viability of carp egg and not has influence to the presentation normality and abnormality larvae in carp fish.
PENGARUH MEDIA PENETASAN TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN TETAS DAN DAYA HIDUP JANGKRIK (Gryllus testaceus) Alina, Dewi; Lusi Z, S.Si, M.Si, Armein; Kasmeri, S.Si, M.Si., Ria
Pendidikan Biologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACTMedia hatchery of crickets egg require to be paid attention in crickets conducting, because in this media is crickets will be incubated. If the media less good hence ability hatchery it also lessgood so it also with energy of crickets live. In crickets conducting, breeders not yet recognized other medias to incubated crickets egg. The purpose of this research is to know influence of hatch media to ability hatchery and energy live cicada and also to know best hatchery media for the hatchery of crickets egg and  energy live of crickets. This research done in Korong Gadang kecamatan Kuranji, Padang, in January 2014. Method that used in this research was random devicecomplete with 5 treatment that was A: river sand media, B: Coastal sand media, C: hay media, D:dusty’s kitchen media, and E: cotton media. Each repeated until 5 times restart. The materials used in this research was 250 crickets egg item, where each treatment filled by 10 crickets egg. The data got would be analysis by varianse later, then if there a difference will test to continue with level95%. The result of this research indicated that media have an effect of reality (P>0,05) to ability hatch and energy live of crickets. Percentage of ability hatch cricket egg and energy life highest of crickets there were at treatment of river sand media that is equal 66% and hay media to 81%. It ca be concluded from the result of this research that hatch media have an effect on reality to ability hatch and energy live of crickets. Media which suite for process hatch of crickets child that was river sand and hay media. 
PENGARUH CAMPURAN PAKAN BRAVO 511 TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN JANGKRIK (Gryllus testaceus) Delfianizar, Sri Yossa; Lusi Z, S.Si, M.Si, Armein; Kasmeri, S.Si, M.Si., Ria
Pendidikan Biologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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 ABSTRACTCricket is an insect closely related to grasshoppers, have flat bodies and long antennae.Crickets used as feed for animals such as birds chirped and Arowana fish. Crickets on the market demand is likely to increase while the presence of crickets in the wild has declined. In order pace with demand and rising consumption it, then it tried to cultivate crickets. In crickets maintenance was one of the most important feeding nutritious browing so fast. Crickets growth can be accelerated  by  providing  feed  concentrate  shaped  mashed  first  before  given.  One  of  them bravo511. This study aims to determine the effect of feed mixtures Bravo 511 against crickets weight and feed consumption. Research consumption was implemented in the Tower District of Kuranji Korong Gadang, Padang. This study began in January 2014. This research was CRD (completely randomized design) consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications. Each treatment was (A) control, (B) K + Brvao 511 0.2 g, (C) K + Bravo 511 0.3 g, (D) K + Bravo 511 0.4 g, and (E) K + Bravo 511 0.5 gr. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by LSD at 5% level. Results showed that administration of a mixed diet of crickets bravo511 significant effect on body weight crickets but has no effect on feed consumption. It can be concluded that the administration of the feed mixture Bravo511 crickets crickets can increase body weight and accelerate the growth of the wing so as to provide rapid time to harvest crickets.
PENGARUH INSEKTISIDA ORGANOKLORIN DIKOFOL TERHADAP DAYA TETAS TELUR IKAN LELE (Clarias gariepinus L.) Mawarni, Mawarni; Sumarmin, Ramadhan; Kasmeri, S.Si, M.Si., Ria
Pendidikan Biologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACT  As the development of catfish cultivating in needs to be supported by the provision of sufficient seed  in  term  of  quality  and  quantity. Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  improve  techniques  of  catfish hatchery. In the seeding technique, cultivators should consider these factors in the hatching process including water quality. This research aims to know the influence of dikofol organochlorine insecticides against the hatching rate of eggs, normal and abnormal larvae in catfish. This research was conducted in November 2013 at the Zoology Laboratory of biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Scince Padang State University. This research is experimental research, used Completely Randomized Design (CRD), 4 treatments and 6 replications. With A treatment   (control), B treatment (0.001%), C treatment (0.002%), and D treatment (0.003%). Observations were made on eggs that hatched into larvae after 2 days incubation. The data in research on hatching rate of eggs, normal and abnormal larvae in catfish were analyzed by ANOVA, and continued by LSD. The results show that hatching rate of egg in A treatment (91.67%), B (81.67%), C (77.50%) and D (74.17%). In normal larvae obtained the highest results on A treatment (99.00%), while the lowest in D treatment (96.00%), for abnormal larvae obtained the highest results in D treatment (3.66%), while the lowest in A treatment (0.93%). It can be concluded that dikofol organochlorine insecticides decreased the  hatching rate of egg and  normal larvae, and increased an abnormal larvae in catfish.
Jurnal Pelangi : Research of Education and Development Vol 6, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.071 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/jp.2014.v6i2.299


Polyploidy in the frog Rana cancrivora can be done by providing a temperature shock. The thing need to consider in treatment temperature shock at  the egg is the beginning of a shock, temperature of shock and duration of shock. The research aims to identify and test the effect of temperature shock 36⁰C to the development of the embryo, and the success of poliploidisation of frog R. Cancrivora. The research was conducted in Biology Laboratory STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. The results shows that administration of 36⁰C temperature shock on egg fertilization influences on the development of frog embryos R. Cancrivora i.e. on the treatment D (45 minutes after fertilization). Yet, the temperature shock is 36⁰C does not show any influence on the success of poliploidisation of frog R. Cancrivora.
Jurnal Bioconcetta Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (112.383 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/bc.2016.v2i2.1532


Katak merupakan komoditas perikanan yang sangat penting, baik untuk konsumsi dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Rana cancrivoramerupakan salah satu katak yang dikonsumsi dan dieksper keluar negeri. Akibat adanya eksploitasi mengakibatkan menrunnya populasi katak rana cancrivora. Salah satu upaya yang penting dilakukan untuk menekan turunnya populasi katak dapat dilakukan dengan cara pembudidayaannya. Salah satu cara manipulasi kromosom adalah dengan poliploidi. Poliploidi dapat dilakukan dengan memberi perlakuan suhu.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Sebagai perlakuan adalah kejutan suhu panas 36ᴼC selama 10 menit yang diperlakukan pada telur setelah difertilisasi dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu : Perlakuan A (Tanpa perlakuan kejutan suhu (kontrol), perlakuan B (Telur 15 menit setelah fertilisasi), perlakuan C (Telur 30 menit setelah fertilisasi),p erlakuan D (Telur 45 menit setelah fertilisasi) dan perlakuan E (Telur 60 menit setelah fertilisasi). Setelah telur katak menetas dilakukan analisis poliploidisasi. Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa Poliploidi katak Rana cancrivoradengan pemberian Kejutan Suhu 36oC belum mampu menghasilkan individu katak yang poliploid. 
Sainstek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 3, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.935 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/js.v3i1.31


Research about Sperm Production Pattern of Lesser Brown Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus stheno): Microchiroptera in Indarung cave, Padang had. This research was using descriptive method toward testes preparation of Lesser Brown Horseshoe bat with using Hematoxilin-Eosin staining to observe the presence of spermatozoa. The result showed that the spermatogenesis activity on January until April 2007 was inactive, because there was no spermatozoa and seminiferous tubules epithelium only consisted of spermatogonium and spermatocytes. Spermatogenesis activity was started on May and spermatozoa had been released on June. R. stheno follows the bimmodally polyestrus reproduction pattern based on the hypothetical diagram that constructed as supporting mean for this statement.Key words: sperm production, lesser brown horseshoe bat
Jurnal Bioconcetta Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Sinta 4
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/bc.2020.v6i2.4174


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak Pedada Merah (Sonneratia careolaris L.) terhadap jumlah dan morfologi spermatozoa mencit (Mus musculus L.). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Pemberian ekstrak Pedada Merah diberikan secara oral selama 36 hari terhadap 24 ekor mencit jantan dewasa dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian ekstrak Pedada Merah dapat menurunkan jumlah sperma mulai dari perlakuan P3 dengan jumlah 7,75x105 sperma/mL, perlakuan P4 dengan jumlah 7,25x105 sperma/mL, P5 dengan jumlah 6x105 sperma/mL dan P6 dengan jumlah 5,12x105 sperma/mL. Morfologi spermatozoa mencit jantan mulai dipengaruhi dari perlakukan P3 dengan ditemukannya bentuk sperma abnormal berupa ekor yang patah dan bergulung serta kepala putus. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak Pedada Merah dapat menurunkan jumlah spermatozoa dan mempengaruhi morfologi sperma mencit.
Ta'dib Vol 18, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (673.966 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v18i2.289


Based on learning activities observation in human anatomy and fisiology major is low, like pay attention to the lecture, questioning, most of students talking each other, when they did the task the students more choose made in group. Activities learning of student is low because the students didn’t have motivation in learning process, although the lecture has discution metode in learning process. The purpose of this research are to improve activities and student result of the learning. This research had used cooperative learning model with the type is STAD trough mind map in human anatomy and fisiology major.  This research have been done to the students in STKIP. This research are action research that did in two phase. The phase are: Planning, doing, observation, and reflection. The data obtained through observation sheet documentation and test. Data that analysis from activities students and learning result of the students. The result of this research showed the improved of activities and learning result of the students. based on activities learning of student that get from cycluse 1 to the cycluse 2, showed that the increase of activities of the students like pre test( 98%) and post test (100%) with very good category in cycluse 1. In cycluse 2 become 5 activities like pre test (98%), looking to the lecture (93%), active to followed the discution (88%), making mind map (90%), followed post test (100%) with very good category. Result of learning in cycluse 1 just 52%, in cycluse 2 increased and become 83%. Based on the result that been concluded using cooperative learning model type of STAD through mind map in  human anatomy and fisiology major can increase activities and result learning of the students.Kata kunci: Kooperatif STAD, Mind Map, Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar, Siklus
Ta'dib Vol 18, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v18i2.289


Based on learning activities observation in human anatomy and fisiology major is low, like pay attention to the lecture, questioning, most of students talking each other, when they did the task the students more choose made in group. Activities learning of student is low because the students didn’t have motivation in learning process, although the lecture has discution metode in learning process. The purpose of this research are to improve activities and student result of the learning. This research had used cooperative learning model with the type is STAD trough mind map in human anatomy and fisiology major.  This research have been done to the students in STKIP. This research are action research that did in two phase. The phase are: Planning, doing, observation, and reflection. The data obtained through observation sheet documentation and test. Data that analysis from activities students and learning result of the students. The result of this research showed the improved of activities and learning result of the students. based on activities learning of student that get from cycluse 1 to the cycluse 2, showed that the increase of activities of the students like pre test( 98%) and post test (100%) with very good category in cycluse 1. In cycluse 2 become 5 activities like pre test (98%), looking to the lecture (93%), active to followed the discution (88%), making mind map (90%), followed post test (100%) with very good category. Result of learning in cycluse 1 just 52%, in cycluse 2 increased and become 83%. Based on the result that been concluded using cooperative learning model type of STAD through mind map in  human anatomy and fisiology major can increase activities and result learning of the students.Kata kunci: Kooperatif STAD, Mind Map, Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar, Siklus