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Pengaruh Tomat Sambung Pada Intensitas Penyakit Layu Bakteri (Ralstonia solanacearum), Komponen Hasil Produksi, dan Kualitas Buah Lisa Navitasari; Tri Joko; Rudi Hari Murti; Triwidodo Arwiyanto
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 26 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.26.3.413


Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) is one of soil borne pathogens causes bacterial wilt diseases and R. solanacearum is difficult to control because it has a long survival in the soil and have many hosts alternatives. One alternative to control R. solanacearum and to increase productivity is by using grating with combination of resistant varieties of tomato as a rootstock and high production varieties of tomato as a scion. Several studies on grafting to suppress R. solanacearum were reported. However, study on grafting with combination between resistant tomato varieties (Amelia H7996) and high-production tomato varieties with R. solanacearum infestation and without R. solanacearum infestation on the component of yield and fruit quality is limited. The study aims to analyze the effect of grafting with R. solanacearum infestation to the intensity of bacterial wilt disease, component of yield, and fruit quality with R. solanacearum infestation and without R. solanacearum infestation. The result indicated that the intensity of bacterial wilt disease on grafted tomato did not significantly different from resistant rootstock but significantly different from scion. Infestation of R. solanacearum on grafted tomato can decreased the plant productivity that decreased the component of yield on grafted tomato. R. solanacearum infestation also decreased the fruit quality on diameters and fruit firmness. Nevertheless, R. solanacearum did not affect the Total soluble solid/TSS (°Brix). TSS on grafted tomato indicated that the value is taller than rootstock in the field with R. solanacearum infestation and in the field without R. solanacearum infestation. Keywords: fruit quality, productivity, Rasltonia solanacearum, tomato grafted
Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika Vol. 13 No. 2 (2013): SEPTEMBER, JURNAL HAMA DAN PENYAKIT TUMBUHAN TROPIKA
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.364 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/j.hptt.213179-190


Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 on pathological and physiological quality and growth of rice IR 64 seedlings. The research objectives were (1) detection and identification of seed-borne pathogens of IR 64 rice, (2) testing Pseudomonas fluorescents P60 in inhibiting the in vitro growth of seed-borne pathogens colonies, (3) testing P. fluorescents P60 for pathological and physiological seed quality, and (4) testing P. fluorescents P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. The results showed that some seed-borne pathogens can be found both on farmers’ IR 64 rice and factory’s; they were Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, and P. syringae. Application of P. flourescens P60 was able to inhibit the in vitrogrowth of colonies of all seed-borne pathogens, except P. syringae. Related to pathological quality, the effect of P. flourescens P60 on percentage of seed-borne pathogens attack did not significantly different from that of benomil but smaller than distilled water. On the physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 has the same effect with benomil and distilled water, with germination rate was more than 80%. In the greenhouse study,treatment of seed immersion time in P. flourescens P60 suspension showed that the effect of immersion time as long as15 minutes and 25 minutes on seedling height, root length, and seedling dry weightdid not significantly different. were. However, 25 minutes immersion time resulted in fresh seedling weight and root dry weight higher than that of 15 minutes immersion time.
BUANA SAINS Vol 14, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.371 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v14i2.352


Oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) is the largest solid waste palm oil production. The waste pollutes the environment and waste management (EFB) has been carried out with burnt, aggravating environmental pollution. This resulted in the need for environmentally-friendly waste management. One of them uses microbes that can degrade components of the waste so that the waste can be used as compost EFB and natural mulch for agriculture. Use of microbes to degrade the waste components EFB potentially produces enzymes that accelerate the degradation lignoselulolitik EFB waste components. This research aims to study the biodegradation by a mixture of isolates of Aspergillus sp., Trichoderma sp. and Actinomycetes with the addition of some nitrogen as a nutrient source for growth microbes. The results showed that the addition of a mixture of isolates with the addition amoniumsulfat and chicken manure as a source of N can lower C / N ratio of 10 and 51.9 % of fragility, as well as lower levels of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin respectively 66 %, 36.4 % and 40.7 % of the initial levels. These results indicate that the addition of N sources of natural and synthetic amoniumsulfat chicken manure as well as accelerate the degradation of fungal isolates TKKS into compost
Aplikasi Actinomycetes dan Bakteriofag pada Tomat Sambung untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum dan Meningkatkan Hasil Buah Lisa Navitasari; Tri Joko; Rudi Hari Murti; Triwidodo Arwiyanto
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 27 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.27.4.527


Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) is a soil-borne pathogen that causes bacterial wilt disease and is a complex species in races, biovars, phylotypes, and strains of various pathogenicities. As a result, the pathogen is difficult to control. An alternative control is by applying actinomycetes and bacteriophages on tomato grafted with resistant rootstock. This study aims to find the best combination in controlling bacterial wilt disease among grafted tomato plants and/or actinomycetes and/or bacteriophage treatments to increase yields. The graftings were between Amelia (East West, Indonesia) or H7996 (AVRDC) as rootstocks, and Servo (East West, Indonesia) as the susceptible scion. The grafting used the tube method, and the experimental design was a randomized completely block design with the grafted plants treated by actinomycetes and/or bacteriophages with three replications. The results indicated that actinomycetes application on plants grafted with Amelia rootstock or H7996 and the application of bacteriophages on susceptible varieties (Servo) could be the best alternative treatment in controlling the bacterial wilt disease. The susceptible varieties with the actinomycetes or bacteriophages application could even increase fruit yields higher than the grafted tomatoes treated with actinomycetes or bacteriophages. In fact, the susceptible tomato varieties with bacteriophage treatment showed high fruit yield. Keywords: actinomycetes, bacteriophages, bacterial wilt disease, fruit yield, Ralstonia solanacearum
Jurnal Agroteknos Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56189/ja.v3i2.2317


The  research  aims  to  study  (1)  testing  P.  flourescens  P60  for  physiological  seed quality, and (2) testing P. flourescens P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. The results indicated presence of physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 had the same effect with the treatment benomil and distilled water with no significantly different results, as well as the treatment of P. flourescens P60 was able to maintain the quality of physiological germination rate above 80%. Results of application P. flourescens P60 on the growth of rice seedlings in the greenhouse, treatment of P. flourescens P60 with immersion time 15 minutes and 25 minutes, had the same effect with distilled water and benomil in seedling height, root length, and dry weight of seedling, but different in wet weight of seedling and root dry weight. Keywords : Pseudomonas flourescens P60, seed physiological quality, growth of seedlings.
Desain Penyuluhan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik dari Kotoran Sapi di Gapoktan Kertotani Desa Nglawak Eka Purwanto; Lisa Navitasari; Uswatun Nisa
AGRIEKSTENSIA Vol 22 No 1 (2023): AGRIEKSTENSIA: Jurnal Penelitian Terapan Bidang Pertanian
Publisher : Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34145/agriekstensia.v22i1.2864


Upaya alternatif untuk meningkatkan kesuburan pada tanah adalah dengan penggunaan pupuk organik berupa pupuk kandang dari kotoran sapi. Desa Nglawak Kecamatan Kertosono adalah salah satu desa yang memiliki potensi sapi yang cukup banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan potensi kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik dengan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki daya dukung berupa pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap terhadap suatu materi penyuluhan, (2) mendesain penyuluhan pemanfaatan kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik di Desa Nglawak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi potensi wilayah, Desa Nglawak mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan pembuatan pupuk organik kotoran sapi. Populasi ternak sapi yang cukup tinggi yang mencapai 625 ekor menyediakan bahan organik yang besar pula. Populasi sapi di Desa Nglawak berpotensi menghasilkan kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik yang dimanfaatkan oleh petani setempat. Materi penyuluhan yang disampaikan dapat dievaluasi melalui tingkat pengetahuan termasuk kategori menciptakan (80,1%) sedangkan evaluasi tingkat ketrampilan diperoleh nilai kategori pembentukan adaptasi (82,53%) dan evaluasi tingkat sikap memperoleh nilai pada kategori karakteristik (84,76%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, diharapkan petani mampu mengolah kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik yang dimanfaatkan dalam aktivitas usahatani.