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The Effect of Self-Efficacy Based Education on the Daily Care of Stroke Patients and its Implications with Counseling Rizaldi Nanda Wiguna; Kiking Ritarwan; Nur Asnah Sitohang; M. Harwansyah Putra Sinaga
KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal) Vol 8, No 2 (2021): KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.496 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/kons.v8i2.9221


Stroke patients generally experience daily self-care disorders due to old age (elderly), so that motor skills are low. One factor affecting the ability to take care of oneself every day and be motivated to be independent is self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of self-efficacy-based education on the daily self-care of stroke patients at the Haji Adam Malik General Hospital and its implications with counselling guidance. The type of research used is a quasi-experimental design using the nonequivalent control group pre- post-test only design method. The population in this study were all ischemic stroke patients at Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan and a sample of 36 people. Researchers provided educational interventions based on self-efficacy using visual media, discussions, motor skills training, and occupational exercises for three meetings per week with a duration of 30 minutes each session for six weeks. Data collection with primary and secondary data and analyzed by statistical test Paired Sample t-Test. The results showed an effect of self-efficacy-based education on the daily care of stroke patients at Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan (p-value = 0.000 0.05) such as motor function and improving their daily activities.
Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Anak Jalanan tentang Dismenore Primer dan Senam Dismenore di Komunitas Peduli Anak Jalanan Medan Nur Asnah Sitohang; Diah Lestari Nasution
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v6i2.249


Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as cramping pain in the lower abdomen that occurs at the start of menstruation in the absence of identifiable pelvic disease. It is one of the most common gynecological symptoms among adolescents and adult women with a prevalence of 45%-95%. Overproduction of uterine prostaglandins is the most widely accepted explanation for the pathogenesis. Excessive release of prostaglandins, especially prostaglandin F2 alpha, which is derived from endometrial secretions from menstrual fluid, is believed to cause the condition. Primary dysmenorrhea has different degrees of negative impact on women's physical, psychological and social functioning, which can result in adolescent and adult women being out of school and absent from work. The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and attitudes of street children towards primary dysmenorrhea and dysmenorrhea exercise. The research design is descriptive. The sampling technique is total sampling. The number of samples is 45 people. The sample criteria for street children are teenage girls aged 10-18 years, unmarried, already menstruating, can read and write well. Data analysis is descriptive. The results of the study obtained that the majority of street children's knowledge of adolescents was good (53.3%), dysmenorrhea intensity was moderate pain with a score range of 4-7 (68.9%) and adolescent attitudes were negative (71.1%). Knowledge of respondents still needs to be improved to form a positive attitude. It is recommended to the head of KOPA to cooperate with health workers to conduct health education about primary dysmenorrhea on a regular basis to adolescent street children.
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.657 KB) | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v3i2.40


Adolescent reproductive and sexuality health in Indonesia is still low, this can be seen from the many cases of pregnancy out of wedlock, violence during courtship and abortion with high-risk drugs. The understanding of adolescents about reproductive health is the provision of adolescents in healthy and responsible behavior. But not all teenagers get information about reproductive health. This limitation of knowledge and understanding can bring teenagers towards risky behavior. This is a lack of information about sexuality and reproduction. Cadres health has a big role in realizing the optimal level of community health. Community service is carried out in two (2) junior high schools, namely Dharma Pancasila Private Junior High School (260 students and 21 cadres trained) and Al-Fhatiyan Private Middle School Medan (199 students and cadres trained by 16 students). The method used is by: 1. counseling with material on adolescent reproductive health; 2. cadre training; 3. Cadre mentoring. Evaluation of program success: pre test and post test cadres and student participants. Based on the results of the questionnaires distributed to students, the majority of data was 13 years old (47.5%), male sex (54%), high school parents education (62%) and entrepreneurial work (96.6%). The results of the dependent test obtained data, average knowledge before health education 26.23 and after health education39.58. The mean difference is 13,349 and the standard deviation is 3,911 and 95% CI 13,707-12,990. Based on the results of statistical tests obtained P = 0.001, it can be concluded that there is an influence of adolescent reproductive health cadres on student knowledge. For attitudes obtained data on average attitudes before counseling 27.57 and after counseling 39.58. The mean difference is 13,349 and the standard deviation is 3,802 and 95% CI 12,362 - 11,664. P value = 0.001 it can be concluded that there is an influence of adolescent reproductive health cadres on student attitudes. This PKM activity is useful in increasing knowledge and attitudes towards adolescent reproductive health. With increased knowledge of the behavior of adolescents to risky sexual behavior, and if the attitudes of adolescents towards sexual behavior are good, it is expected that sexually well and adolescents are expected to be responsible for their reproductive healthKeywords: cadres, education, health, reproduction, adolescents
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.32 KB) | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v3i2.41


Cervical cancer in Indonesia ranks first, 65% of the patient's condition is in an advanced stage. In research in thirteen anatomical pathology laboratories in Indonesia, the frequency of cervical cancer patients was around 18.5%. This community service aims to: (1) provide communication, education and information (IEC) about cervical cancer and the benefits of IVA Test; (2) conduct IVA Test; (3) measure WUS's knowledge about cervical cancer and IVA test. Performed at the maternity clinic, namely SAM maternity clinic (20 people) and Sari (20 people). Data analysis using dependent t test. The results of the activity were data from 26-30 years old (40%), Batak tribes (13%), Islamic religion (95%), first marriage (77.5%), high school / diploma / undergraduate education (80%), IRT (77.5 %), the work of husband's employee (52.5%), first age married 26-30 years (40%) and not smoking (80%); using injection contraception (42.5%); the obstetric history of the majority of WUS giving birth twice (42.5%) , never checked (80%), no brother is sick (75%), breast cancer (10%), not much vaginal discharge (65%), no pain under the abdomen (70%), no bleeding during intercourse (90%) and did not experience irregular menstruation (55%); results of IVA WUS Test were negative (80%), inflammation (17.5) and positive (2.5); WUS knowledge before being given Information Education Communication (IEC) about cervical cancer and the IVA Test averages = 13.58, SD = 3.012 and after being given health education on average = 14.30, SD = 3.275. The results of statistical tests obtained different mean = 0.725 and P value = 0.016, it can be concluded that there was a significant effect of IEC on WUS knowledge about cervical cancer and IVA Test.      Keywords: Cervical cancer, fertile age women (WUS), IVA Test
Efektivitas Gel Ekstrak Biji Putat Air [Barringtonia racemose (L) Spreng] terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Diabetik di Perawatan Luka Asri Medan Nur Asnah Sitohang; Effendy De Lux Putra
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v7i1.269


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar or glucose), or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. The basic health research report (RISKESDAS), shows that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia is 6.9%. North Sumatra data on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is 1.8% or around 160 thousand people. Problems that arise in patients with DM include the emergence of DM ulcers. These diabetic ulcers or wounds usually often occur on the hands or feet of the patient. The prevalence of diabetic wounds in Indonesia is around 15%, the amputation rate is 30%, the mortality rate is 32% and diabetic wounds are the most common cause of hospitalisation at 80%. A natural material that can be used as an alternative biological therapy for wound management is putat air [Barringtonia racemosa (L). Spreng]. This plant contains many saponins that are useful as anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and help the proliferation process by increasing collagen production. The effectiveness and convenience of using putat air (B. racemosa) seed extract on diabetic wounds is improved by formulating it into a gel dosage form with carbopol 940 as the base material. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of putat air (B.racemosa) seed gel on diabetic wound healing. The research design was quasy experiment pre post design. The number of samples was 32 people. The sampling technique was total sampling. The research was conducted at Asri Wound Clinic Medan. The instrument used for diabetic wound monitoring was Bates Jonson Assessment Tool (BWAT). Data analysis using paired t test. The results of the wound assessment of respondents for 4 times with an interval of 4 days. The 4th observation showed a decrease in score. Based on the BWAT wound healing continuum, the respondents' wound conditions were still in the wound degeneration phase. The majority of the wound area < 80cm; stage 3 depth; clear wound edges, not fused with the wound bed, GOA 2-4 cm > 50%; the edge of necrosis tissue is sticky, soft and there is black false scarring (black eschar); the amount of necrosis tissue > 50% of the wound bed; the skin colour around the wound is dark red; oedematous tissue < 4mm around the wound; granulation tissue 25 and epitalisation < 25%.  The statistical test results of the difference in mean 3.782 and P value = 0.001 (<0.05), it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the wound healing scores of respondents before and after the intervention. This study proves that the gel of putat air (B. racemosa) seed extract can be used as an alternative to diabetic wound healing, especially in the inflammatory phase as auotolysis.
Pengaruh Pelatihan SADARI terhadap Perilaku Remaja Anak Jalanan di Komunitas Peduli Anak Jalanan (KOPA) Medan Nur Asnah Sitohang; Nur Asiah; Dewi Elizadiani Suza
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v8i1.301


Breast cancer is a malignancy of breast tissue that may arise from the epithelium of the ducts or lobules. Preventive measures by carrying out early detection by self-examination of the breast (BSE) can help find symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage so that the treatment given has high success. Street children are teenagers who are on the streets every day to get a source of life such as food, clothing and other living expenses. These adolescents are also susceptible to breast cancer if they are not given early education about breast cancer prevention. The objectives of this activity are (1) to form youth reproductive health cadres whose function is to educate and train their peers about BSE, (2) increase the knowledge and skills of street children about BSE, (3) early detection of breast cancer in street children (4) there is an immediate solution if there are adolescents who have detected symptoms of breast cancer. The activity was carried out in March 2023 at the Medan Maimun Lurah office. The research design was a quasi-experiment, the sample technique was the total sample, the number of samples was 42 people and the data analysis was the dependent t test. Health education is carried out 3 times a week with a duration of 1 hour. The material presented includes breast cancer (definition, causes, early detection, treatment and complications) and BSE (definition, purpose, benefits, tools and procedures); BSE examination training is carried out 5 times a week for 1 hour. The characteristics of the street children who participated in the activity showed that the majority of the youth were aged 16-20 years (90.47%), high school education (88.09%), Islam (90.47%) and Javanese (59.53%). The results of statistical tests on the effect of BSE training on knowledge obtained a value of P = 0.001 (<0.05) so it can be concluded that there was an effect of BSE training on adolescent knowledge, on attitudes obtained by a value of P = 0.001 (<0.05) so it can be concluded that there was an effect of BSE training on adolescent attitudes, to action obtained P value = 0.001 (< 0.05) so it can be concluded that there is an effect of BSE training on adolescent actions. This activity is proven to be able to increase the knowledge, attitudes and actions of adolescents towards BSE. Therefore it is hoped that the heads of KOPA and PUSKESMAS will carry out routine activities by empowering adolescents who have been trained.
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.429 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v3i2.4164


Kanker rahim di Indonesia menduduki peringkat pertama, 65%. Kondisi pasiennya dalam stadium lanjut. Pada penelitian di tiga belas laboratorium patologi anatomi didapatkan jumlah penderita kanker serviks sekitar 18,5%. Ditemukan sejak umur 25-34 tahun dengan puncaknya terbanyak berada pada umur 45-54 tahun. Data di RS.H.Adam Malik Medan tahun 2011 ditemukan jumlah pasien kanker serviks sebanyak 367 orang. Keluhan utama yang paling banyak dialami penderita adalah perdarahan pervaginam (77,9%), sedangkan stadium terbanyak adalah IIIb (39,5%). Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ini bertujuan untuk memberikan komunikasi,edukasi dan informasi (KIE) kanker serviks dan melakukan deteksi dini gejala kanker servik pada wanita usia subur untuk menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas dan memotivasi melakukan pemeriksaan IVA Test sekali dalam 3 tahun. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di dua (2) Klinik bersalin yaitu rumah bersalin SAM (20 orang) dan Klinik Bersalin Sari (20 orang). Metode pendekatan yang dilaksanakan menggunakan komunikasi informasi edukasi (KIE) dan pemeriksaan serviks dengan metode IVA test. Metode analisis data menggunakan dependent t test. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh data mayoritas WUS berusia 26-30 tahun (40%), suku batak (13%),agama islam (95%),menikah pertama kali (77.5%), pendidikan SMA/diploma/sarjana (80%),IRT (77.5%),pekerjaan suami karyawan (52.5%),umur pertama menikah 26-30 tahun(40%) dan tidak merokok (80%); menggunakan alat kontrasepsi suntik (42.5%);riwayat obstetri mayoritas WUS melahirkan 2 kali (42.5%),tidak pernah periksa (80%),tidak ada saudara yang sakit(75%),kanker payudara (10%),tidak banyak keputihan (65%),tidak ada sakit di bawah perut(70%), tidak ada perdarahan saat bersenggama (90%) dan tidak mengalami haid tidak teratur (55%);hasil IVA Test WUS adalah negatif (80%),radang (17,5 %) dan positif (2.5%);pengetahuan WUS sebelum diberi Komunikasi Edukasi Informasi (KIE) tentang kanker serviks dan IVA Test rata –rata = 13.58,SD =3.012 dan sesudah diberi KIE rata –rata= 14.30, SD = 3.275. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh beda mean = 0.725 dan nilai P=0,016,maka dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan KIE terhadap pengetahuan WUS tentang kanker serviks dan IVA Test.