Lailatul Izzah
Program Studi Psikologi Islam, STAI Diniyah Pekanbaru

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Implementasi Metode Pendidikan Qur’ani Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwarah Kota Pekanbaru Syahril Romli; Lailatul Izzah
Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam FIS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JSQ.016.1.02


This research sees the importance of the position of the Qur'an as the main source of Islamic education. One method that can be applied is the tarbawy interpretation method. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The author uses primary and secondary sources related to the object of study. The purpose of this study is to uncover educational experiments in the perspective of the Koran and their application in the al-Munawwarah Islamic boarding school in Pekanbaru. Based on the results of the research conducted, the authors found that the concepts of Al-Hikmah, Al-Mauizhah, and Al-Mujadalah have been applied in the learning process in the boarding school of al-Munawarah in the city of Pekanbaru. In the application of the Al-Hikmah Aspect, the application of indicators and words that are true and explicit are applied by the teacher. In the application of the Al-Mauizhah Aspect, the indicators of Advising, commenting on and resolving the subtle are supported by cases that violate ethics for students. Next to the Aspect of Al-Mujadalah the application of indicators in the form of discussions and questions and answers. Keywords: Quranic Learning Method, Al-Hikmah, Al-Mauizhah, Al-Mujadalah
JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol11.iss2.art2


This study aims to determine the effect of empathy training to reduce bullying behavior on the offender bullying in primary school. Subjects in this study were 10-11 years old who have low and medium empathy scores nor high and medium bullying behavior. There were eight students who become participants in this study. The data were collected by using interview, observation, peer relations questionaires, bullying scales, and empathy scales. This study was using one group pretest-posttest design. The data were analyzed by using quantitative analysis of two related sample test by Wilcoxon. The results showed that empathy scores (Z=-2.52, p=0.012 (p<0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-2.207, p=0.027 (p<0.05)) underwent a significant change pretest-posttest. Meanwhile, empathy scores Z=-1.452, p=0.146 (p>0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-1.897, p=0.058 (p>0.05)) had no significant changes posttest- follow up. Furthermore, empathy scores (Z=-2.530, p=0.011 (p<0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-2.533, p=0.011 (p<0.05)) underwent a significant change pretest- follow-up.  
Nathiqiyyah Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Nathiqiyyah - Jurnal Psikologi Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Psikologi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Berbagai persoalan dunia pendidikan Islam belakangan ini, mulai dari persoalan guru, siswa hingga politik pendidikan. Saat guru dalam mengajarpun dijumpai banyak persoalan. Hal ini bermuara pada metode mengajar, pemahaman dan pola pikir guru tentang profesinya sebagai pendidik dalam pembelajaran. Keberhasilan cara mengajar guru (metode mengajar guru) ditentukan oleh paradigma dirinya tentang profesinya yang terhormat dan mulia. Metode pembelajaran dalam hal ini harus dikuasai oleh guru. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk menngungkap penerapan metode pendidikan dalam persepektif al-Qur’an di pondok pesantren al-Munawwarah Pekanbaru (Analisis penafsiran tematik tentang al-Hikmah, al-Mau’izah dan al-Mujadalah. Posisi al-Qur’an sebagai sumber utama ilmu pendidikan Islam mengundang partisipasi pakar untuk mengekplorasi kandungannya lebih dalam untuk merealisasikan hal tersebut dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat mengekstrakkan dari al-Qur’an, sehingga dapat menjadi pijakan teori maupun praktik pendidikan Islam. Salah satu metode yang dapat diimplementasikan adalah metode tafsir tarbawi, yaitu metode mengkaji al-Qur’an dengan pendekatan pendidikan Islam. Nuansa pendidikan dalam al-Qur’an terdapat tiga argumen, yaitu pertama banyak ayat al-Qur’an dapat ditemukan adanya ungkapan tarbiyyah (pendidikan). Kedua, Nabi SAW mengidentifikasikan diri beliau sebagai muallim (pendidik). Ketiga, al-Qur’an mengajarkan kepada kaum muslim tentang kehidupan, sehingga prinsip-prinsip al-Qur’an harus menjadi jiwa dan pembimbing bagi pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, kemudian didukung oleh data literature yang ada kaitannya dengan penulisan ini. Data tersebut dikumpulkan dan diklasifikasikan menurut kelompoknya. Penulis menggunakan sumber primer dan sekunder yang berhubungan dengan objek kajian.. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilakukan, yang penulis menemukan kata al-Hikmah dalam al-Qur’an 19 ayat, kata al-Mau’izhah 9 ayat dan kata al-Mujadalah sebanyak 5 ayat. Indikator-indikator makna al-Hikamah: Kebijaksanaan, perkataan yang benar dan tegas, pengetahuan, pemahaman, wahyu Allah (al-Qur’an), as-Sunnah dan Hujjah (Argumentasi dengan perkataan yang selalu didasari dalil yang benar untuk menghilangkan keraguan dan memperoleh kebenaran. Dan indikator-indikator makna al-Mau’izhah: Nasehat, mengingatkan, perkataan yang halus, uraian yang menyentuh hati/kelembutan dalam memberi nasehat, pelajaran yang baik dan pengajaran. Dan Indikator-indikator makna al-Mujadalah: Berdebat dengan baik, dialog, dan tukar pikiran/al-Munazharah. Dari ketiga konsep ini telah diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran dipondok pesantren al-Munawarah di kota pekanbaru. Various problems in the Islamic education world lately, ranging from the problems of teachers, students to educational politics. When the teacher in teaching found many problems. This leads to teaching methods, teacher understanding and mindset about his profession as an educator in learning. The success of the teacher's teaching method (teacher teaching method) is determined by the paradigm of his honorable and noble profession. The learning method, in this case, must be mastered by the teacher. The purpose of this study is to reveal the application of educational methods from the perspective of the Holy Qur’an in Pekanbaru's al-Munawwarah Islamic boarding school (Analysis of thematic interpretations of al-Hikmah, al-Mau'izah, and al-Mujadalah. Position of the Qur’an as a source of the main science of Islamic education invites the participation of experts to explore its contents more deeply to realize this requires a method that can extract from the Qur'an, so that it can become the foundation of the theory and practice of Islamic education. One method that can be implemented is the method of tarbawi interpretation, namely the method of studying the Qur’an with the approach of Islamic education. The nuances of education in the Qur’an have three arguments, namely the first many verses of the Qur’an can be found the expression tarbiyyah (education) Second, the Prophet SAW identified himself as Muslim (educator) Third, the Qur'an teaches Muslims about life, so the principle the Al-Qur'an principle must be the soul and guide for Islamic education. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, then supported by literature data that have something to do with this writing. The data is collected and classified according to the group. The author uses primary and secondary sources related to the object of study. Based on the results of the study conducted, the author found the word al-Hikmah in Qur'an 19 verses, the word al-Mau'izhah 9 verses and the word al-Mujadalah as many as 5 verses . Indicators of the meaning of al-Hikamah: Wisdom, right and decisive words, knowledge, understanding, revelation of Allah (al-Qur'an), as-Sunnah and Hujjah (Arguments with words which are always based on correct propositions to eliminate doubts and obtain truth and indicators of the meaning of al-Mau'izhah: Advice, reminder, subtle words, heartfelt description / tenderness in giving advice, good lessons and teaching, and indicators of al-Mujadalah's meaning: Arguing well, dialogue, and exchange of ideas / al-Munazharah. Of these three concepts have been applied in the learning process lodged at al-Munawarah boarding school in Pekanbaru .
JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol11.iss2.art2


This study aims to determine the effect of empathy training to reduce bullying behavior on the offender bullying in primary school. Subjects in this study were 10-11 years old who have low and medium empathy scores nor high and medium bullying behavior. There were eight students who become participants in this study. The data were collected by using interview, observation, peer relations questionaires, bullying scales, and empathy scales. This study was using one group pretest-posttest design. The data were analyzed by using quantitative analysis of two related sample test by Wilcoxon. The results showed that empathy scores (Z=-2.52, p=0.012 (p<0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-2.207, p=0.027 (p<0.05)) underwent a significant change pretest-posttest. Meanwhile, empathy scores Z=-1.452, p=0.146 (p>0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-1.897, p=0.058 (p>0.05)) had no significant changes posttest- follow up. Furthermore, empathy scores (Z=-2.530, p=0.011 (p<0.05)) and bullying scores (Z=-2.533, p=0.011 (p<0.05)) underwent a significant change pretest- follow-up.