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Penerapan Reverse Engineering Dalam Penentuan Pola Interaksi Sequence Diagram Pada Sampel Aplikasi Android Vierdy Sulfianto Rahmadani; Indra Kharisma Raharjana; Taufik Taufik
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): April
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.862 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.1.1.25-32


Abstrak—Tujuan penelitian ini adalah penerapan reverse engineering untuk penentuan pola interaksi Sequence diagram yang bisa digunakan oleh sistem analis sebagai pola templateuntuk mendesain UML sequence diagram. Aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai data dasar berasal dari aplikasi contoh milik Android, aplikasi inilah yang mengalami proses reverse engineering dan teridentifikasi polanya. Tahap pertama yang dilakukan dalam penentuan pola interaksi ini adalah pengumpulan aplikasi dataset. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah identifikasi fitur dan aktifitas aplikasi, melakukan reverse engineeringsehingga didapatkan model sequence diagram,kemudian melakukan sistesis semua model tersebut menjadi pola interaksi sequence diagram. Langkah terakhir adalah menguji pola tersebut dengan menerapkannya dalam pembangunan aplikasi studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, disimpulkan bahwa pola interaksi pada sequence diagram yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini dapat diterapkan pada perancangan perangkat lunak yang memiliki fitur-fitur yang sama dengan fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada penelitian ini. Kata Kunci— Reverse Engineering, Pola Interaksi, Sequence Diagram, AndroidAbstract—The purpose of this research is to apply the application of reverse engineering to determine interaction patterns of the Sequence diagram that can be used by system analysts as a template for designing UML sequence diagrams. Sample applications from android are used as dataset for reverse engineering and pattern identification. The first step is collecting application datasets. The next stage is identifying the features and applications activity, reverse engineering to obtain a sequence diagram model, and then synthesize all of the models into an interaction pattern of sequence diagram. The final step is to test the patterns by implementing it in an application development case stud. The evaluation results concludes that interaction patterns of sequence diagram designs obtained in reverse engineering steps is able to be implemented in software development that contained similar features with the obtained features in this research. Keywords— Reverse Engineering, Interaction Pattern, Sequence Diagram, Android
Visualisasi Data Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Potensi Bank Sampah di Surabaya Muhammad Zaky Erdiansyah; Taufik Taufik; Indra Kharisma Raharjana
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016): April
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1457.17 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.2.1.40-49


Abstrak—Bank sampah adalah tempat pemilahan dan pengumpulan sampah yang dapat didaur ulang dan digunakan ulang yang memiliki nilai ekonomi. Bank sampah memiliki potensi sampah yang bermanfaat, terdiri dari potensi sampah plastik, kertas, kaca dan besi. Potensi sampah tersebut dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan yang menggunakan bahan baku dari barang bekas pakai untuk di daur ulang menjadi produk yang memiliki harga di pasaran. Permasalahan bank sampah di Surabaya dapat dibagi menjadi dua masalah utama, yaitu pemantauan kegiatan bank sampah dan pencarian letak bank sampah beserta potensi yang dimiliki. Kedua permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan visualisasi data menggunakan sistem informasi geografis untuk potensi bank sampah di Surabaya. Sistem ini dibangun dengan langkah langkah sebagai berikut, yaitu pertama melakukan pengumpulan kebutuhan, analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, pembangunan prototype, evaluasi dengan pengguna, pengembangan skala besar dan evaluasi sistem. Hasil evaluasi sistem menunjukkan bahwa 100% sistem berjalan dengan baik dan benar, 42.3% user sangat setuju, 51% user setuju, 6% user tidak setuju, dan 0.7 % user sangat tidak setuju bahwa visualisasi data menggunakan sistem informasi geografis untuk potensi bank sampah di Surabaya mempermudah pemantauan kegiatan penimbangan bank sampah dan mempermudah pencarian letak bank sampah beserta potensi yang dimiliki. Kata Kunci—bank sampah, visualisasi data, Sistem Informasi Geografis.Abstract—Trash bank was the place for sorting and collecting garbage that could be recycled and reused and had economic value. Trash bank had potential benefits, such as potential plastic, paper, glass and iron waste. This potential waste was needed by companies that use raw materials from used goods to be recycled into products that had market potential. Problems of trash bank in Surabaya could be divided into two main issues, first was the monitoring of the trash bank's activities, second was the search of trash bank location and its potential. Both of these problems could be solved by the data visualization using geographical information system for potential trash bank in Surabaya. This system was built with the following steps: requirements collection, requirements analysis, system design, prototype development, user evaluation, development of large-scale systems and evaluation. Results of the evaluation of the system showed that 100% of the system ran properly, 42.3% of users strongly agree, 51% of users agree, 6% of users did not agree, and 0.7% of users strongly did not agree that visualization of data using geographic information system for potential trash bank in Surabaya succeeded to facilitate the monitoring process of the of trash weighing activities in trash banks and helped the search of trash bank with its potential much easier. Keywords—Trash Bank, Data Visualization, Geographical Information System
Rancang Bangun Data Warehouse Untuk Pembuatan Laporan dan Analisis pada Data Kunjungan Pasien Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga Berbasis Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Nur Ardista; Purbandini Purbandini; Taufik Taufik
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.71 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.3.1.40-51


Abstrak— Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga (RSUA) merupakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang dikelola di bawah naungan Universitas Airlangga. Seiring berjalannya proses bisnis, jumlah pasien RSUA yang semakin bertambah menyebabkan data kunjungan pasien rawat jalan yang harus dikelola oleh bagian rekam medis semakin banyak. Data tersebut dikelola untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan laporan. Informasi dalam laporan dihasilkan melalui perhitungan secara manual atau menggunakan formula Microsoft Excel menjadi kendala dalam pembuatan laporan selain adanya kebutuhan laporan dengan format beragam dan analisis multidimensional. Data warehouse berbasis Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) dapat diterapkan untuk menangani masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membangun data warehouse berbasis OLAP agar dapat digunakan oleh bagian rekam medis RSUA dalam pembuatan laporan. Data warehouse dibangun melalui tujuh tahap yaitu analisis, desain, proses ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading), penerapan OLAP, uji coba, eksplorasi untuk hasil laporan dan analisis, serta evalusi. Perancangan data warehouse menggunakan Nine Step Methodology dengan pemodelan berupa fact constellation schema. Hasil implementasi data warehouse adalah aplikasi OLAP yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu kinerja bagian rekam medis RSUA dalam pembuatan laporan, baik berupa tabel pivot maupun grafik. Penilaian pengguna terhadap sistem data warehouse menunjukkan kategori baik dengan hasil penilaian sebesar 73.61 persen. Kata Kunci— Data Warehouse, Rawat Jalan, ETL, Nine Step Methodology, OLAPAbstract— Airlangga University Hospital is a health care facilities managed by the auspices of Airlangga University. Increasing number of patients in RSUA caused more outpatients’ visits data must be managed by the medical record unit. The data was used to report making. The information in the reports generated through manual calculation or used function of Microsoft Excel became a problem of report making in addition to their reporting needs with diverse formats and multidimensional analysis. Data warehouse based on Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) could implemented to solved the problem. The goal of this research were to designing and implementing the data warehouse based on OLAP so it could be used by medical record unit to making report. Data warehouse was implemented in seven process : analysis, design, ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading), implementing OLAP, trial, explore the report and analysis, and evaluation. Design of data warehouse were using Nine Step Methodology and fact constellation schema model.The outcome of this research was an OLAP application that can used to help the task of RSUA medical record unit to making report using pivot table or chart. User ratings against the data warehouse system showed good category with the results of 73.61 percent in assessment. Keywords— Data Warehouse, Outpatient, ETL, Nine Step Methodology, OLAP
Analysis of Electronic Medical Record Reception using Expanded Technology Acceptance Model Indra Kharisma Raharjana; Faisal Apriyana; Taufik Taufik
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 5: EECSI 2018
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.372 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v5.1634


Information technology in the health sector has the potential to increase the quality of patient care by improving process efficiency, reducing errors and reducing costs. But this potential cannot be achieved if there is rejection from stakeholders. In this study, we examine the information technology acceptance model in the medical field. We use Moores's model that was developed from Davis's Technology Acceptance Model by adding the variables that determine the success of information technology acceptance. The variables are divided into two categories: information quality consisting of accuracy, content, timeliness, and format. The Enabling factors consisting technical support and self-efficacy. The case study was conducted among medical personnel at a Hospital in East Java. The subject of research is the use of the electronic medical record. Data were obtained through a questionnaire. Then the data is processed with Partial Least Squares algorithm using PLS software. As a result of the sixteen hypotheses proposed there are fourteen hypotheses accepted and the overall model deemed appropriate.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Digital Marketing bagi UMKM Jasa Laundry menuju UMKM Go Digital Army Justitia; Indah Werdiningsih; Faried Effendy; Taufik Taufik
Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Training & Research Institute - Jeramba Ilmu Sukses

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47747/jnpm.v2i2.388


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially laundry services in Plosokandang, Tulungagung Regency. Their primary customers, college students, no longer use their services because of online teaching and learning. The use of social media digital marketing is one solution to promote products and services. Unfortunately, many MSMEs lack this skill. This community service project focuses on training and assisting MSMEs in designing digital marketing content and posting them on their official social media. Canva software was chosen as a tool for content creation because it is simple and quick to use, with minimal design capabilities. Canva offers ready-made templates, so users only need to add their own personal touches. Then, the content is shared on the official social media accounts (Instagram or Facebook Pages). Participants’ and partners’ knowledge and skills improved after following the training. The average increase in participant knowledge of Canva material is 18.62 points, while social media material is 10.79 points. These training and mentoring activities have a positive impact on skills and knowledge related to using Canva and social media for digital marketing. Another effect of digital marketing on social media is an increase in revenue turnover, customer numbers, customer reach, and market sectors.