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Jurnal Teknosains Vol 1, No 1 (2011): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/teknosains.3990


Spring is as one of the water resources potential that can not be ignored. Gunungkidul district has three physiographic units: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. All of them affect the distribution of springs in the Gunungkidul Regency. On the other hand, physiography will affect the community adaptation to the environment. It will contribute to the springs conservation effort. The purposes of this research are:  1) to identify the characteristics of springs, 2) to analyze the community participation in conserving  the springs as basic information to develop spring conservation models. To identify the socio-economic characteristics and the springs characteristics in the research areas use a survey method. Unit sampling and analysis is done purposively based on three zones: Baturagung Hills, Wonosari Basin and Gunung Sewu Karst Hills. Socio-economic survey was done by sampling on the 90 respondents, divided into 3 zones through direct interviews using quetionare. Quantitative descriptive analysis was performed through statistical tests. The results show that the quality of spring water in all physiographic zones meet to the water quality standard, except those for colli bacteria. The discharge of karst springs in the hills of Gunung Sewu greater than the discharge of the two other zones. The springs distribution is more in Wonosari Basin and Karst Hills of Gunung Sewu than Baturagung Hills. The level of the community participation in springs conservation is mostly done in groups through user spring groups. Generally, socio-economic factors affect to the level of participation in prevention of springs damage.
Aplikasi Model Artificial Neural Network Terintegrasi dengan Geographycal Information System untuk Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Perkebunan Kakao Hermantoro .; Rudiyanto .; Slamet Suprayogi
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 22 No. 1 (2008): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.034 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.022.1.%p


Land evaluation for specific purpose in plantation sector become very important due to increasing the competition in land use and the development of plantation sector. Land evaluation produces information of land economic values for specific land use. The objective of the research is to develop land evaluation method for cocoa estate using integrated model Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Geographical Information System (GIS). Back propagation ANN model were used to predict cocoa yield base on land qualities parameter. The result shows that the best of ANN model to predict cocoa yield have 15 input layer, 15 hidden layer, and 1 output layer. with the determination coefficient (r2) of 0.99 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 93.83 in the training process, otherwise in the testing found the r2of O. 76 and RMSE of 113.83. In verification stage the integrated model ofANN and GIS was used to evaluate land suitability of Wijayaarga Cocoa Plantation is seem accurate in predicting cocoa yield and easers to mapping the land suitability unit. Keyword: ANN, GIS, Land Evaluation, Cocoa Diterima: 04 Juni 2007; Disetujui: 18 September 2007
DAMPAK TRANSFORMASI NITROGEN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN BIOTIK DI DANAU TONDANO PROVINSI SULAWESI UTARA (The Impact of Nitrogen Transformation on The Biotic Environment in The Lake Tondano North Sulawesi) Sofia Wantasen; Sudarmadji Sudarmadji; Eko Sugiharto; Slamet Suprayogi
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan Vol 19, No 2 (2012): Juli
Publisher : Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jml.18530


ABSTRAKNitrogen di lingkungan akan mengalami transformasi ke dalam bentuk-bentuk senyawa antara lain nitrat (N03), nitrit (N02-), ammonia (NH3). Transformasi dari nitrogen menjadi nitrat, nitrit, dan ammonia akan berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan biotic yaitu terbentuknya kondisi toksik, berdampak negatif pada biota air (flora akuatik), dominansi flora akuatik danau serta berubahnya fungsi ekosistern danau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak transformasi nitrogen terhadap Iingkungan biotik (flora akuatik) di Danau Tondano. Pengambilan sam pel kualitas air dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode composite sampling pada 24 lokasi sampel di Danau Tondano yaitu 6 sampel di bagian timur dan au, 3 sampel di bagian barat danau, 4 sampel di bagian selatan danau dan 10 sam pel di bagian tengah danau dan 1 sampel di bagian utara Danau Tondano, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran in situ untuk parameter temperatur air, dan pH. Analisis parameter nitrat, nitrit, ammonia dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Lokasi pengambilan sampel flora akuatik adalah 1 sampel di bagian barat Danau tondano (Paletoan), 4 sampel di bagian timur danau (Eris, Tasuka, Ranomerut), dan 1 sampel di bag ian utara danau (Tolour). Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa transformasi nitrogen menjadi nitrat, nitrit, ammonia di permukaan Danau Tondano terkonsentrasi tinggi di bagian timur dan bagian tengah Danau Tondano. flora akuatik yang mendominasi perairan adalah Eceng Gondok ( Eichhornia crassipes) dengan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) 60-155.ABSTARCTThe Nitrogen in the environment undergoes a transformation into other forms of nitrogen compounds NO3-, NO2-, NH3.  Transformation of nitrogen to nitrate, nitrite, ammonia on biotic environment is the formation of toxic condition, which gives negative impact on water biota (flora aquatic) in aspects of dominance of aquatic flora in the lake and change in ecosystems function of the lake. This study is aimed at assessing the transformation of nitrogen to biotic environment (aquatic flora) in lake Tondano.  Determination of sampling by using composite sampling method and was conducted at 24 sample location in the lake Tondano.  The samples was collected 6 samples in the eastern part of the lake, 3 samples in the western part of the lake, 4 samples in the southern part of of the lake and 10 samples in the middle of the lake and 1 sample in the northern part of the lake Tondano,  then performed in situ measurement for water temperature and pH parameters.  Analysis nitrate, nitrite, ammonia in the Balai Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Laboratory North Sulawesi Provinsi. Sampling sites is a sample of aquatic flora in the western part of the lake Tondano (Paleloan), 4 samples in the eastern part of the lake (Eris, Tasuka, Ranomerut), and 1 sample in the northern part of the lake (Tolour). The research results were  transformation of nitrogen to nitrate, nitrite, ammonia on the surface of Lake Tondano is highly concentrated in the eastern part and middle part of the Lake Tondano.  Aquatic flora that dominated waters are water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) with Importance Value Index  60-155.