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Invasi Bangsa Mongolia di Baghdad Sebagai Awal Kehancuran Literatur Islam Arfah Ibrahim
Jurnal Adabiya Vol 25, No 1 (2023): JURNAL ADABIYA
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/adabiya.v25i1.15662


The reign of the Abbasid dynasty reached its golden age during the reign of caliph Harun al-Rashid and caliph al-Ma'mun. At that time, literacy centers had developed, and the city of Baghdad was called a world professor because it had places of learning that gave birth to experts in several fields of knowledge, and became a center for translation facilities that translated many Arabic and non-Arabic books. However, in 1258 this dynasty entered a phase of destruction followed by the disappearance of scientific civilization as the Mongolian dynasty, which was then led by Hulagu Khan, came. The entire civilization of the Abbasid dynasty in Baghdad was destroyed and school buildings, mosques, universities and other buildings were torn down, all books were burned and thrown into the Tigris river, so that the river water turned black and many experts in the field of science were killed. All civilizations that once reached their heyday were immediately scorched to earth by the actions of the Mongolian troops. This was the beginning of the destruction of Islamic literacy because all evidence of books was destroyed and the deaths of experts in the field of knowledge who were sources of studying knowledge.
Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013): Januari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Al-Hilal Sigli Aceh- Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61393/tahqiqa.v7i1.146


The modern era has led fiqh (Islamic law) on the problematic position anddilemma. Fiqh is not only difficult to solve various problems and social issuesfacing but also still stutter defines selfhood, especially in the context offormulating a viable legal method used to solve various problems. In view ofCoulson, the problem is what is in the cause of conflict and tension betweentheory and practice in the history of research and application of Islamic law.Indonesian Islamic legal thought in an attempt to deliver a maximum of scholarsschools of law in line with the culture of the Indonesian Islamic community.Therefore, this product can be applied to legal thought, either philosophical,juridical and sociological-cultural formal. One of the problems with thedevelopment of Islamic legal irrelevance and thought he was assessed in respectof human civilization as a static law is the lack of use of scientific methodology asdeveloped in the West. By him that the historical approach, socio-cultural,philosophical and theological-scientific approach is a solution to the Islamizationof modern scientific paradigm repertoire of classical Islamic legal methodology.So the new paradigm of Islamic law is the outcome of these approaches, namelythe paradigm that sees Islamic law in an integrated manner, both as a normativeinstitutions that prioritizes basic values of Islamic legal certainty as well associological philosophy that prioritizes fundamental values of justice and truth
Nilai-nilai Pendidikan dalam Pelaksanaan Aqiqah di Kecamatan Darussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar Arfah Ibrahim Arfah
ABNA : Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): ABNA : Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/abna.v4i1.7137


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pelaksanaan aqiqah bagi masyarakat Aceh di kecamatan Darussalam, kabuparen Aceh Besar dan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung dalam pelaksanan aqiqah. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi lapangan pada masayarakat Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan aqiqah di kecamatan Darussalam dilakukan sesuai dengan yang dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, kegiatan ini juga dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan kenduri makan bersama yang turut mengundang tamu undangan. Selain itu, kegiatan kenduri aqiqah juga dilakukan dengan menyatukan tradisi lain yang disebut dengan istilah peutroen aneuk (turun tanah), tradisi peusijuek dan tradisi peucicap. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam tradisi aqiqah bagi masyarakat Aceh diantaranya adalah nilai aqidah, nilai ibadah, nilai akhlak serta nilai sosial bermasyarakat. Kata Kunci: Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan, Aqiqah Abstract This study aims to determine the form of implementing aqiqah for the people of Aceh in Darussalam sub-district, Aceh Besar district and to find out the educational values ​​contained in implementing aqiqah. The method in this study used a qualitative research method using a field study approach to the people of Aceh. The results showed that the implementation of aqiqah in the Darussalam sub-district was carried out in accordance with what was exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, this activity was also carried out simultaneously with a joint banquet which also invited invited guests. Apart from that, the aqiqah festivities are also carried out by bringing together other traditions known as the peutroen aneuk (down to the ground), the peusijuek tradition and the peucicap tradition. The values ​​contained in the aqiqah tradition for the people of Aceh include the values ​​of aqidah, worship values, moral values ​​and social values ​​in society. Key Note: The Educational Values, Aqiqah