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Analisis Perbandingan Biaya Transaksi dan Persepsi Peminjam Terhadap Prosedur Pinjaman Kredit pada Lembaga Keuangan Novita Prima Sari; Ahmad Rifai; Didi Muwardi
JIP ( Jurnal Industri dan Perkotaan ) Vol 16, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Industri dan Perkotaan (PSIP) Universitas Riau

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Financial institutions have many forms, procedures and types, but not all financial institutions can ease the community's economy. There are still many financial institutions that make it difficult and burdensome for the people's economy. Before getting a loan the borrower must go through various procedures that have been set. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the components of transaction costs, analyzing the value of transaction costs, comparing the total transaction costs imposed on each financial institution and analyzing the borrowers' perceptions of credit loan procedures in Bunga Raya Village, Bunga Raya District, Siak Regency. The village has three financial institutions namely BUMKam Bungaraya, UPK Maju Bersama Bungaraya and BRI Bank Raya Raya units. Descriptive analysis is used to identify components and calculate transaction cost values. Transaction cost analysis is used to compare the analysis of transaction cost. Analysis of borrower's perception is measured using an ordinal scale, which is guided by the Likert's Summated Rating Scale (LSRS). The results of the study explained that there were differences in the components and magnitude of transaction costs at each financial institution in Bunga Raya Village. The smallest total transaction costs are the BRI Bank Bunga Raya unit and the borrower's perception of the BUMKam Bungaraya credit loan procedure gets an average score in the good category, UPK Maju Bersama Bungaraya has a good average score and the BRI Bank Bunga Raya Unit has an average average score.
Analisis Produktivitas Pengolahan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan Metode Marvin E. Mundel (Studi Kasus: PTPN V Sungai Pagar Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar) Yuza Elfa Lestari; Ahmad Rifai; Didi Muwardi
Journal of Agribusiness and Community Empowerment (JACE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.142 KB) | DOI: 10.32530/jace.v2i2.66


This research aims to know the productivity of palm oil processing, evaluated the productivity and give solutions  improved productivity of palm oil processing in PTPN V Sungai Pagar district of Kampar Kiri Kampar Regency. The productivity measurement method used is the Marvin E. Mundel method. Measurement of productivity by setting the month of January 2016 as the basis period of the partial results obtained the highest productivity index of 160.13percents February 2017 for depreciation, amounting to 132.16percents July 2016 for materials, amounting to 258.26percents January 2017 for labor, of 273.12percents January 2017 for energy, amounted to 263.04percents and September 2016 for maintenance.While the lowest partial productivity index of 93.93percents December 2017 for depreciation, amounting to 94.07percents February 2017 for the material, to 65.00percents June 2016 for labor, of 66.25percents, June 2016 for energy, and of 67.43percents April 2016 for maintenance.  The highest total productivity index was reached in February, 2017 of 133.70percents and lowest in February 2016 of 94.24percents.  Solutions for increasing the productivity of palm oil processing: 1) increasing the number of FFB processed by paying attention to the quality of the fruit to be received 2) improving control of employee work, 3) making service schedules for PKS machines and equipment, 4) processing activities carried out in accordance with the maximum hours of processing PKS, 5) repair of production floor and loading ramp, 6) hold socialization in KUD/farmer groups and communities around PKS area, 7) improve company relations with partners, and 8) make improvements to the division of work shifts.
Comparative Analysis of Transaction Costs and Borrowers Perceptions of Credit Loan Procedures at Financial Institutions Sasri Suryadi; Ahmad Rifai; Didi Muwardi
Journal of Agribusiness and Community Empowerment (JACE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.411 KB) | DOI: 10.32530/jace.v5i1.265


Financial institutions have different goals and motivations; as such Cooperatives and Village-Owned Enterprises, resulting in differences in determining loan procedures, loan terms, transaction cost components, transaction costs. This condition inevitably influences customer perceptions of credit loans. This research was conducted in Sei Lambu Makmur Village, Tapung District, Kampar Regency. Borrower's perceptions analysis is measured using an ordinal scale, which is guided by the Likert's Summated Rating Scale (LSRS). The results of the study explained that there were differences in the transaction cost components of financial institutions in Desa Sei Lambu Makmur, the BUMDes Makmur Bersama Savings and Loans business unit was more efficient in determining loan transaction costs, perceptions of borrowers in the BUMDes Makmur Bersama Savings and Loans business unit and the borrowers of Mekar Jaya Palm Oil Cooperatives including into the good category.    
Analysis of Production Factors Influences of Pineapple Farming in Kualu Nenas Village Tambang Sub-District, Kampar Regency Samprida Rajagukguk; Jum’atri Yusri; Didi Muwardi
Journal of Agribusiness and Community Empowerment (JACE) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.481 KB) | DOI: 10.32530/jace.v4i2.290


Kualu Nenas Village is a center of pineapple production in Tambang District, Kampar Regency. Pineapple production and productivity for the last seven years in Tambang District were fluctuating and decreasing every year. Pineapple farming is the main source of income in the village and has not been managed properly by using its production factors. This study aims to describe the performance of pineapple cultivation by farmers and to analyze the effect of the number of production factors on pineapple productivity. This research was conducted in Kuala Nenas Village. The method of analysis using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The data used is time-series data in the form of cross-section data from pineapple production data in Kualu Nenas Village for a period of four months, starting from November 2019 to February 2020 from direct interviews with 35 farmers using the purposive sampling method. The results of the study conclude that the management of pineapple cultivation at of loosening the soil, weeding, controlling pests and diseases, fertilizing, giving ethrel, thinning tillers, and harvesting activities. The results of the analysis show that the variation in the total productivity of each farmer is 86,20percents due to differences in the use of production factors per hectare. Of the seven production factors that are thought to affect the productivity of the pineapple, only three production factors have a statistically significant effect, namely the use of pineapple staple population with a production elasticity of 0,398percents, the labor usage with a production elasticity of 0,325percents and the use of amount ethrel with a production elasticity of 0,103percents. While, four factors production which did not significantly influence the productivity of pineapples namely the amount of KCL fertilizer, urea fertilizer, ash fertilizer, and ZA fertilizer because the elasticity of production is less than 1 percent. The Return to Scale (RTS) condition of the business is in the Decreasing Return to Scale (DRS) condition with a value of 0,885.
Efisiensi Biaya Peremajaan Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Desa Sei Putih Daniel Noviardi Sitorus; Sakti Hutabarat; Didi Muwardi
Publisher : Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Manokwari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47687/jt.v14i1.289


Efisiensi biaya yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah mengendalikan biaya agar pertindak efisien yaitu hasil akhir tidak jauh menyimpang dari standar yang telah ditentukan dengan cara membandingkan biaya sesungguhnya denga biaya standar sehingga dapat dicapai suatu efisiensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan standar biaya peremajaan nasional dengan biaya peremajaan kelapa sawit swadaya dan mengetahui efisiensi biaya peremajaan pekebun swadaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sei Putih Kecamatan Tapung yang terletak di Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2020 sampai bulan Mei 2022. Studi ini menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik sensus, dimana semua pekebun yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Rezeki Baru dijadikan sampel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif, untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, sedangkan untuk tujuan kedua menggunakan analisis efisiensi biaya peremajaan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan standar biaya nasional peremajaan kelapa sawit di daerah Riau pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 adalah sebesar Rp 62.762.000,-/ha, sedangkan biaya rata-rata yang dikeluarkan pekebun pada peremajaan kelapa sawit sebesar Rp 52.045.898,-/ha. Selisih biaya rata-rata peremajaan yang dikeluarkan pekebun dengan biaya yang ditetapkan pemerintah yaitu sebesar 17,07%. Rasio efisiensi biaya menunjukkan nilai 82,93%, yang artinya peremajaan yang dilakukan pekebun kelompok tani Rezeki Baru tidak baik. Biaya peremajaan yang kurang efisien ini dikarenakan adanya kegiatan peremajaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah tidak dilakukan oleh pekebun sebagaimana mestinya, sehingga mengakibatkan adanya perbedaan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pekebun.
Strategi Peremajaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Brilliant Thesalonich Panggabean; Sakti Hutabarat; Didi Muwardi
Publisher : Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Manokwari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47687/jt.v14i1.382


Tanaman kelapa sawit Desa Bagan Sapta Permai di tanaman pada tahun 1981, 1983, dan 1984. Umur tanaman kelapa sawit Desa Bagan Sapta Permai saat ini sudah lewat 12-15 tahun dari umur ekonomis dan perlu segera dilakukan peremajaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor keterlambatan peremajaan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, mengetahui sumber pendapatan pekebun selama masa peremajaan, dan merumuskan strategi peremajaan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Bagan Sapta Permai yang terletak di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Provinsi Riau. Studi ini menggunakan metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel untuk tujuan pertama dan kedua menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria “pekebun yang sudah melakukan peremajaan namun terlambat” sebanyak 30 pekebun, sampel diambil dari anggota Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Anugerah. Tujuan ketiga menggunakan sampel expert yang dinilai ahli dalam peremajaan kelapa sawit sebanyak 5 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif, untuk menjawab tujuan pertama dan kedua, sedangkan tujuan ketiga menggunakan analisis AWOT (AHP-SWOT). Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan faktor keterlambatan peremajaan terbesar di perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat Desa Bagan Sapta Permai ialah pekebun merasa hasil kebun sawitnya masih mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga sebesar 45%. Sumber pendapatan pekebun rakyat Desa Bagan Sapta Permai selama masa peremajaan terbanyak ialah dari hasil tanaman kelapa sawit yang masih produktif sebesar 51,85%. Strategi peremajaan yang dapat diterapkan di perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat Desa Bagan Sapta Permai ialah pekebun dan KUD melaksanakan program peremajaan mandiri bersama serta KUD memfasilitasi pelatihan dan penyuluhan terkait peremajaan bagi pekebun dengan nilai prioritas tertinggi sebesar 0,378.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol 14, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijae.14.2.79-103


Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan keuangan koperasi sawit sejahtera di Desa Titian Resak Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu primer dengan menggunakan laporan keuangan koperasi sawit sejahtera, sekunder yaitu BPS dan jurnal. Sedangkan analisis data yaitu analisis common size dan analisis trend. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil yang berfluktuasi yang menandakan perkembangan keuangan koperasi cenderung kurang baik dilihat dari common size pada periode 2017-2021 dan jika dilihat berdasarkan peramalan trend analisis, perkembangan keuangan koperasi sawit sejahtera selama periode 2022 sampai 2026 secara umum juga menunjukan perkembangan yang cenderung kurang baik.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol 14, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijae.14.1.24-31


Rumbio Jaya sub-district is one of the areas given cattle assistance by the government. The community took the initiative to do cattle business as a side business to meet their needs and prosper family life. This study aims to analyze the income of cattle business in Rumbio Jaya District, Kampar Regency. The method used in this research is the survey method. Samples were taken using a simple random sampling method for as many as 15 farmers. The average cattle ownership in Rumbio Jaya District is 4.2 heads with a range of 2 to 9 chairs. The results showed that the average income of cattle business in Rumbio Jaya Subdistrict is Rp.18,276,066.62/year which comes from the sale of cattle, value-added cattle, and sales of cattle.