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Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi Pertanian Terhadap Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat di Kabupaten Madiun Putri Maulida; Muryani Muryani; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Student Scientific Creativity Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli : Student Scientific Creativity Journal
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/sscj-amik.v1i4.1650


. This study discusses the impact of the development of agricultural technology for the community which initially traditionally became more modern in Bukur Village, Jiwan District, Madiun Regency, East Java Province. Advances in agricultural technology have brought significant changes to society. The impacts of the changes can change the lifestyle and work of farmers. This study uses a qualitative method where researchers have the aim of analyzing the impact of agricultural technology on social change in society. Social change in society is not a result or product but a process. This process of change is of course the result of an agreement or joint decision taken by an individual or a community group. The decisions taken are of course in accordance with the wishes or expectations of the group so that social change can be realized. However, the application of technology does not always have a positive impact, sometimes there are negative things with several obstacles. Some of the obstacles encountered in the process of community empowerment using technology, one of which is secondary human needs that arise after their primary needs are met.
KURANGNYA MINAT BACA BUKU KALANGAN MAHASISWA Zulfan Efendi; Wahyu Nur Hisyam; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Student Scientific Creativity Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli : Student Scientific Creativity Journal
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/sscj-amik.v1i4.1676


Kurangnya minat baca dikalangan mahasiswa mengakibatkan kurangnya ide-ide dan pendapat mereka dalam beragumentasi secara inovatif dan kreatif yang nampak dalam presentasi tugas dan menghasilkan karya.jurnal ini menggunakan metode penelitian studi pustaka (library research) dengan memanfaatkan artikel, jurnal, buku-buku, dan akses internet sebagai sumbernya. jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kurangnya minat baca para mahasiswa, dampak rendahnya minat baca mahasiswa dan cara meningkatkan minat baca remaja. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dalam panelitian ini yaitu dampak rendahnya minat baca mahasiswa dapat mempengaruhi kurangnya kemampuan mereka dalam penguasaan bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan cara menikatkan minat bacamahasiswa meningkatkan layanan perpustakaan di sekolah dan lingkungan masyarakat ketersediaan bahan bacaan memungkinkan tiap orang untuk memilih apa yang sesuai dengan minat dan kepentingannya. Adapun simpulan dari penelitian ini dampak dari kurangnya minat baca di kalanggan mahasiswa dapat mempengaruhi kemajuan bangsa dan sumberdaya manusianya.
Dampak Tiktok Terhadap Gaya Hidup Remaja Perempuan Risky Azizah; Revina Sinta Ananda; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Student Scientific Creativity Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli : Student Scientific Creativity Journal
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/sscj-amik.v1i4.1681


The era of globalization means an era where technology is experiencing rapid development. Developments that can be felt by people in various parts of the world are information and communication technology. The rapid development of this globalization era also has an impact on the rapid development of social media which has various advantages and different features. One of them is social media TikTok. The interest of teenagers in using social media TikTok has caused these teenagers to flock more and more to share important and unimportant things such as sharing the latest news with each other while things that are not important such as the occurrence of racism or blasphemy between humans to cases of bullying. Based on the background above, the author wants to discuss what are the impacts of social media TikTok on adolescent behavior in the era of globalization. Here the author uses a qualitative method which conducts a literature study of several journals.
Perubahan Komunikasi Orang Tua Terhadap Anak Di Era Digital Perdian Muhamad Thoha; Rizki Puja Kurniawan; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Student Scientific Creativity Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli : Student Scientific Creativity Journal
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/sscj-amik.v1i4.1682


Communication between parents and children is an important aspect in the formation of healthy family relationships. However, with the advent of digital technology, communication patterns between parents and children have changed significantly. This article discusses changes in parent-child communication in the digital era and the impact it has on parent-child relationships. This article also discusses the positive and negative impacts of changes in parent-child communication as well as strategies that can be taken by parents to optimize communication with children in the digital era. The purpose of writing this article is to provide information and advice for parents who want to maintain good communication relations with their children in the digital age and emphasize the importance of effective communication in family relationships. In this article, we use sources from scientific and research journals related to changes in parent-child communication in the digital era and their impact on family relationships.
Pengaruh Smartphone Terhadap Anak Usia Dini Noor Muhammad Ghofururrohim; Raka Nur Wicaksono; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Education : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi - Studi Ekonomi Modern

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/education.v3i2.340


This article aims to find out the development of smartphones and the resulting impact. The definition of a smartphone is a small electronic device that has various functions and the latest technology, which makes human life more practical. In the context of early childhood development, the use of smartphones has an influence on their development. Technology can be an effective learning medium and can increase children's creativity, but it must be balanced with interaction with the surrounding environment. Research shows that smartphone use can have a negative impact on early childhood social development. Excessive use can cause children to become introverted, experience sleep disturbances, tend to be alone, show violent behavior, inhibit creativity, and increase the risk of cyberbullying. To overcome this problem, the solution is to limit the use of smartphones, supervise children while using smartphones, and involve themselves as parental figures who play an active role. Providing an appropriate time schedule for children to use smartphones is also important, so that smartphone use does not hinder early childhood social development. The role of parents in this case is very important to provide appropriate supervision and direction. By taking these steps, it is hoped that the negative effects of smartphone use can be minimized, while early childhood social development is well maintained.
Perubahan Sosial Dalam Perkembangan Instagram Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Septia Rani; Zulfa Khoirunisa; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan dan Humaniora (JISPENDIORA) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Agustus: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan Dan Humaniora
Publisher : Badan Penerbit STIEPARI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56910/jispendiora.v2i2.634


Socio-cultural changes in the world of social media always occur due to the support of technological sophistication that has occurred to date. One of them is the use of Instagram for millennials. This study aims to find out how social change and the impact that occurs on students in using Instagram. This research was conducted using a case study approach by seeking qualitative data or methods. The results of the study show that the use of Instagram has an impact on the emergence of socio-cultural changes for students. First, they do not hesitate to share excessively in self-disclosure in cyberspace. Of course, this culture arose because of the presence of Instagram as a social media that can be accessed by anyone. Second, students are unable to provide boundaries between private and public spaces, so that Instagram currently also has influence as a channel or media in complementing relationships between people, and at the same time Instagram is part of the lifestyle that students choose when communicating. using advanced technology.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan dan Humaniora (JISPENDIORA) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Agustus: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan Dan Humaniora
Publisher : Badan Penerbit STIEPARI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56910/jispendiora.v2i2.637


Revolusi industri 4.0 telah mengubah tata cara hidup dan bekerja masyarakat secara signifikan. Dalam konteks ini, menjaga keluarga menjadi tantangan utama dalam menghadapi perubahan sosial yang terjadi. Dalam abstrak ini, kami mengeksplorasi tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi keluarga dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. Revolusi industri 4.0 membawa dampak besar pada dunia kerja dengan adopsi teknologi yang canggih seperti kecerdasan buatan, otomatisasi, dan Internet of Things (IoT). Peningkatan ini mengarah pada transformasi dalam lingkungan kerja, termasuk hilangnya pekerjaan tradisional dan munculnya pekerjaan baru yang membutuhkan keterampilan digital. Tantangan yang dihadapi keluarga adalah menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan ini dan memastikan anggota keluarga memiliki keterampilan yang relevan. Selain itu, revolusi industri 4.0 juga mempengaruhi dinamika keluarga secara sosial dan emosional. Kemajuan teknologi seperti media sosial, komunikasi digital, dan perangkat mobile telah mengubah cara keluarga berinteraksi satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, tantangan kedua adalah menjaga hubungan interpersonal yang kuat antara anggota keluarga dan mempromosikan komunikasi yang sehat dan efektif. Dalam menghadapi tantangan ini, penting bagi keluarga untuk beradaptasi dan mengembangkan keterampilan yang relevan dengan revolusi industri 4.0.
PENGARUH KOREAN WAVE DALAM FASHION STYLE REMAJA INDONESIA Shitara Raudhotul Jannah; Zulfa Khoirunnisa; Andhita Risko Faristiana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jipa.v1i3.219


Fenomena Korean Wave atau hallyu telah menguasai dunia. Korean Wave atau Hallyu adalah budaya pop yang berasal dari negara ginseng. Korean wave merupakan salah satu contoh keberhasilan suatu negara mengembangkan budaya dan mampu memanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya untuk kesejahteraan negara Istilah ini mengacu pada popularitas budaya pop Korea Selatan yang lebih luas di seluruh dunia. Salah satu yang sangat umum di berbagai belahan dunia adalah fashion style atau gaya busana korea. Busana Korea dinilai unik karena menampilkan warna cerah pada pakaian dan mudah menyatu dengan tubuh dan warna kulit Asia. Fashion Korea ada dan mempengaruhi pengikutnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bagaimana masalah ketergantungan gaya fashion Korea mempengaruhi perilaku penduduk di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetauhi pengaruh Korean Wave terhadap Fashion Style remaja di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Metode Kualitatif dengan menggunkaan media Googleform yang disebarkan kepada komunitas dance cover. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Korean Wave berpengaruh terhadap Fashion Style remaja di Indonesia.
REMAJA DAN HUBUNGAN SEKS PRA NIKAH Wike Nur Lutfiana; Tial Widhiyaningrum; Andhita Risko Faristiana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jipa.v1i3.221


Mengetahui kenakalan remaja ataupun tentang perilaku seks pranikah di kalangan remaja Desa x Kabupaten Ngawi dan mendreskripsikan secara mendalam tentang perilaku seks pranikah di kalangan remaja di Desa x Kabupaten Ngawi. Sumber data diperoleh melalui dokumentasi maupun wawancara dengan masyarakat sekitar. Perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja merupakan suatu fenomena yang semakin marak terjadi, tak terkecuali di Desa x Kabupaten Ngawi. Faktor-faktor penyebab munculnya perilaku seks pranikah berdasarkan hasil penelitian diantaranya adalah 1) Kurangnya pengawasan keluarga terhadap anak 2) Pengaruh media yang semakin berkembang 3) Rendahnya pendidikan nilai agama. Upaya pencegahan perilaku seks bebas dapat dilakukan dengan yang pertama yaitu melalui diri kita sendiri yang kedua yaitu melalui keluarga dan yang ketiga yaitu melalui lingkungan yang dimana kita harus bisa memilah anttar teman yang baik maupun teman yang buruk dalam berperilaku dan kita juga harus memiliki kegiatan diluar yang lebih baik semisal dalam sekolah kita mengikuti ekstrakulikuler.
Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi Terhadap Mata Pencaharian Masyarakat Salsabila Rahmania Asyifah; Andhita Risko Faristiana
Jurnal Sosiologi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Sosiologi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
Publisher : Universitas Gajah Putih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55542/juspa.v5i2.645


In our lives at this time of course we will not be separated by technology. Because it is an effort for humans to meet the needs of their lives both in terms of quality and quantity. Technology has many impacts on human life, both negative and positive impacts. This research was conducted in Dolopo Village, Dolopo District, Madiun regency, East Java province. The formulation of the problems that will be discussed in this study include: 1) the response of the Dolopo community to the entry of technology into people’s livelihoods. 2) on the impact of the use of technology on the socio-economic community in Dolopo Village. The type of research used is field research, while data collection techniques are carried out by observation, and interviews. The results of this study concluded that the impact of technological developments facilitate human activities but on the other hand also lead to loss of community livelihoods.