PT. X merupakan depot yang bertugas mendistribusikan air mineral dalam kemasan kepada pelanggan dalam lingkup Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya. Persoalan yang diteliti yaitu usulan rute pendistribusian dari distributor kepada pelanggan. Rute pendistribusian masih kurang efektif dan efisien dikarenakan pendistribusian dilakukan berdasarkan intuisi sehingga rute pendistribusian belum optimal. Penelitian ini akan diselesaikan dengan metode Nearest Neighbour dan Clarke & Wright Savings dengan harapan dapat meminimasi jarak yang akan dilalui oleh kendaraan. Cara kerja metode Nearest Neighbour dan Clarke & Wright Savings adalah pemilihan lokasi pelanggan berdasarkan jarak terdekat dari lokasi terakhir dan penentuan pelanggan berdasarkan nilai penghematan jarak terbesar sehingga dihasilkan rute pendistribusian yang efektif dan efisien. Kata kunci: Vehicle Routing Problem, Nearest Neighbour, Clarke & Wright Savings Abstract PT. X is depot who served distribute bottled mineral water to customers in scope city of bandung and around. The issues examined are proposed routes of distribution from the distributor to the customers. The route of the distribution of that is less effective and efficient because of distribution is based on the intuition so the route of the distribution of not optimal. This study will be completed with the Nearest Neighbour and Clarke & Wright Savings methods in hopes of minimize the distance to be traversed by vehicles. Nearest Neighbour and Clarke & Wright Savings Methods selection customers location based on the nearest distance from the last and Determination customers based on value thrift the greatest distance thus produced route distribution effective and efficient. Keywords: Vehicle Routing Problem, Nearest Neighbour, Clarke & Wright Savings