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Identifikasi penggunaan kata tidak baku pada merek dagang toko dan jasa di kota bengkulu Tri Dina Ariyanti; Triesna Fuji Hatma
BAHASTRA Vol 40, No 1 (2020): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (782.311 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v40i1.14473


The purpose of this research is to describe non-standard words in trademark brands and services in Bengkulu city. The method used in this research is descriptive. Descriptive method in this study was used to get the description of writing non-standard words in the trademark of shops and services in Bengkulu city. Some non-standard word writing obtained by the author has become a sample in this study including writing the words “photo copy”, “antri”, “bis”. The discussion above found that the writing of non-standard words still exists in public places, therefore, it impacts on the community, especially students, educators, and others. The conclusion of the research is that the writing of non-standard words still exists in public places, so that it impacts the community, especially students, educative leaders, and others. The conclusions of the research based on the theory of incompetence are marked by deviations including: use of words, spelling, and sentence structure. Based on the results of research obtained and associated with the theory of non-standardization obtained in the form of words and spelling. This can be seen from the shop owners and their trademark writing services that are not based on standard words that have been set with the PEUBI standard (Indonesian Spelling Guidelines). The results of this study found that the writing of non-standard words still exist in public places, so that the impact on the community, especially students, students, educators, and others is that writing non-standard words still exist in public places, so that the impact on society especially students, students, educators, and others.
Language Acquisition (Types of Sentence) of Three to Four Years Old Children Wenny Aulia Sari; Tri Dina Ariyanti
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/disastra.v4i1.4718


This study discussed the language acquisition of children aged 3-4 years. In general, children aged three to four years are able to produce various types of sentences to communicate their goals to others. This study aimed to describe what types of sentences are acquired by children aged three to four years. This type of research was qualitative research using the descriptive method. The collection of data in this research utilized recording and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used in this study consisted of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicated that all types of sentences in the form of declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative, and exclamatory sentences can be said by children aged three to four years. Sentences that are often said by children aged three to four years are news sentences (declarative).
PARAFRASE : Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan & Kesastraan Vol 17 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.407 KB) | DOI: 10.30996/parafrase.v17i1.1358


Abstract. Commonly used in a variety of language news reports hearts: journals, electronic media (TV, radio) and print media (magazines, newspapers). Language presents news Facts Operates Whole And Objective. Media Under The written language used variety is characterized WITH accuracy using the Spelling and punctuation (CAN symbolizes Right Operative intonation), vocabulary, grammar USE hearts of word formation, formulation of sentences, paragraphs, and Discourse. Variety Singer stressed USE standard variety, Spelling (EYD) The raw, raw Yang vocabulary, form of the word berimbuhan, And The Complete Operating grammatical sentence. Thus Article Search Google, hearts using conjunctions also Also CAN WITH Good note that preparation was clear sentences and paragraphs Being. Conjunction serves to review the sentence linking Parts OR sentence Which One other sentence hearts WITH A Discourse. Objective, ie to get description review USE Conjunction Errors hearts Discourse Crime Handcuffs column in People's Daily Newspaper Bengkulu --23 December edition of 23 November 2016. The method used is descriptive Singer Research hearts. Singer Research hearts descriptive method is used to get the description of USE conjunctions review hearts Column handcuffs criminal discourse in Bengkulu People's Daily Newspaper. Forms USE Conjunction Coordinating IN Daily Newspapers Rakyat Bengkulu: based on analysis of the data shows that the USE conjunction coordinative which was used in the newspaper People's Daily Bengkulu IN Discourse criminal Column handcuffs From 23 As of November December 23, 2016 the use of conjunctions: And, And, OR, but, but, but, meanwhile. Forms USE IN correlative conjunctions People's Daily Newspaper Bengkulu: correlative conjunctions are not found Discourse hearts column criminal handcuffs ON newspaper People's Daily Bengkulu From 23 December 23, 2016. As of November forms of subordinating conjunctions USE IN Peoples Daily Newspaper Bengkulu: conjunctions suborinatif consisting Of Three twelve KIND, based on analysis of data on differences, conjunctions used hearts newspaper People's daily Bengkulu From 23 November until December 23, 2016 are: (1) Relationship time: since when, wHILE, Serta, taxable income, BEFORE, Up, (2) Relationship Requirements: IF, If (3) Relationship supposition: can not be found, (4) Relationship goal: to be, (5) Relationship konsesif: although, (6) Relationship of comparison: as, as, as (7) The relationship causes : causes, bECAUSE (8) Relationship findings: thus, Up, so, (9) Relationship tool: BY, Without, (10) Relationship Method: BY, Without, (11) Relationship complementation: b ahwa, (12) Relationship attributive: Yang (13) Relationship COMPARISON: not found. Conjunction shape Antarkalimat USE IN Peoples Daily Newspaper Bengkulu: conjunctions between sentences singer found its use are: then, taxable income, then, in addition to, in fact, but, but. Keywords: Conjunction, Newspapers
Program Pelatihan Matematika Bagi Klien Corien Centre Bengkulu Edy Susanto; Nopriansyah; Tri Dina Ariyanti; Izza Luthfia
Jurnal Kewirausahaan & Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Jurnal Kewirausahaan & Bisnis

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The existence of a mathematics training program for clients of Corien Center Bengkulu Period 1 is one of the efforts to improve and increase the mathematical abilities of the parties concerned. In the training, participants were given basic mathematics learning material. The author, as a lecturer in Computer Education Study Program, Dehasen University Bengkulu, feels compelled to devote his knowledge to these students. The results of this PKM activity are: 1) Increasing the participants' knowledge and understanding of the mathematics material provided; 2) Improve participants' skills in solving problems related to mathematics in society. Knowledge in using Information Technology such as the application of computer networks to support competency exam activities
Pengenalan Literasi Baca Tulis Pada Bahan Bacaan Sains Pada Siswa Paud Rafa Kota Bengkulu Yenni Fitria; Ranny Fitria Imran; Tri Dina Ariyanti; Titje Puji Lestari; Winda Oktafiyani; Minti Okta Sari; Wellen Eleza
Jurnal Kewirausahaan & Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Jurnal Kewirausahaan & Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Digital literacy creates a social order with a critical-creative mindset and outlook. They will not be easily influenced by provocative issues, so they will become victims of digital-based hoaxes or fraud. Thus, the social and cultural life of the community will tend to be safe and conducive. Building a digital literacy culture needs to involve the active role of the community together. In simple terms, literacy is defined as an activity that involves reading and writing. Introduction to Digital Literacy for PKBM Participants in the City of Bengkulu, departing from the problems faced by the PKBM in the City of Bengkulu regarding how to teach material through digital literacy in learning Indonesian. The purpose of this socialization is to raise the enthusiasm of students at PKBM Bunda Sciences in the City of Bengkulu in participating in learning Indonesian with digital literacy. Implementation of Community Service activities by collaborating between lecturers at Dehasen Bengkulu University and PKBM in the City of Bengkulu by providing socialization on the introduction of digital literacy as an initial step to see the responses of PKBM in the Bengkulu City of Mother Science in the learning process and applying it directly in the digital world so that more interesting learning. Basically, learning activities are based on reading and writing activities. In this training, reading and writing techniques can be delivered to improve students' abilities to explore themselves using digital media. The use of digital tools or media makes it easier for students to learn because they keep up with the times. Students who are diligent in writing can write on blogs and blogs that are read by many people so that the reading material we create will be useful for others.