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Prevalence of Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) Taste Sensitivity and Colour Blindness in Tengger Tribe Population, Ranupani Village, Senduro, Lumajang Rike Oktarianti; Iguh Widigda Putra; Resmining Mega Arofa; Asmoro Lelono
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 9 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v9i4.26435


The taste of sensitivity of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), is autosomal dominant trait inherited while the colour blindness is a sex linked genetic trait on the X chromosome. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of taster and non taster phenotypes, prevalence of color blindness, frequency of taster and non taster alleles, and frequency of color blind alleles, as well as pedigree analysis in non taster and color blind families. The research was conducted on the Tengger tribe, in Ranupani village, Senduro, Lumajang. Determination of the sample is carryout randomly. Detection of the ability to taste PTC was respondents to taste the PTC solution from the lowest concentration of 0.32mg/L (P13) to the highest concentration of 1300 mg/L (P1). Color blindness detection by the Ishihara method. The results of the study showed that the distribution of the taster was 98.1% while the non-taster was 1.9%. The allele frequency of the dominant taster (T) was 0.86 and the recessive allele non taster (t) is 0.14. The prevalence of color blindness in the population of the Tengger tribe was 0.63% and the allele frequency for color blindness was 0.013. The pedigree analysis of non taster family showed that non taster individuals were born from taster couple (Tt) or from couple of non taster (tt) with tasters (Tt) heterozigot. While the pattern of inheritance of color blindness was criss-cross inheritance pattern, which is passed from mother to son.
Prevalensi Buta Warna pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Pulau Gili Ketapang Kabupaten Probolinggo Nailatur Rifdah; Rike Oktarianti; Hidayat Teguh Wiyono; Asmoro Lelono; Husnatun Nihayah
Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience -Tropic) Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam - Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (765.482 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/e-jbst.v7i2.453


Buta warna merupakan salah satu kendala dalam proses pembelajaan setiap siswa tingkat dasar yang harus diketahui sejak dini. Buta warna utamanya disebabkan oleh faktor genetik. Buta warna merupakan kelainan genetik sex linkage pada kromosom X. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui prevalensi penderita buta warna, frekuensi alel buta warna dan normal, dan mengetahui diagram silsilah keluarga penderita buta warna. Pengujian buta warna menggunakan metode Ishihara. Siswa yang diambil sebagai sampel yaitu 255 siswa yang telah dipilih secara acak, dengan rentang usia 8-12 tahun. Pengambilan sampel sesuai dengan prosedur pada Ethical clearance nomor 1224/UN25.8/KEPK/DL/2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi penderita buta warna sebesar 3.14% dan prevalensi rang normal sebesar 96.86%. Frekuensi alel buta warna dan alel normal berturut-turut adalah 0,023 dan 0,977. Diagram silsilah pada keluarga penderita buta warna menunjukkan bahwa pola pewarisan buta warna adalah pola pewarisan bersilang (criss cross inheritance).
DIURETICS EFFECT OF SALAK (Salacca zalacca) SEED EXTRACT TO KIDNEY HISTOPATHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE WISTAR MALE RATS (Rattus norvegicus) Rike Oktarianti; Nur Aisyah Septiana; Asmoro Lelono
BIOEDUKASI Vol 19 No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bioedu.v19i2.25373


Salak seed are used as natural diuretics, it's contain secondary metabolites i.e alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. Diuretics are compounds that can increase the rate of excretion of urine volume and increase the excretion of mineral salts in the urine. The study was to determine the diuretic effect of salak seed extract on the histopathological structure of the kidney. Salak seed extract was made by maceration method using 70% ethanol and then evaporated. Rats were divided into 4 treatment groups, negative control and 3 treatment groups with the administration of salak seed extract for 7 days orally at a dose of 0.28g/kg body weight, 0.56g/kg body weight and 1.12g/kg body weight. The results showed that the treatment of salak seed extract orally for 7 days could increase urine volume. The treatment of dose 1.12g/kg body weight had highest diuretic effect as indicated by the volume of urine produced 5.00 ml. The treatment salak seed extract had no effect on creatinine and urea levels. The all treatment doses of salak seed extract had no effect on the kidney histopathological structure, i.e it was not effect on glomerular diameter or did not cause atrophy of kidney glomerular.
Waste Valuation and Problems Encountered In Waste Bank Management: A Case Study at BSU ASRI BMP Asmoro Lelono; Nur Asyia Alfiyani; Rini Nur Intani
Jurnal Inovasi Sains dan Teknologi untuk Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. Jl. Kalimantan No.37, Krajan Timur, Jemberlor, Kec. Sumbersari, Jember Regency, East Java 68121

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/instem.v1i1.359


Community participation-based waste management has been carried out by DKLH Jember Regency through the establishment of the Main Waste Bank its derivative organization, namely the Unit Waste Bank at a lower level. In this system, the effort being made is the integration of waste management, starting from the household as a producer, followed by sorting, then depositing it to BSU and ending with delivery to a temporary warehouse so that the waste is handled properly. This article aims to explore the potentials and problems encountered in the management of a Waste Bank which involves the participation of residents while still paying attention to aspects of economic feasibility. The research was carried out using the analitcal descriptive via interview and analysis of primary data owned by BSU ASRI BMP with due observance of scientific principles and maintaining the independence and interests of the authors. From the results of the research it is known that waste valuation efforts by providing economic value to each component of waste produced by each household are able to generate citizen interest in sorting and depositing the waste produced. The main contributors in the transfer of inorganic waste from BSU to BSI sequentially are paper, plastic and metal waste with the highest exchange rate ratio in metal waste. The main problem faced in the management of waste banks is the motivation of residents to independently handle daily waste. Besides that, there are also management constraints because the managers are housewives who must divide their time and attention for routine daily activities.
Application of fish hydrolyzate to reduce feed requirements and improve the health of broiler chickens Asmoro Lelono; Achmad Sjaifullah
Jurnal Inovasi Sains dan Teknologi untuk Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. Jl. Kalimantan No.37, Krajan Timur, Jemberlor, Kec. Sumbersari, Jember Regency, East Java 68121

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/instem.v1i2.471


Feed management, which accounts for 70% of overall production expenses, is one of the cornerstones of effective broiler chicken farming. The body weight, health, and nitrogen levels in faeces can all be improved by adding additives to feed. This community service's goal is to guide and support broiler chicken breeders in their usage of fish hydrolyzed for feed management. This activity was carried out in August and September 2023 in the chicken farming partner owned by Mrs. Cholili's with a production capacity of up to 20,000 in Mumbulsari village, Mumbulsari district, Jember Regency. The methods are counselling, feeding practices and assistance during the production phase. The outcome is mastering the technique for adding fish hydrolyzed to enhance the health and growth performance of chickens. This skill and knowledge could be implemented by other farmers to maximize yields by using fish hydrolyzate.