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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/bioma.v5i2.4010


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan stok karbon ekosistem mangrove Pasir Putih Pulau Bawean. Metode yang dilakukan adalah sampling semi destruktif, dilakukan pada 100 plot dengan ukuran 10 x 10 meter. Pada setiap plot dilakukan identifikasi dan pencatatan jumlah individu, pengambilan sampel ranting, pengukuran keliling batang, tinggi batang untuk menentukan biomassa dan stok karbon mangrove. Hasil perhitungan stok karbon menunjukkan bahwa jenis Sonneratia alba memiliki stok karbon tertinggi yaitu 109.755,79 ton C/ha, sedangkan Rhizophora apiculata memiliki stok karbon paling kecil yaitu 1.364,84 ton C/ha. Perbedaan nilai stok karbon dipengaruhi oleh umur pohon, diameter pohon, berat jenis, dan jumlah pohon. Hasil perhitungan terhadap nilai total stok karbon menunjukkan bahwa mangrove berkontribusi terhadap penurunan emisi karbon sebesar 196.841,16 ton C/ha. Jadi total stok karbon yang tersimpan di ekosistem mangrove Pasir Putih Pulau Bawean Desa Sukaoneng  Sukaoneng  Kecamatan  Tambak Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur adalah 196.841,16 ton C/ha.
Distribution Patterns of Exotic Plant Chromolaena odorata, in Rehabilitation Zone at Donglo Block, Resort of Wonoasri, Meru Betiri National Park Rizkiah, Dwi Wardatul; Sulistiyowati, Hari; Siddiq, Arif Mohammad
Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jrba.v3n1.p1-6


Exotic plants are plants that are introduced intentionally or unintentionally from their original habitat to a new habitat. One of the exotic plants that is potentially invasive is Chromolaena odorata. These plants are found a lot especially in the rehabilitation zone at Donglo Block Resort of Wonoasri, Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP). An initial effort to determine whether this exotic plant was potentially invasive was to use the distribution pattern of a plant population. This study aimed to determine the distribution pattern and area of cover of exotic plants C. odorata in rehabilitation zone at Donglo Block, Resort of Wonoasri MBNP. The sampling of C. odorata used the transect plot method systematically, which carried out in Donglo Block Resort of Wonoasri MBNP. Data analyzed using Morisita index. The map of distribution pattern of C. odorata was created using the Geographic Information System (GIS). Based on the results of the Morisita index, the value (Iδ) = 12.39, which means that C. odorata has a clumped distribution pattern. The distribution pattern of C. odorata can also be seen from the visualization of the spatial distribution map, which shows that the growth of C. odorata in plants or overlaps with each other, hence that it looks clustered. The coverage area of C. odorata in the study location was 596,5 m2 or 29.24% of the total area of the study (20,400 m2). Based on the results of the coverage area of C. odorata, it was indicated that this exotic species is not yet classified as an invasive species in the area.
BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan Industri Kesehatan) Vol 8, No 1 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/biolink.v8i1.4876


Exotic plants are plants that are intentionally or unintentionally included in an area. Based on the results of the 2020 survey, one of the exotic plants found in the Donglo Block Rehabilitation Zone area of Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is cinderella weed (Synedrella nodiflora). The objective of this study is to determine the distribution pattern and area of cover of exotic S. nodiflora plants in the research location. Data were collected using a combination method of systematic plot transects measuring 2 x 2 meters which were placed along the transect with a total of 415 plots. The data recorded were the coordinate position of each individual S. nodiflora and the area of the cover. Analysis of distribution pattern data using the Morisita index and visualized with a spatial distribution map using Geographic Information System (GIS). Coverage area analysis was carried out by calculating the percent cover of S. nodiflora. The results of the analysis of the Morisita index showed the value of Iδ = 7.13, which indicates that the distribution pattern of the plants is clustered. In addition, the presence of this species in the study area was occupied 41.7% or 0.85 ha of the total area of 2.04 ha. It shows that this species still did not dominate the area, so it can be said that this species has not yet become an invasive species category in the research location.
BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan Industri Kesehatan) Vol 7, No 1 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.028 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/biolink.v7i1.3026


Cyclosorusparasiticus(Linn.) Farwell is one potential medicinal ferns. The plant contains secondary metabolites, such as flavonoids and alkaloids. This study aims to determine the flavonoid and alkanoidofCyclosorusparasiticus (Linn.) Farwell in three plantation areas of  Jember Regency. Plant samples were collected from Mount Gumitir coffee plantations, Pine Garahan Village and rubber and cocoa plantations in Tancak in Jember. Samples of stems  and leaves were dried at room temperature and then blended to obtain a powder. One gram of powder samples was macerated in 90 ml of methanol for 3x24 hours then was concentrated with an evaporator to obtain a crude extract. The crude extract was tested qualitatively for flavonoids and alkaloids by the Willstätter and Dragendorff methods followed by quantitatively tests with Spectrophotometric. The results showed thatboth flavonoids and alkaloids were found in stem and leavesof Cyclosorusparasiticus (Linn) Farwell growing at three research locations. The flavonoids and alkaloidsin content found in leaveswas higher than those in stem organs. The leaves of Cyclosorusparasiticus (Linn) Farwell in Gumitir contain the highest flavonoids and alkaloidscontentsthan those in Tancak.
Penilaian Kualitas Air Hulu Sungai Bedadung Kabupaten Jember Berdasarkan Trophic Diatom Index Retno Wimbaningrum; Ahmad Farid Ary Wardhana; Hari Sulistiyowati
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 8 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2021.v08.i02.p19


This study was conducted to assess the quality of the Bedadung river water that passes through forests, coffee plantations, rice fields and land-settlements with epilitic diatom bioindicators based on the Trophic Diatom Index value. Diatom samples were collected by brushing the surface of the rock submerged in river water, then the samples were identified and their abundance was determined. The physico-chemical parameters of river water that are measured include temperature, TP, DO, TDS, conductivity, turbidity and water discharge. The quality of land around the river is also determined by first recording the growing vegetation data. Diatom data were analyzed to determine the TDI index value to determine river water quality, vegetation data were analyzed to determine the index of environmental services. Furthermore, TDI data, environmental service index and physico-chemical parameters of river water are analyzed. Principle Component Analysis to determine the relationship between these components. The results showed that the water quality of the Bedadung river that passed through forests, coffee plantations, rice fields and land-settlements based on the TDI value was classified into the moderate eutrophic category because the TDI value ranged from 41-47. This TDI value is related to TP levels, water discharge and DO but not related to land quality around rivers, pH, TDS, conductivity, and temperature. Keyword: TDI, epilithic diatom, river water quality, bioindicator
Distribusi Lamun di Zona Intertidal Tanjung Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran Menggunakan Metode GIS (Geographic Information System) Alhabsy Hidayatullah; S. Sudarmadji; Fuad Bahrul Ulum; Hari Sulistiyowati; Rendy Setiawan
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v6i1.7557


Zona intertidal merupakan wilayah perairan laut yang masih dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Salah satu keanekaragaman hayati yang terdapat di zona intertidal adalah lamun. Salah satu tanjung yang memiliki padang lamun adalah Tanjung Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui distribusi lamun di Zona Intertidal Tanjung Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran dengan menggunakan metode GIS (Geographic Information System). Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan yaitu metode jelajah. Data koordinat habitat lamun dipetakan menggunakan program arcGIS 10. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan empat jenis lamun dengan urutan dari distribusi terluas, yaitu Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila minor, dan Halodule pinifolia. Thalassia hemprichii dan Enhalus acoroides memiliki pola distribusi acak. Halophila minor dan Halodule pinifolia memiliki pola distribusi mengelompok. Kata Kunci: Distribusi, Lamun, Zona Intertidal, Tanjung Bilik
Komposisi Jenis Alga Makrobentik Divisi Phaeophyta di Zona Intertidal Pantai Pancur Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Deris Erlita Kumalasari; Hari Sulistiyowati; Dwi Setyati
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v6i1.7558


Phaeophyta merupakan salah satu kelompok makroalga yang tersebar melimpah di zona intertidal. Alga makrobentik ini memiliki struktur talus yang terdiri atas bagian holdfast, stipe, dan blade. Kelompok tersebut memiliki kandungan warna yang disebut pigmen fukosantin. Metode yang digunakan adalah road sampling dengan melakukan penyusuran seluruh area sampling menggunakan GPS (Global Positioning System). Jenis-jenis alga yang ditemukan diidentifikasi dan dideskripsikan secara morfologi. Analisis komposisi jenis dilakukan secara deskripsi kualitatif . Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat empat jenis Phaeophyta yang terdiri atas Sargassum sp., Padina australis, Spatoglossum sp., dan Turbinaria ornata. Jenis-jenis yang ditemukan umumnya memiliki karakteristik morfologi holdfastnya bentuk cakram dan lempeng, stipe pendek, serta blade berupa lembaran dan silindris.Kata Kunci: Pantai Pancur, Phaeophyta, Struktur Morfologi, Zona intertidal
Efektivitas Tanaman Lembang (Typha angustifolia L.) di Lahan Basah Buatan dalam Penurunan Kadar TSS, BOD dan Fosfat pada Air Limbah Industri Laundry Retno Wimbaningrum; Indriana Arianti; Hari Sulistiyowati
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v8i1.16499


Industri laundry merupakan industri rumah tangga yang menggunakan air dan deterjen dalam melaksanakan aktivitasnya. Deterjen mengandung surfaktan, builder, filler dan zat aditif yang menyebabkan kadar materi padat tersuspensi total (total suspended solid, TSS), kebutuhan oksigen biologi (biological oxygen demand, BOD) dan fosfat dalam air limbah laundry tinggi sehingga ketika dibuang langsung ke lingkungan dapat menimbulkan pencemaran ekosistem perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan efektivitas tanaman lembang (Typha angustifolia L.) di lahan basah buatan dalam penurunan kadar TSS, BOD dan fosfat air limbah industri laundry. Tanaman T. angustifolia ditanam di dalam bak reaktor bervolume 44,73 L yang dasarnya diisi pasir, kerikil dan lempung sebagai media tanam. Air limbah industri laundry dialirkan ke dalam bak reaktor melalui inlet. Proses fitoremediasi berlangsung enam hari. TSS, BOD, dan fosfat air limbah laundry sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan ditentukan kadar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan air limbah laundry dengan tanaman T. angustifolia dalam lahan basah buatan mampu menurunkan kadar TSS, BOD dan fosfat secara berturut-turut sebesar 50 mg/L, 485,5 mg/L dan 29,1 mg/L. Efektivitas tanaman T. angustifolia dalam lahan basah buatan dalam penurunan kadar TSS, BOD dan fosfat secara berturut-turut sebesar 54 %, 22 % dan 39 %.
Tingkat Pencemaran Udara di Desa Silo dan Pace, Kecamatan Silo, Kabupaten Jember dengan Menggunakan Lichen Sebagai Bioindikator Septian Theo Fandani; Hari Sulistiyowati; Rendy Setiawan
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 7 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v7i2.6861


Polusi udara dapat menurunkan kualitas lingkungan yang berdampak pada masalah kesehatan. Sumber utama yang menyebabkan masalah tersebut adalah terganggunya gas atmosfer yang berasal dari kendaraan roda empat, kendaraan roda dua, dan gas buang industri. Salah satu upaya monitoring kualitas udara adalah dengan menggunakan lichen. Lichen seringkali dijadikan indikator kualitas udara, karena organisme ini mempunyai sifat akumulator dan sangat adaptif terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menentukan tingkat pencemaran udara di Desa Silo dan Pace. Kecamatan Silo. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah dengan mengambil sampel lichen menggunakan plot-plot yang diletakkan secara vertikal pada pohon di tiga stasiun berbeda pada waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Tiga stasiun tersebut berada di Desa Silo, Pace, dan perkebunan Pace. Data yang didapat berupa nama jenis, jumlah koloni dan luas penutupan lichen untuk menentukan nilai IAP (Index of Atmospheric Purify). Hasil dari perhitungan IAP menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pencemaran udara di Desa Silo lebih tinggi daripada di Desa Pace dan perkebunan Pace. Hal ini dikarenakan Desa Silo memiliki nilai IAP yang lebih rendah (10,58) dibandingkan dengan di dua stasiun lainnya (nilai IAP 30,84 dan 81,28). Tingginya pencemaran udara tersebut disebabkan oleh tingginya volume kendaraan bermotor yang melewati jalan di Desa Silo (2.530 smp/jam/lajur).
Ecological Value Of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) at Tropical Evergreen Aglaia-Streblus Forest of Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia Hari Sulistiyowati; Sugeng Winarso; Damasa Macandog; Rachel Sotto; Nestor Baguinon; Inocencio Buot Jr
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 21, No 3: September 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2016.v21i3.129-140


As part of carbon pools, forest soil stores soil organic matter (SOM) that contains many elements including organic C, N, P, and K. These elements contribute nutrients for biogeochemical cycles within the ecosystem. This study was done to determine the ecological value of forest soil organic matter at tropical evergreen Aglaia-Streblus forest of Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP), East Java, Indonesia. The data were sampled along gradient topography in Pringtali tropical forest of TMBNP. Direct measurements of soil moisture, temperature, and pH were taken in the field. The soil samples were extracted from 6 points of soil solum using soil auger, and then oven-dried to get value of dry-weight. The elements content of organic C, N, P, and K were analyzed and estimated at the laboratory. The ecoval of SOM was appraised using developed ecological valuation tool. The result showed that SOM contributed higher ecoval of organic C (66.03 Mg ha-1) than other elements. Compared to P and K elements, N had the highest stock of element content. However, comparing to other two tropical forest ecosystems of Asia the ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features.The ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features. The ecovals contributed about 2.440,64 - 6.955,50 USD or  31.271.923,73 - 89.120.837,23  IDR per hectare of ecological value (d) to the ecosystem. This value was mainly contributed by organic C stock in the TMBNP forest SOM. It means the forest SOM had higher element content of organic C than N, P, and K elements. This d value is an indicator for TMBNP to protect the SOM elements meaning protecting their resources to sustain the biogeochemical cycles in the forest ecosystem. All the management and policy correlated to this protected area should consider this valuable information for their plan and actions.