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Performance measurement of the relationship between students' learning with lecturers' characteristics as supervisors based on fuzzy-based assessment Mulyanto Mulyanto; Bedi Suprapty; Arief Bramanto Wicaksono Putra; Achmad Fanany Onnilita Gaffar
Jurnal Informatika Vol 15, No 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jifo.v15i1.a17389


In addition to the focus of research selected as a Final Project material, the selection of lecturers as student's supervisor becomes very important. The lecturer's competence related to the focus of student research and the supervising style of lecturers is also very influential on the final results. Measurement of style appropriateness between students' learning styles and supervising lecturers' styles can benchmark the quality of the final project's implementation, especially higher education institutions. This study has applied fuzzy-based assessment to build objective perceptions of students' learning characteristics and lecturers' characteristics (Visual (V), Auditory (A), Kinesthetic (K)) as supervisors through questionnaire processing that has designed in such away. Hence, it is suitable for this study. The measuring technique of the percentage of overlapping areas under the curves and the correlation test between a pair of curves have been used as performance measurement metrics. In general, the study results indicate a significant level of coverage adequacy for all research variables regarding existing conditions. It means that the process of Final Project activities in terms of students' and lecturers' learning characteristics as supervisors and their distribution is at a reasonable level (88.38%). It has also been shown by the results of the correlation test of the appropriateness of choice, both supervisors selected by students (0.8657) and students chosen by lecturers (0.9897) who are at a very significant level of similarity. Correlation tests conducted for similarities between students' and lecturers' learning characteristics as supervisors show almost no significant correlation between them (0.4064).
Perbandingan Hasil Rute Terdekat Antar Rumah Sakit di Samarinda Menggunakan Algoritma A*(star) dan Floyd-Warshall Arief Bramanto Wicaksono Putra; Achmad Aulia Rachman; Adji Santoso; Mulyanto Mulyanto
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer) Vol 9, No 1 (2020): MARET
Publisher : ISB Atma Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1214.164 KB) | DOI: 10.32736/sisfokom.v9i1.685


Transportasi pasien antar rumah sakit membutuhkan jalur tercepat, rute terpendek merupakan salah satu opsi terbaik. Pencarian jalur terpendek merupakan proses pencarian menuju simpul tujuan dengan bobot seoptimal mungkin, bobot yang digunakan berupa jarak tempuh. Jarak didapat dari proses perhitungan menggunakan rumus Haversine.Algoritma ­Floyd-Warshall dan A*(star) merupakan algoritma pencarian yang dapat digunakan untuk mencari jalur terpendek.Dari perhitungan menggunakan algoritma Floyd-Warshall didapat jarak dan simpulantar rumah sakit Samarinda Medika Citra menuju rumah sakit umum daerah Abdul Wahab Sjahranie melalui 12 simpul dengan jarak heuristik 2,987 kilometer, dan dari rumah sakit Dirgahayu menuju rumah sakit umum daerah Abdul Wahab Sjahranie melalui 11 simpul dengan jarak heuristik 3,764 kilometer. Hasil menggunakan algoritma A*(star)diperoleh jarak heuristik 4,733 kilometer dari rumah sakit Samarinda Medika Citra menuju rumah sakit umum daerah Abdul Wahab Sjahranie melalui 15 simpul, dan dari rumah sakit Dirgahayu menuju rumah sakit umum daerah Abdul Wahab Sjahranie melalui 18 simpul dengan jarak heuristik 10,607 kilometer
A Gray-Level Dynamic Range Modification Technique for Image Feature Extraction Using Fuzzy Membership Function Arief Bramanto Wicaksono Putra; Rheo Malani; Mulyanto Mulyanto
Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Vol 1, No 1 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.317 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/ijaidm.v1i1.4599


The features of an image must be unique so it is necessary to use certain techniques to ensure them. One of the common techniques is to modify the gray dynamic range of an image. In principle, the gray level dynamic range modification maps the gray level ranges from the input image to the new gray level range as an output image using a specific function. Fuzzy Membership Function (MF) is one kind of membership function that applies the Fuzzy Logic concept. This study uses Trapezoidal MF to map the gray dynamic range of each RGB component to produce a feature of an RGB image. The aim of this study is how to ensure the uniqueness of image features through the setting of Trapezoidal MF parameters to obtain the new dynamic range of gray levels that minimize the possibility of other features other than the selected feature. To test the performance of the proposed method, it also tries to be applied to the signature image. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) calculations between feature labels are performed to test authentication between signatures. The results obtained are for comparison of samples of signature images derived from the same source having a much smaller MAE than the comparison of samples of signature images originating from different sources.
Perbandingan Metode AHP dengan AHP-TOPSIS untuk Penentuan Kelayakan Pengisian Bibit Ayam Broiler di Kandang Sri Ayu Susanti; Abdul Najib; Mulyanto Mulyanto
Prosiding SAKTI (Seminar Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi (SAKTI)
Publisher : Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.021 KB)


Ternakan ayam broiler merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang dipilih masyarakat karena lajunya perputaran modal, tetapi dalam usaha ini dibutuhkan modal yang lumayan besar maka dari itu, sebagian dari masyarakat memutuskan untuk bekerjasama dengan perusahaan. Dalam pengisian bibit ayam broiler kondisi kandang yang menentukan kelayakan pengisian bibit ayam, pada penentuan kelayakan kandang pihak perusahaan belum menggunakan sistem sehingga tingkat keakuratan penentuan masih rendah. Dalam penelitian ini akan membandingkan dua metode yaitu Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Tecnique For Oder Preferance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS),  penelitian menggunakan empat kriteria yaitu kebersihan, kelengkapan, suhu dan kelembapan. Dari hasil perbandingan perankingan kedua metode memiliki hasil yang berbeda, dimana AHP memiliki nilai yang tertinggi A3 dengan nilai 0.1591 dan AHP-TOPSIS A4 dengan nilai 0.2319, rentang penilaian AHP-TOPSIS lebih jauh yaitu 20.54% dibandingkan dengan AHP murni yaitu 2.26%. 
Water level control of small-scale recirculating aquaculture system with protein skimmer using fuzzy logic controller Mulyanto Mulyanto; Bedi Suprapty; Achmad Fanany Onnilita Gaffar; Muhammad Taufiq Sumadi
IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA) Vol 12, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijra.v12i3.pp300-314


The recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) is a land-based aquaculture facility, either open-air or indoors, that minimizes water consumption by filtering, adapting, and reusing water. Solid organic matter from fish waste and food waste directly becomes waste that needs to be eliminated because it is a source of increasing total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and also has an impact on reducing dissolved oxygen (DO). RAS requires a water level control system so the fish tank does not experience water shortages or floods, disrupting the aquatic aquaculture ecosystem. In this study, small-scale RAS is modeled using a 3-coupled tanks system approach with a tank configuration that follows the most straightforward RAS water recirculation process (fish tank, mechanic filter, biofilter). Clean water from the reservoir flows into the fish tank through a protein skimmer. This study applies the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) to control the water level in the protein skimmer and biofilter tanks by controlling the position of several valves where the placement positions of the valves have been determined according to system requirements. The study results show that the tuned single-input FLC has the best average output response characteristics with ts=50, h1ss=49.98, ess=0.02 in protein skimmer and ts=4700, h1ss=39.75, ess=0.25 in the tank system.