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Pemeriksaan Material pada Pembangunan Rumah Non-Engineered di Daerah Rawan Gempa Dusun Serut, Palbapang Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta Muhammad Heri Zulfiar
Semesta Teknika Vol 21, No 2 (2018): NOVEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.212224


Bantul Regency is a region with high level of seismic activity in Indonesia. Buildings that have the highest risk of collapse to earthquake are non-engineered buildings or residential buildings built without planning or not according regulation. This study aims to know contruction practices and material examination on non-engineered buildings in earthquake prone areas in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard. The object research is the construction of non-engineered building in Serut Village, Palbapang, Bantul Regency. The testing of material construction materials include: concrete test, reinforcing steel test and bricks test. the material are tested on the laboratory of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.  The observations and measurements to the practices of construction consist of: concrete sloof with size 15 × 20 cm with the main reinforcement 4Ø12 and beugel reinforcement Ø6-150; column with size 10 × 15 cm with main reinforcement 4Ø10 and beugel reinforcement Ø6-150; the concrete mixture is made manually with a composition 1 cement: 3 sand: 2 gravel; Brick size 4.35 cm x 12.036 cm x 23.902 cm class criteria M-6 module. Laboratory material test results showed: steel reinforcement diameter Ø 10 mm obtained tensile strength (fy) 401.52 Mpa; Ø12 mm diameter obtained tensile strength (fy) 393,736 M.Pa; concrete have average compressive strength of 181 kg/cm2; brick test have average compressive strength of 20.03 kg/cm2. The conclusion of contruction practices on non-engineered buildings in earthquake prone areas are adequate on major earthquake, the quality of construction concrete and reinforcing steel are fulfilling the criteria and requirements of the Indonesian National Standard, but quality of material brick is not adequate standar. 
Kajian Eksperimen Kuat Tekan Beton Ringan Menggunakan Agregat Bambu dan Bahan Tambah Beton Muhammad Riang Endarto; Muhammad Heri Zulfiar
Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 1 (2010): MEI 2010
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v13i1.721


The use bamboo as a substitute aggregate is an effort to reduce the density and static load of structural elements. This reseach focuses on the problem related to the specific gravity and compressive strength of the use of bamboo as a lightweight concrete aggregate. Specimens were produced using additive and 10 mm maximum grain size of bamboo agregate as a substitute for split aggregate, in a lightweight concrete composite systems. Variation of bamboo content as a substitute aggregate were selected being 0% (normal), 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% by weight of split aggregate. The samples are in the form of cylinder (of 15 cm diameter and 30 cm height), while the compression testing were performed after 14 days of treatment. The results showed that the lightweight concrete containing 80% of bamboo aggregate possessing compressive strength 5,86 MPa, which is below the minimum standard of ACI of 17,2 MPa.
Evaluasi Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran pada Bangunan Hotel UNY 5 Lantai Di Yogyakarta Muhammad Heri Zulfiar; Akhid Gunawan
Semesta Teknika Vol 21, No 1 (2018): MEI 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.211212


Fire is an event that causes many losses. Fire in multi-storey buildings will cause many losses. Some fire events in comersial multi-storey buildings can be used to be mitigation reference to decrease fire risk. Hotel is one of comersial buildings that has a safety standard to the occupants. One of the protection form is making protection for fire hazard. This research is conducted at UNY Hotel located at Karangmalang Street Caturtunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. By this research, hopefully UNY Hotel can be the reference of fire protection system for the others comersial buildings in Yogyakarta.The purpose of this research is to assess the completeness of facilities and infrastructure of fire protection system that available at UNY Hotel. The method is by observation process and assessment of 4 parameters of reliability of building safety system, that are site completeness, rescue device, active protection, and passive protection with reference to Regulation of Minister of Public Works Number 26/PRT/M/2008 about Technical Requirement of Protection System Fire on Building and Environment Building and Fire Safety Building Inspection Guidebook (Pd-T-11-2005-C) from Research and Development Agency of Ministry of Public Works and several related Indonesian National Standards.The results of the Reliability Building Safety System is 91,60 which means the value of the reliability of the building at UNY Hotel is good. So, UNY Hotel building can be used optimally and building users get protection from fire building hazard.
Penilaian Kerentanan Bangunan Terhadap Gempa Bumi pada Gedung Perkuliahan Berlantai Tinggi di Yogyakarta Muhammad Heri Zulfiar; Muhammad Irhab Indrastata Zai
Bulletin of Civil Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/bce.v1i2.11075


Yogyakarta, an area that has a high level of risk for earthquakes, can result into potential damage to the buildings erected it. The earthquake that occurred on May 27 th 2006 still leaving a trauma, according to BNPB (2012) the yogyakarta quake caused 4.674 people die and 19.897 others had seriously injuries. Most victims were caused by the falling building and materials. This disaster caused heavy damage to buildings at 96.790, with 117.075 moderate damage, and as well as 156.971. The construction of the new building in Yogyakarta is expected to be able to apply the principles of the earthquake resistant building to minimize the impact of it. Dasron Hamid Research and Innovation Center is the one of building which currently under construction that apply the principles. This research aim to determine the level of vulnerability of RIC buildings to earthquakes using RVS (Rapid Visual Screening) based on FEMA P-154 2015. It was carried out by quantitative methods and direct observation at the construction site by filling in the FEMA P-154 form, this building is consist of 8 floor with 1 ground floor. The form that used is a high seismic type, which means the level of seismicity in the research location has a high earthquake spread. Based on the research, was got result obtain value of 2,3 with the vulnerability of the building to collapse is 0,5%, so the building is safe against earthquakes. This is because the building is erected after a reference or code exists even though it has irregularities such as vertical irregularity and, plan irregularity. 
Penerapan Teknologi Pompa Hidram bagi Masyarakat Pedesaan Muhammad Heri Zulfiar
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol 8, No 1 (2020): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/bdr.8171


Water pump is a highly needed tool by society in providing clean water and irrigation. Generally, water pump used by the society is powered by electricity that requires cost to operate. This condition is also faced by the community of Serut hamlet, Palbapang, Bantul, while its area is filled by abundant water resources. Therefore, an alternative water pump requiring no cost to operate is highly needed. Hydram pump technology powered by water (renewable energy source) was offered as the alternative solution. Introducing hydram pump technology in Serut hamlet was done using socialization and education method and approach. The training and practice were done in the application of hydram pump technology. The program was appreciated by the community of Serut hamlet shown by their good understanding and good application of hydram pump technology.
Penguatan Pokja Wisata Tubing di Karangluas Sapuran Wonosobo Muhammad Heri Zulfiar; Ahmad Janan Febrianto; Arina Rahmi Morgana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022: 5. Produktifitas dan Daya Saing Industri Pangan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.55.1058


Dataran Tinggi Dieng merupakan daerah pertanian memiliki potensi alam yang eksotik dan tempat religi yang didukung desa penyangga. Kawasan tersebut berfungsi sebagai kawasan lindung, pertanian dan merupakan destinasi wisata. Berbagai promosi wisata untuk menarik wisatawan tak hentinya dipromosikan baik di media social, internet maupun cetak. Hal ini merupakan upaya desa wisata untuk meningkatnya pengunjung wisata. Sejalan dengan program desa wsisata perlu diimbangi pengetahuan mengelola lingkungan serta penanganan sampah. Saat ini desa tersebut akan dihadapkan masalah sampah. Salah satu media mengungkapkan bahwa dalam seminggu kawasan dieng memproduksi sampah 5,2 ton perminggu atau setara dengan 500 sampai 700 kg perhari baik dari wisatawan maupun warga. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPA) Wonorejo kondisinya sudah overload dengan kemampuan menerima 130 ton perhari. Berkaitan dengan wisata tubing, KKN-PPM bekerjasama dengan Padukuhan Karangluas melakukan penguatan kelompok kerja (Pokja) wisata dan masyarakat. Adapun tujuannya untuk meningkatkan partisipasi mayarakat dalam tata kelola lingkungan agar dapat mendukung program desa wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Assessment dan Survey, Sosialisasi, Focus Group Discuss. Dari pendekatan yang dilakukan, diperoleh gambaran (data dan informasi) masalah lembaga dan pengelolaan lingkungan (sungai dan sampah) antara lain; mengaktifkan kembali kearifan lokal dalam mengelola sungai seperti ‘resik sungai’, kebijakan hulu hilir sungai dalam menanggulangi sampah, kerjasama dengan kelembagaan lokal seperti Dasawima/PKK, RT/RW, Padukuhan dan Desa agar saling bersinergi serta diperlukannannya grand design perencanaan program. Diharapkan program pengabdian tersebut sebagai upaya dalam mewujudkan tata kelola lingkungan guna memperkuat kelembagaan wisata sesuai dengan kearifan lokal dalam upaya mewujudkan program desa wisata
Dinamika Pengelolaan Sodaqoh Sampah di Karangsari Sapuran, Wonosobo Muhammad Heri Zulfiar; Ahmad Janan Febrianto; Arina Rahmi Morgana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022: 5. Produktifitas dan Daya Saing Industri Pangan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.55.1059


Kawasan Dataran Tinggi Dieng merupakan dataran tinggi berfungsi sebagai kawasan lindung, pertanian dan wisata religi. Potensi alam yang eksotik didukung dari desa penyangga sekitarnya merupakan destinasi wisata yang menarik. Berbagai ikon wisata untuk menarik wisatawan tak hentinya dipromosikan di media sosial, internet maupun cetak. Ditengarai, dengan bertambahnya desa wisata dan peningkatan pengunjung wisata dan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengelola lingkungan dan sampah maka lambat laun desa tersebut akan dihadapkan masalah sampah. Salah satu media mengungkapkan bahwa dalam seminggu kawasan dieng memproduksi sampah 5,2 ton perminggu atau setara dengan 500 sampai 700 kg perhari baik dari wisatawan maupun warga. Ironinya Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPA) Wonorejo kondisinya sudah mengkhawatirkan karena overload dengan jumlah sampah 130 ton perhari. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut, kelembagaan Sodaqoh Sampah sebagai Bank Sampah Desa Karangsari, KKN-PPM UMY bekerjasama dengan Padukuhan Karangsari yang menaungi 5 Dusun melakukan penguatan kelompok Sodaqoh Sampah dan masyarakat. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar Padukuhan Karangsari dapat menjadi pintu ‘gerbang wisata’ menuju lokasi wisata di sekitar Desa Karangsari yang ramah lingkungan. Adapun tujuan dari KKN-PPM adalah Penguatan kelembagaan dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah mandiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Assessment dan Survey, Sosialisasi, Focus Group Discuss. Dari pendekatan yang dilakukan, diperoleh gambaran tentang kelembagaan sodaqoh sampah dan masyarakat yang menggambarkan dinamika sampah dimasayarakat, antara lain; macetnya kelembagaan, minimnya sumberdaya manusia, kondisi lahan pengepul terbatas, transportasi sampah terbatas dan kesadaran masyarakat yang minim. Sebagai bentuk pengabdian kampus terhadap masalah di atas telah dilakukan peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan, stimulan tong sampah, pemetaan titik sampah. Diharapkan program ini membantu menyelesaikan tatakelola sampah di masyarakat