Asep Wawan Jatnika
Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Kampus sebagai miniatur keindonesiaan Asep Wawan Jatnika; Epin Saepudin; Chairil Nur Siregar
Jurnal Citizenship: Media Publikasi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (962.835 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/citizenship.v2i1.15937


Keberhasilan “identitas” sebagai komoditas dalam kontestasi politik tanah air terjadi karena rendahnya pemahaman, penghargaan, dan pengakuan akan keberagaman. Implikasi dari rendahnya kompetensi dalam menyikapi keberagaman bangsa Indonesia berpangkal pada cara pandang terhadap perbedaan yang ada dalam masyarakat. Gejala rendahnya penghargaan akan keberbedaan belakangan ini sudah mulai memasuki dunia kampus dan ditengarai menjadi cikal bakal tumbuh kembangnya paham radikal di perguruan tinggi. Terlepas dari berbagai fenomena dan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa radikalisme tumbuh subur di perguruan tinggi, tulisan ini mencoba memberikan perspektif lain dalam melihat kampus dengan cara pandang yang lebih positif. Lebih spesifik, bahasan akan difokuskan pada posisi strategis kampus sebagai miniatur keindonesiaan dan sebagai wahana pembudayaan nilai-nilai kebangsaan. Selain itu, akan diulas pula mengenai cara pandang, pola sikap, dan pola tindak terhadap keberagaman budaya, etnisitas, adat-istiadat, dan agama yang hadir berdampingan di lingkungan kampus.----------------------------------The success of "identity" as a commodity in political contestation in Indonesia due miss understanding, appreciation, and recognition of diversity. The implication of low competence in responding to the diversity of the Indonesian nation stems from the perspective of differences in society. Symptoms of low appreciation for diversity lately have started to enter the campus world and are suspected to be the forerunner to the growth of radical understanding in higher education. Apart from various phenomena and research results that show that radicalism thrives in universities, this paper tries to provide another perspective in viewing the campus with a more positive perspective. More specifically, the discussion will focus on the strategic position of the campus as a miniature of Indonesians and as a vehicle for the culture of national values. Besides, it will also review the perspective, attitude patterns, and patterns of action towards the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, customs, and religions that exist side by side in the campus environment.
The Development of Information Technology Applications of Religious Charity Through Humanities Technology Approach Agus Syihabudin; Asep Wawan Jatnika; Alamta Singarimbun; Shohib Khoiri
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 35, No. 2, Year 2019 [Accredited Sinta 2] No 10/E/KPT/2019]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.871 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v35i2.4885


There are currently various non-governmental organizations, related to both religious missions and social missions, that motivate the growth of the spirit of generosity. At the same time, these organizations facilitate the collection of donations from donors and subsequently distribute these alms to people who are deemed entitled to them. The charitable institutions have developed significantly, both in terms of fundraising and distribution, partly due to the effective use of online approaches. In its development, the role of online technology has proven to have two opposite effects. In addition to the ease of access to information and effectiveness in facilitating generosity, online approaches are proven to have eliminated the emotional connections between the subjects and the objects of the charitable deeds, in this case between the donors and the recipients. Philanthropic attitudes related to religion, for example, are intended to foster humanistic relationships between the givers and the receptors. This study examines the management of online fundraising, the weaknesses and factors that hamper its implementation, and the quests for the solutions to this problem. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using direct observations over online media as the method for data collection techniques and technoculture for the analysis, supported by literature studies. The main result of this research is the holistic concept of perfecting the fundraising system and online services hence more humane.
KEPOLIMAKNAAN Asep Wawan Jatnika
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 7 No. 15 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

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An ambiguous sentence is a sentence which has more than one possible meaning. In Bahasa Indonesia, an ambiguous sentence can be avoided by (1) putting the hyphen (-) within the phrase that is being referred to, (2) placing the word "“ in the ambiguous phrase "“ to which it is being referred to the front, (3) placing the word which is being referred to in the beginning of the sentence, (4) modifying or determining the ambiguous phrase, and (5) putting comma within the ambiguous phrase to determine the meaning
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 13 No. 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2014.13.3.8


Di Indonesia, sejak tahun 1990-an, muncul fenomena penamaan kompleks dengan nama asing yang mencapai puncaknya beberapa tahun terakhir. Perumahan yang menggunakan nama asing dapat dikategorikan menjadi beberapa kelompok yaitu menggunakan nama asing sepenuhnya, menggunakan gabungan nama daerah dan bahasa asing, menggunakan gabungan nama dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa asing, dan menggunakan nama kota di luar negeri. Penggunaan nama asing ini merupakan mitos, sebuah tipe wicara yang khusus. Penamaan ini menawarkan cara berbicara yang berbeda untuk objek yang sebenarnya sama. Penamaan kompleks dengan nama asing mengesankan ekslusivitas, kebahagiaan, prestise, dan seterusnya. Mitos nama asing pada kompleks perumahan ini menawarkan kepercayaan dan cara hidup yang baru pada masyarakat. Ketika kepercayaan ini kemudian menjadi kesadaran kolektif dalam jangka waktu lama, hal ini akan berubah menjadi ideologi, yakni ideologi konsumerisme. Pada saat yang bersamaan, mitos nama asing ini membuat segmentasi kota di antara para warganya semakin tegas. Kompleks perumahan dengan nama asing ini diperuntukan bagi kelas tertentu, dengan gaya dan cara hidup tertentu, dengan tingkat ekslusivitas tertentu yang berbeda dengan masyarakat di luar kompleks tersebut. Kata kunci: mitos, nama asing, kompleks perumahan, ideologi, konsumerisme In Indonesia, there has appeared the phenomenon of naming housing complexes with foreign names since the 1990s until its peak in the last few years. Housing complexes with foreign names can be categorized into several groups: those fully using foreign names, combining names of the regions and foreign names, combining names in Indonesian language and foreign names, and using names of cities abroad. The use of foreign languages in naming housing complexes is a myth, a particular type of speech. It offers a different manner of talking about the same objects. The foreign languages used in naming the housing complexes give an impression of exclusivity, happiness, prestige, etc. The myth of using foreign names for housing complexes offers new beliefs and ways of life among the communities. When these have become a belief of collective awareness for a long time, it will turn into an ideology, a consumerism ideology. At the same time, the myth of using foreign names in housing complexes confirms the segmentation of cities among the dwellers. Housing complexes with foreign names are earmarked for a particular class, style and way of life, different from the community outside the housing complexes. Keyword: myth, foreign name, housing complex, ideology, consumerism
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 16 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2017.16.1.8


  Higher education like ITB, is expected as a pioneer in the use of application in the era of information technology nowadays, including in the Islamic Religious Education program. Information technology can be applied in the teaching and learning instruction of Islamic Religious program, as it can be used by the lecturers to deliver Islamic moral values to ITB students. In the context of Islamic preaching in higher education, ICT can be used as a medium to convey Islamic Religious materials, and it practically contributes to the development of Islamic proselytization for ITB students. As the Islamic youths, university students can take apart as the agents of change in the development of human resources to face the challenge of globalization era including the fast growth of information technology and the opened-accessibility of ASEAN Economic Community (EAC). In this context, the role of technology is crucial in overcoming these rapid changes. This paper is particularly aimed at mapping the Islamic preaching for ITB students. From this notion, it can be noted that online-social media is effective for persuading Islamic values to students. By only one posted-article, it can reach and inspire thousands readers. Besides, it is considered more effective, because the use of social media is not restricted by the specific time and place.
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021): AUGUST 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2021.20.2.8


Intolerance phenomenon that is currently happening in Indonesia requires a quick and precise response and involvesvarious parties. Universities as a miniature of the diversity of the Indonesian nation need to make a series of efforts toimprove multicultural understanding so that they can produce students who are friendly to diversity, and view differencesas a necessity as well as a gift from God. This research, conducted through library research, discusses the interconnectionbetween Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan and Bahasa Indonesia courses to build multicultural understanding of studentsliving in the digital era. The results of the research indicate that the interconnection between Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan and Bahasa Indonesia courses can be an alternative strategy to build multicultural understanding of the digital generation, especially when the substance of Bahasa Indonesia is embedded in the subject matter, i.e. the dynamics of national and state life, national identity, and integration, as well as synergies for the prosperity of the nation packaged creatively and innovatively through a digital campaign.