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Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Metanol dan Fraksi Daun Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) terhadap Salmonella typhi Achmad Syarifudin Noor; Bawon Triatmoko; Nuri Nuri
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 8 No 3 (2020): Volume 8 No. 3, 2020
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v8i3.13008


The leaves of kenikir are known to have many benefits, one of which can be used as medicine. Kenikir leaves are reported to have antibacterial activity against the bacteria Salmonella typhi (S.typhi). S. typhi is a bacterium that causes typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is still an endemic disease in Asian countries, especially Indonesia. Typhoid fever became the third largest disease in Indonesia in 2010. The study related to the antibacterial activity of kenikir leaf fraction to S. typhi has never been reported. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research related to the antibacterial activity of extracts and leaf fractions of kenikir to compare their potential against S. typhi. The study was conducted using the disk diffusion method using 5 series of concentrations namely 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30%. Tests were carried out on methanol extract, hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol-water fraction. The results showed that highest inhibition zone diameter is 7,75 mm which is reached by methanol extract. The order of the highest inhibiting zone diameter are extract, hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol-water fraction.
Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Jantung Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) dalam Uji Toksisitas Akut Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lmk.) dan Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Novia Hilma; Nuri Nuri; Endah Puspitasari; Indah Yulia Ningsih
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v6i2.7574


Jati belanda leaves (Guazuma ulmifolia Lmk.) and Roselle petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) have been known for their activity as antihyperlipidemia with different mechanisms. Combination of these plants was expected to has a synergy effect in reducing cholesterol. However, the toxicity of jati belanda leaves and roselle petals extract combination must be investigated for knowing its safety. Based on the acute toxicity test, the LD50 value of jati belanda leaves and roselle petals extract combination was >5,000 mg/kg bw. It was classified as category 5 or unclassified. This research aimed to study about its effect in cardiac by cardiac histopathology examinations of the rats. The result showed that there was no cardiac histopathology changes of the rats at doses 5,000 mg/kg bw. Keywords: jati belanda leaves, roselle petals, acute toxicity, cardiac histopathology
Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi terhadap Kadar Fenol dan Flavonoid Total, Aktivitas Antioksidan serta Antilipase Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia) Nuri Nuri; Endah Puspitasari; Mochammad Amrun Hidayat; Indah Yulia Ningsih; Bawon Triatmoko; Dewi Dianasari
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 7, No 2 (2020): J Sains Farm Klin 7(2), Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (917.154 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jsfk.7.2.143-150.2020


The leaf of Guazuma ulmifolia has been used traditionally for antiobesity. The activity of antiobesity was affected by the content of bioactive compounds. Extraction is the primary step to obtain bioactive compounds from plant material. The method and solvent used for extraction are crucial factors to produce extracts that have a high amount of active compounds. This study aims to determine the total phenolic and total flavonoids content from ethanolic extracts, water extract, and infusions of G. ulmifolia leaf and to evaluate the antioxidant and antilipase activity. Folin-Ciocalteu method was used to determine the phenolic content, while flavonoid content determination was done using aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. The antioxidant activity was done using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, and the antilipase activity was quantified using p-nitrophenol release from p-nitrophenyl butyrate (p-NPB) substrate-colorimetric assay. The result of G. ulmifolia leaf extraction showed that the highest yield was obtained from water extraction (10.50%). Whereas, the ethanolic extract was showed the highest total phenolic content (67.761±1.811 mg GAE/g extract) and the highest total flavonoid content (124.643 ± 1.033 mg QE/g extract). The same extract also exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 6.544 ± 0.271 µg/mL) and antilipase activity (IC50 = 307.280 ± 21.430 µg/mL).
Uji Potensi Antibakteri Streptococcus mutans Ekstrak Kulit Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao L) dengan Metode Ekstraksi Sonikasi Aliyah Purwanti; Dianty Bella Agustin; Nuri Nuri
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 15, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v15i1.506


Kulit biji kakao adalah bagian buah kakao yang membungkus biji kakao dan cenderung menjadi limbah industri coklat. Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa ekstrak kulit biji kakao mengandung senyawa kimia seperti alkaloid, flavonoid, polifenol, tanin dan saponin yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak kulit biji kakao (theobroma cacao L) sebagai senyawa antibakteri terhadap Streptococcus mutans. Ekstraksi kulit biji kakao dilakukan secara sonikasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 70%. Selanjutnya, dihitung nilai rendemen ekstrak, diskrining fitokimia dan diuji aktivitas antibakterinya dengan metode sumuran. Nilai rendemen dari ekstrak etanol 70% kulit biji kakao dapat dikatakan baik, yaitu 11,08% atau lebih dari 10%. Ekstrak etanol 70% kulit biji kakao teridentifikasi mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, polifenol, tanin dan saponin. Hasil uji antibakteri menunjukkan ekstrak kulit biji kakao memiliki rata-rata zona hambat sebesar 8,44 ± 1,53 mm. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, ekstrak etanol 70% kulit biji kakao hasil ekstraksi sonikasi berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans.