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PRODUKSI BUDIDAYA IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) SISTEM BIOFLOK DENGAN SUMBER KARBOHIDRAT BERBEDA Taufik Budhi Pramono; Purnama Sukardi; Petrus Hary Tjahja Soedibya
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Volume 03, Issue 02, May 2018
Publisher : UII

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Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan meningkatkan pendapatan serta produksi perikanan khususnya komoditas Nila. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi kegiatan alih teknologi, pelatihan dan percontohan serta aplikasi dan pendampingan teknologi produksi. Hasil pelaksanaan alih teknologi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta mengenai teknologi bioflok. Selanjutnya sebagai aplikasi digunakan 3 buah kolam masing-masing diisi ikan nila dengan kepadatan 250ekor/m3, kolam 1 diberi diberi perlakuan penambahan sumber karbon berupa molase, kolam 2 sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka dan kolam 3 berupa kontrol tanpa penambahan sumber karbon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan mutlak yang terbaik yaitu 9,14g. Nilai FCR berkisar 0,4-0,7. Kelangsungan hidup berkisar 90-95%. Produksi tertinggi dihasilkan oleh kolam 2 dengan perlakuan penambahan sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka. Kualitas air yang meliputi temperatur, pH dan oksigen terlarut berada dalam kondisi yang optimal untuk pemeliharaan ikan Nila
EFFECTS OF PHOTOPERIODS ON THE CLONED GTH GENES IN HARD-LIPPED BARB (Osteochillus hasseltii) Norman Arie Prayogo; Taufik Budi Pramono; Asrul Sahri Siregar; Purnama Sukardi; Masashi Kawaichi
BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 26 No. 3 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11598/btb.2019.26.3.1100


Photoperiod is one factor that regulates the endocrine gland’s production of hormones necessary for gonadal growth and development, gametogenesis and reproductive cycles in fish reproduction. However, studies on the influence of photoperiod on tropical fishes are still limited. Hence, this study investigates the effects of photoperiod on the hard-lipped barb, particularly, the genetic expression of its cloned gonadotropin hormones I (GtH-I) and II (GtH-II) genes. Experiment was designed using three treatments; 14L: 10D (control), 8L: 16D (short photoperiods), and 18L: 6D (long photoperiods). Four aquariums with nine fishes/tank were used, serving as replicates. The fishes were kept under these different photoperiod lengths for eight weeks.  Pituitary activities were observed by measuring the GtH genetic expression.  The length of cDNA GtH-I was 222 bp, and the cDNA GtH-II was 354 bp. The GtH-I precursors encoded by cDNA consisted of 67 amino acids, including mature peptide. The level of GtH gene expression significantly increased as longer photoperiods were administered. The results indicated that photoperiod lengths affect the hard-lipped barb reproductive performance.
Influence Durian Leaves (Durio zibethinus) Infusion as Natural Anesthesia of Striped Catfish Juvenile (Pangasius sp.) Dedi Rohendi; Taufik Budhi Pramono; Purnama Sukardi
Journal of Aquaculture Development and Environment Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Journal Of Aquaculture Development And Environment
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jade.v3i2.2933


The use of anesthesia in the process of living fish transportation is an effort in keeping the physiology of fish alive and healthy to the destination. Durian leaves are one of the natural ingredients that can be used as fish anesthesia. The purpose of this research is to know the effective concentration of infusum durian leaves as anesthetic seeds of patin fish based on inductive time, sedative time and survival rate. Experimental studies use complete randomized designs, four treatments and threefold. The treatment of infusum concentrations of durian leaves 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The time when fish begins to faint when inserted into the anesthesia solution is recorded as inductive time, whereas the time the fish began to recover back or knowingly recorded as a sedative time. The survival calculation is done on the number of fish surviving post-anesthesia with maintenance for 3 days. The results of this study showed that the effective concentration gained was 10%, with the inductive time (71.67 minutes) distinct from the apparent 20% concentration, but no apparent difference with the concentration of 30% and 40%. Meanwhile, the sedative time (0.25 minutes) differs from the concentration of 40%, but does not differ with concentrations of 20% and 30%. The survival rate of the fish seed Patin at a concentration of 10% showed real distinct results and reached 100%. Infusum concentration of durian leaves by 10% is an effective concentration in the anesthetic process of patin fish seeds.