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Meningkatkan Minat Remaja Terhadap Tradisi Berzanji Dan Ad-Diba’i Demi Pemahaman Keagamaan Hanif Khoiri; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat)
Publisher : Pustaka Galeri Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.95 KB)


Adanya wabah covid-19 yang melanda negara Indonesia membuat segala aktivitas terhambat. Hal ini juga berpengaruh pada proses kegiatan masyarakat banyak yang tidak terealisasi. Sebelumnya desa Ngrukem salah satu desa yang cukup aktif dalam berkegiatan di masyarakat, terlebih para remaja maupun karang taruna yang bersemangat mengadakan kegiatan perayaan. Akan tetapi, yang kita ketahui ternyata remaja di Desa Ngrukem banyak yang berdiam diri di rumah melakukan kegiatan yang lebih bermanfaat. Maka dengan adanya tradisi berzanji dan ad-diba’i dapat mengisi waktu luang remaja Desa Ngrukem untuk bersholawat. Karena, Shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw merupakan amalan yang sangat agung, dikarenakan shalawat adalah satu-satunya amalan yang Allah dan para Malaikat-Nya juga melaksanakannya, di samping memerintah kepada hamba-Nya yang mu’min untuk melaksanakannya. Shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw dapat menjadi wasilah, dan dengan wasilah ini, orang yang membaca shalawat akan memperoleh garansi syafaat dari Nabi Muhammad Saw. Untuk mempermudah terkabulnya doa, maka kita dapat menggunakan sholawat sebagai perantaranya. Dalam hal ini kita menggunakan sholawat sebagai wasilah supaya doa kita cepat diijabahi oleh Allah.  
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.889 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v4i2.3632


Natural disasters can occur anywhere and anytime which can cause losses both in terms of material and non-material and can even cause casualties. Pomahan Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency is located in a mountainous area so that the area is prone to disasters both in the form of natural disasters and non-natural disasters such as disasters arising from human activities. Public understanding of disaster mitigation must be improved, especially for the younger generation. It is intended that the risks or impacts arising from the occurrence of disasters can be reduced and the public knows about the first treatment in the event of a disaster. This service activity aims to increase the knowledge and abilities of the youth community in Pomahan village in disaster mitigation management. The implementation of service activities is carried out by holding socialization, discussion and question and answer. The implementation of this socialization activity was carried out to the youth community in Pomahan village. The socialization activity was carried out on Thursday 15 July 2021 which was carried out face-to-face via the Zoom application. The activity was attended by 10 participants from the youth community in Pomahan village. From these socialization activities, youth are expected to be able to apply the knowledge gained during socialization activities in the event of a disaster so that the impact can be reduced. The result of this community service activity is increasing knowledge from the youth community in Pomahan village about disaster mitigation management and first handling when a disaster occurs.
Accompaniment in Managing Tofu Waste into Nuggets as an Efforts to Increase Income Hesti Novitasari; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) (DOAJ & SINTA 3 Indexed)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPMM.006.1.03


Tofu SMEs located in Pomahan Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo are extraordinary assets that need to be developed. In the production process, it produces tofu dregs. This tofu dregs waste has not been used properly. In fact, if used properly, this tofu dregs can increase income as well as open up new fields for those who want to be entrepreneurs. In this service, the researcher offers an innovation from tofu dregs waste into nuggets. The Nugget innovations offered are not only made from tofu dregs, but also with a mixture of Moringa leaves, purslane leaves, carrots and eggs which are rich in vitamins and protein. The approach taken is the Asset Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) approach by exploring several assets owned by the Pomahan Village community. This service assistance is carried out starting from the process of observing tofu production, utilizing tofu dregs, the nugget production process, packaging to marketing. The purpose of this assistance is proper waste management so that it can increase revenue through product innovation accompanied by the development of marketing strategies. If the innovation is applied, it can create the creative and innovative power of SMEs owners and the younger generation to become productive, innovative and environmental-loving Human Resources because they are able to optimally utilize Natural Resources on the basis of independence in order to create income and increase income.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Juni : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.425 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/khatulistiwa.v1i2.796


Everyone must have difficulties and problems that must be faced, and indirectly this situation encourages them to help each other and face each other together. This sense of solidarity arises because in every community group there are simultaneously needs, lineage, and the same place to live where they are. However, many young people today are starting to be indifferent to the condition of the environment around them, as if they are becoming individualists and busy with their personal affairs. Based on these problems, this research focuses on the role of youth organizations in realizing youth solidarity in Randusari village. This study aims to determine how the role of youth organizations in realizing solidarity in Randusari Village. The method used is a literature study used by analyzing various sources. This study found that youth organizations in Randusari Village have ways to increase their sense of solidarity such as fostering empathy for others, friendship with others, greeting each other when meeting, and competing for help.
JUSMA: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.946 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/jusma.v1i2.1224


Artikel ini membahas lunturnya tradisi kenduri akibat aturan atau larangan di Desa Serangan Sukorejo Ponorogo pada masa pandemi covid-19. Larangan itu berdasarkan surat edaran Bupati Ponorogo Nomor: 188.45/477/405.01.3/2021. Salah satu inti berdasarkan surat edaran tadi adalah melarang kegiatan hajatan termasuk tradisi kenduri. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah pada bagaimana dampak dari larangan tradisi kenduri di Desa Serangan Sukorejo Ponorogo dimasa pandemi covid-19 dengan menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan sampel purposif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan juga dianalisis dalam dokumentasi yang berbeda dan kemudian diinterpretasikan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjabarkan dampak larangan tradisi kenduri masyarakat Desa Serangan selama pandemic covid yakni, hilangnya momen kebersamaan dan rasa sosial masyarakat Desa Serangan serta lunturnya tradisi kenduri dan komponen di dalamnya.
Wasilatuna: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Darullughah Waddawah Bangil Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38073/wasilatuna.v5i2.760


The importance of media relations which is commonly used by several public relations in government has implications for government policies according to the information needs of the public. One of them is the Madiun Regency Communication and Information Service regarding the problems of socializing government programs. This study aims to describe the media relations of the Madiun District Communication and Information Service in optimizing the dissemination of Government work programs. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Through data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation in the discussion of this study. The results of the study, the media relations of the Madiun Regency Communication and Information Service, namely managing relations, developing strategies, and developing networks. In implementing media relations, there are forms of media relations by the Madiun District Communication and Information Office, namely Press Conferences, Press Receptions, Press Briefings, Press Gatherings, Press Gatherings, and Press Tours
Strategi Mainstreaming Moderasi Beragama di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Melalui Media Sosial Haiyin Lana Lazulfa; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Dewantara : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Maret : Dewantara : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas 45 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (828.183 KB) | DOI: 10.30640/dewantara.v2i1.606


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas strategi mainstreaming moderasi beragama di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Indonesia melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode deskriptif-analitis. Objek formal penelitian ini adalah strategi mainstreaming. Sedangkan objek material dalam penelitian ini adalah moderasi beragama. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan ini menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama tidak hanya menjadi wacana saja, namum harus disemarakkan untuk mensukseskan perwujudannya. Moderasi bukanlah sebagai sikap yang rancu atau sangat lemah dalam menyikapi suatu perkara keagamaan. Namun, termasuk kemunculan sikap adil di tengah-tengah menyikapi sesuatu, yakni dapat menakar sikap yang sesuai dan tidak mudah memberikan justifikasi yang berlebihan terhadap suatu fenomena yang sedang terjadi. Strategi mainstreaming terhadap moderasi beragama ini dapat membantu merelevansikan isu-isu keagamaan yang saat ini sedang bertaburan secara liar di masyarakat luas. Dan telah mencapai ruang intelektual, termasuk dalam Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam. Media sosial menjadi salah satu peluncur tercepat dengan target kalangan luas. Oleh sebab itu, Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam menjadi salah satu laboratorium perdamaian yang menghasilkan syiar bagi moderasi beragama yang akan menetralkan arus informasi dalam media sosial. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah usaha mainstreaming yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam melalui media sosial dalam menghadapi isu-isu keagamaan yang moderat merupakan salah satu bentuk tekad untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan hakiki mengenai agama Islam
Wasilatuna: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Darullughah Waddawah Bangil Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38073/wasilatuna.v5i2.760


The importance of media relations which is commonly used by several public relations in government has implications for government policies according to the information needs of the public. One of them is the Madiun Regency Communication and Information Service regarding the problems of socializing government programs. This study aims to describe the media relations of the Madiun District Communication and Information Service in optimizing the dissemination of Government work programs. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Through data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation in the discussion of this study. The results of the study, the media relations of the Madiun Regency Communication and Information Service, namely managing relations, developing strategies, and developing networks. In implementing media relations, there are forms of media relations by the Madiun District Communication and Information Office, namely Press Conferences, Press Receptions, Press Briefings, Press Gatherings, Press Gatherings, and Press Tours
Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari: Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.012 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/jurrish.v2i1.617


Seorang mahasiswa yang mempunyai kewajiban utama yakni dengan tugas perkulihanya, namun di sisi lain mahasiswa juga diharapkan untuk memperbanyak pengalamanya di luar lingkup perkuliahan. Keseimbangan antara keilmuan dan pengalaman menjadikan sebuah tolak ukur perbedaan antara mahasiswa dengan siswa sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pilihan rasional para mahasiswa IAIN Ponorogo dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo yang memutuskan untuk membagi waktunya dengan menjadi musyrifah tahfidz di Pondok Pesantren Azmania Putri serta pengaruhnya terhadap identitas sosialnya. Penelitian ini meliputi analisis terhadap faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan para mahasiswa IAIN Ponorogo dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dalam memilih menjadi musyrifah tahfidz di Azmania, kemudian nilai apa yang diperoleh terhadap identitas sosial mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pemilihan informan melalui purposive sampling. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dimulai dengan wawancara terhadap sejumlah responden yang bersangkutan, kemudian mengobservasi keseharian responden. Analisis data yang telah didapkan selanjutnya dikumpukan, direduksi, kemudian disajikan. Para mahasiswa IAIN Ponorogo dan Universitas Muhammdiyah Ponorogo ingin membuktikan tanggung jawab sebagai mahasiswa tidak terbatas pada perkuliahan semata, akan tetapi mahasiswa juga memiliki tanggung jawab dalam memberikan kebermanfaat melalui keilmuan yang dikuasai khususnya tahfidz Al-Qur’an dengan mengabdi di Pondok Pesantren.
Perkembangan Teknologi Sebagai Modus Scamming Di Laman Jual Beli Online Retno Wahyu Ningsih; Robi’ah Al Adawiyah; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Umum Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Umum
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Nalanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (900.775 KB) | DOI: 10.47861/jkpu-nalanda.v1i3.232


Indonesia is one of the countries with rapid technological developments. Through the development of this technology, of course, it will make it easier for the community to carry out activities, such as buying and selling online. Buying and selling online is very popular in the community, because for them it is very easy, fast and practical. However, along with the convenience that is presented in buying and selling online, it is often used by irresponsible persons to seek profit. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The main focus of this research is to see the reality that occurs in the field with the aim of digging up information about fraud in buying and selling and the laws that are applied. Researchers use this research because they want to clearly describe the technological developments that are used as a fraudulent mode of buying and selling online.