., Lukitaningsih .
History Education Department, Social And Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

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Warung Kopi sebagai Ruang Publik dari Masa Ke Masa Di Kota Medan Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih; Devi Juliani
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v13i1.18639


This study aims to determine the background of the emergence of modern coffee shops in the city of Medan, the development of modern coffee shops in the city of Medan, and the contribution of modern coffee shops as a public space for the people of Medan. This research uses the Heuristic method with a qualitative approach. The type of research used is field research with data collection techniques through direct observation of 7 modern coffee shops and 1 traditional coffee shop in the city of Medan, interviews with 38 informants and literature studies. The results of the study showed that the emergence of modern coffee shops in Medan could not be separated from the influence of the presence of Starbucks coffee outlets, the influence of sachet coffee, urban lifestyle and the growing popularity of locally produced coffee such as Aceh coffee and North Sumatra specialty coffee. The development of the number of modern coffee shops in the city of Medan since 2013 every year shows a significant increase. Until 2019 there were at least 282 modern coffee shops in the city of Medan. Nowadays, modern coffee shops contribute as a place for visitors to do some activities, such as a coffee shop, a place to work on assignments, a meeting place, a place to hang out, a place for celebrations, or a place to simply meet friends.
POTRET KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT BINJAI TAHUN 1930-1933 Fuji Sartika; Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih
Historis : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/historis.v7i1.9523


Abstrak: Penelitian ini  memiliki 3 (tiga) tujuan. Pertama, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kota Binjai saat terjadinya aktivitas perkebunan di Sumatera Timur. Kedua, penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat menunjukkan aktivitas sosial dan ekonomi kehidupan masyarakat Binjai tahun 1930-1933. Ketiga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang dirasakan oleh kota Binjai pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Hal ini akan mengungkapkan kearifan lokal yang ada di kota Binjai pada masa itu. Sejak 1822 Binjai sudah menjadi suatu Bandar Pelabuhan yang ramai digunakan dari berbagai wilayah. Masyarakat dari Stabat, Tanjung Pura, Selesai dan Kebun Lada melakukan suatu aktivitas perdagangan di kota Binjai yang dikenal dengan Bandar Sinembah. Di Bandar Sinembah ini menjual segala pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok dan rempah yang diperdagangkan. Pada tahun 1970 an kota Binjai adalah kota yang sangat ramai dikunjungi oleh berbagai kalangan penduduk dari pekerja perkebunan Nusantara. Pada tahun 1982 kota Binjai menjadi kota madya setelah ibukota Langkat dipindahkan ke Stabat berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah no. 5 tahun 1982. Metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah metode sejarah, yang memiliki empat langkah atau tahapan dalam penelitiannya yang meliputi heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiograf. Penulis menganalisis foto-foto mengenai Binjai dengan berbagai referensi yang penulis. Abstract:  This research aimed for three purposes. Firstly, this research aimed to know how Binjai was when the plantation activity happened in East Sumatera. Secondly, this research also aimed to indicate social and economical activity in Binjai in 1930-1933. Thirdly, this research aimed to know the impact perceived by the local residence during the Dutch colonial period. This thing would disclose Binjai's local culture at that time. Since 1882, binjai has become a crowded port city utilized by any regions. People from Stabat, Tanjung Pura, Selesai, and Kebun Lada made some trading activities in Binjai which was known as Bandar Sinembah. Bandar Sinembah provided all of daily needs and spice. In 1970s, Binjai was a place visited by a lot of residence and worker of Plantation Archipelago. In 1982, Binjai was officially become a city right after Langkat was relocated to Stabat based on PP No. 5 1982. The method used by the researcher was historical method, which consists of four steps: heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The researcher analyzed pictures of Binjai based on various references.
TRANSPORTASI BECAK DI KOTA MEDAN (1950-1990) Zuliana Zuliana; Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih
Historis : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/historis.v7i1.9528


Abstrak: Penelitian dengan judul “Transportasi Becak di Kota Medan (1950-1990).” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang masuknya becak di Kota Medan, kemudian menjelaskan perkembangan becak di kota Medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode Heuristik dengan empat tahapan, (1) Heuristik, atau mengumpulkan sumber, (2) Kritik sumber, yaitu kritik eksternal dan internal, (3) Interpretasi, penafsiran sumber dan (4) Histiografi, penulisan sejarah secara eksplanasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beragamnya jenis becak di Medan sejalan dengan kehidupan masyarakat. Becak berdasarkan bentuknya di bedakan menjadi empat; bentuk pertama ialah angkong yang ditarik dengan tenaga manusia, kemudian berganti menjadi becak dayung, kemudian muncul becak brompit dan terakhir ialah becak bermotor. Angkong dalam penelitian ini dianggap sejenis dengan becak dan menjadi transportasi pertama yang dihapuskan pada tahun 1927 secara perlahan sampai benar-benar hilang tahun 1935, karena tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan zaman sehingga diganti dengan becak dayung. Becak dayung berkembang dimulai tahun 1950 menggantikan angkong. Kehadiran becak dayung masih dapat diaraskan hingga skarang. Kemudian becak berompit tahun 1970 keluaran Jerman, (terbagi 3, brompit Rex, Sax, Dkw) menjadi sebuah becak modern dengan mesin, dan terakhir becak bermotor tahun 1990 keluaran Jepang sebagai becak tercanggih yang mampu mengalahkan ke tiga jenis becak sebelumnya. Abstract:  A research titled “Pedicab Transportation in Medan City (1950- 1990).” This research aims to explain the background of the entry of Pedicab into Medan City, then to explain the development of Pedicab in Medan City. The research method which is applied is Heuristic method with four steps, (1) Heuristic, or source collecting, (2) Source Critic, namely external and internal critic, (3) Interpretation, source interpretation and (4) Historiography, history writing in a form of explanation. Result of the research shows that the variety of Pedicab in Medan City gets along with the life of the people. Pedicab in accordance with its kind is differentiated into four: the first is Angkong which is pulled by human strength, then it’s changed into a Becak Dayung (a Pedicab with cycling-pedal), then Brompit Pedicab appears and the last one is a Becak Bermotor (a motor-driven Pedicab). Angkong in this research is considered to be the same as Pedicab and it was the first transportation removed on 1927 gradually until it was completely gone on 1935, because it was not relevant to the development of the age and so it was changed into a Becak Dayung (a Pedicab with cycling-pedal). Becak Dayung has been evolved starting from 1950 replacing Angkong. The presence of Becak Dayung is still able to be experienced until now. Then, Brompit Pedicab on 1970 produced by Germany (divided into three, Brompit Rex, Sax, Dkw) became a modern Pedicab with machine, and the last one is Becak Bermotor (motor-driven Pedicab) on 1990 produced by Japan as the most sophisticated Pedicab which is able to exceed the previous three kinds of Pedicab.
Gaya Berpakaian Pria Pribumi di Sumatera Timur Awal Abad ke-20: Analisis Narasi Foto Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih; Parida Hasni; Haddad Wifaq Arraihan; Dimas Setiawan
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Sumatera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/mkd.v6i2.5124


This study is a study of the clothing styles of indigenous men in East Sumatra which has the objectives of: 1) To find out the clotching styles of indigenous men in East Sumatra in the early 20th century; 2) To find out the relationship of  clothing styles to the economic, social and cultural life of indigenous men in Sumatra. East early 20th century. This article uses historical research methods. The result of this study is that there is an influence of western clothing style with what was adopted by indigenous men in East Sumatra in the early 20th century. Among them are Toba Batak, Simalungun and Javanese coolies. This style of dress also affects a person's social position from the nobility, educated, workers, immigrants. Noble men appeared in hiou on tolugbalanga and soja as well as a number of makers of hats and accessories, noble men who were colonial servants usually appeared in corolondo clothes, intellectual or educated men used to wear corolondo clothes and robes, local men who were Christians usually wore shirts white with the bottom of the pants, and men who are Muslim usually appear with a bracket shirt. The influence of this dress appeared because of the colonial position in East Sumatra at that time so that the style of dress accompanied the daily life of the people in East Sumatra, from company owners, workers in company factories, regional aristocrats to ordinary people.
Social Studies Material Design Based on Cultural Literacy as a Systemic Program for Developing Social Skills Competencies Deny Setiawan; Tappil Rambe; Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): RIELS Journal, September
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v4i3.809


The 21st century life skills are seen as urgent in connection with globalization that brings change and paradox that demands students' competencies to be equipped with a number of social skills so that they can be competitive in the global era. To meet these competencies, it is necessary to designed the 21st century social skills systemic programs in the scope of higher education. This study aims to design social studies based cultural literacy material to develop student social skills competencies. The research method used is the R&D method by following the Borg & Gall procedures. The research subjects involved: lecturers of courses; students as subjects for limited group trials; and four experts who have social studies expert criteria. The instrument used was the Social Studies learning material design questionnaire which was validated by experts and analyzed using the average percentage of scores. Data analysis was also carried out on the results of observations related to student social skills competencies through qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Observation of student competencies is carried out both during the learning process takes place in the classroom and in project activities outside the classroom. The results showed that the design of social studies learning material based on cultural literacy was declared valid and suitable for use. The results also show that learning material designs can develop student social skills competencies which include aspects: Social interaction skills, effective communication skills, skills in building teams, and skills in problem solving.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v12i1.43650


Semiotics is a language of signs, semiotics is widely used as a tool to translate something, one of which is the post office logo, the purpose of this study is to see how the semiotic language developed by Roland Barthes can represent the post office logo in the form of a bird and lines and colors. unified, Roland Barthes theorized semiotics is between signs and signs, besides that there are also levels in the meaning of this semiotic theory, this research approach is Semiotic analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique whose goal is to find or systematically analyze symbols or signs in a text , from the results of this study there is a distortion of myth, as a marker is a dove which has a meaning or a sign that a bird has a strong myth as a means of sending letters in historical times, so that the use of Roland Barthes' semiotics can analyze the semiotic language of a h the post office logo, the thing that must be emphasized is the important role of the reader, in the sense that the meaning of a work depends on the person who is of course influenced by many factors both internal and external.Keywords: semiotics, roland barthes, post office. AbstrakSemiotika merupakan Bahasa tanda, semiotika banyak digunakan sebagai alat untuk menerjemahkan sesuatu, salah satunya ialah logo kantor pos, tujuan penelitian ini ialah melihat bagaimana Bahasa semiotika yang di kembangkan oleh roland barthes ini, dapat merepresentasikkan logo kantor pos yang berupa burung dan garis Tarik serta warna yang tersatukkan , roland barthes berteori semiotika ialah antara tanda dan pertanda, disamping itu juga ada tingkatan dalam pemaknaan dari teori semiotika ini, pendekatan penelitian ini ialah Analisis semiotika adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif yang tujuannya untuk menemukan atau menganalisis secara sistematis simbol atau tanda dalam sebuah teks, dari hasil peneltian ini terdapat distorsi pada mitos, sebagai penanda ialah burung merpati yang memiliki makna  atau pertanda burung memiliki mitos yang kuat ikatannya sebagai alat pengiriman surat pada zaman sejarah, sehingga penggunaan semiotika roland barthes dapat menganalisis Bahasa semiotika dari sebuah logo kantor pos, hal yag harus ditekankan ialah pentingnya peran dari pembaca, dalam artian pemaknaan suatu karya tergantung dari personal yang tentunya dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor baik internal ataupun eksternal.Kata Kunci: semiotika, roland barthes, kantor pos. Authors:Ahmad Riyadi Swandhani : Institut Teknologi BandungDeddy Wahjudi : Institut Teknologi BandungLukitaningsih : Universitas Negeri MedanReferences:Aulia, F., Afriawan, H., & Faisal, D. 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Tipologi Batang Tubuh Pisau Tumbuk Lada: Sebuah Analisis Makna pada Pusaka Melayu Pidia Amelia; Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih; Ika Purnamasari
Warisan: Journal of History and Cultural Heritage Vol 4, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34007/warisan.v4i3.1986


This article discusses the meaning contained in the body of a Malay heritage weapon called the "Pisau Tumbuk Lada". In the past, pisau tumbuk lada were weapons that were very close to the lives of Malay people. Because it not only functions as a marker of social status, but also as a component of customs, traditions, religion, and completeness of daily life. Therefore, this weapon was used by everyone from kings, nobles, traditional leaders to ordinary people. The pisau tumbuk lada is also considered a symbol of the glory of the pepper trade in the Malay world which existed in the 15th – 20th century AD. The body of the pisau tumbuk lada consists of the upstream, karah, blade, and sheath. Each part of the body has a special meaning related to aesthetic, functional, and philosophical aspects. The manufacturing materials and decorative motifs contained therein also have great philosophical values.
Sejarah Stasiun Kereta Api Kedai Durian Halimah Tusaddiah; Alya Nataly; Nita Pardede; Lukitaningsih Lukitaningsih
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research (Special Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v4i3.10666


Stasiun kereta api Kedai Durian yang terletak di Deli Tua, Sumatera Utara merupakan stasiun bekas peninggalan kolonial Belanda. Stasiun ini dahulunya digunakan untuk mengangkut batu pecahan dari Deli Tua yang kemudian digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang. Sayangnya stasiun ini sekarang sudah tidak digunakan lagi dan lintasan rel nya dibiarkan begitu saja. Bahkan di sepanjang lintasan rel kereta api ini di penuhi bangunan rumah masyarakat Kampung Kedai Durian. Oleh karena itu penulis bertujuan untuk menggambarkan teoritis tentang sejarah dan perkembangan stasiun kereta api Kedai Durian di Deli Tua ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode penelitian sejarah yang menurut Kuntowijoyo terdapat lima tahapan. Tahapan pertama pemilihan topik, yang kedua mengumpulkan sumber, tahapan ketiga verifikasi, tahapan keempat penafsiran, dan tahapan kelima penulisan.