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Pengembangan Produk Olahan Jamur Tiram di Desa Bulang Kulon Kecamatan Benjeng Kabupaten Gresik: Indonesia Antoni Antoni; Heru Tjahjono; Aminatuzzuhro Aminatuzzuhro
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Volume 04, Issue 01, January 2019
Publisher : UII

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Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mengembangkan usaha mitra dan meningkatkan pendapatannya melalui pengembangan jenis usaha. Mitra yang menjadi mitra Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM) ini adalah Pembudidaya Jamur Tiram milik Bapak Muhammad Iksan yang beralamat di Desa Bulang Kulon Kecamatan Benjeng Kabupaten Gresik. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra dari sisi produksi antara lain; Alat cetak baglog masih manual menggunakan botol bekas dan kaleng sehingga kualitas baglog tidak sama, Panen masih menggunakan tangan terbuka tanpa sarung tangan steril, hal ini mengganggu kebersihan jamur tiram. Adapun dari sisi manajemen, belum ada usaha pengolahan pasca panen, mitra tidak pernah membukukan laporan keuangannya. Teknik penjualan masih sangat Tradisional dengan berjualan langsung di Pasar Benjeng, belum ada label dan informasi produk, pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh mitra, tidak tersistem dengan baik. Metode palaksaan program ini antara lain melalui pelatihan, penyuluhan dan pengadaan TTG yang mempermudah proses produksi dan pengemasan. Hasil program ini antara lain pengembangan produk yang tidak hanya pada hasil panen jamur namun juga pengolahan pasca panen, yaitu membuat Kripik Jamur yang sudah dipasarkan baik offline maupun online. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain; Perbaikan tempat budidaya jamur tiram, pelatihan pembuatan keripik jamur, pelatihan desain dan kemasan, pelatihan pemasaran online, pelatihan keuangan dan membantu pengurusan ijin ke Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PTSP dan MUI dan telah mendapatkan PIRT dan masih dalam proses pengurusan Sertifikat Halal.
Publisher : IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Before determining the product is produced then 3D & 2D modeling, analysis, physical prototype, open tooling, trial tooling, product initial, release drawing 3D & 2D, product, CAD (Computered Aided Design) is required and product analysis. To support the process is used SolidWork software. the outline of molding injection is divided into 2 parts, namely: core and cavity, cores are used to form part of the product and cavity is used to form the outside of the product. Injection molding is the most commonly used manufacturing process printing products of various materials used. This TupperWare product without using cover with PP material. Plastic weight 21.82gr, volume 23.83cm3. using manual mesh with triangle size15.000 obtained triangels number 512, and pointer diameter 3mm (hole nozzle) then for filling time give auto, melt temperature 230 ° C, condition temperature molding 50 ° C, injection pressure limit 100Mpa. Then obtained for the material removal process is 0.569 seconds, with a pressure strength of 32.60Mpa, with a defective product Sinkmark 0.0072mm there radius section, 0.0130mm located in the Injection Area, there are also defects Air Trap product (air trapped) on the radius flatten for 0.569 ° C. Obtained a height total molding TupperWare 263mm with a weight of 55.649Kg.
ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS FOR SMEs IN CULINARY TOURISM CENTERS IN SURABAYA Yuli Ermawati; Mohammad Sodikin; Rodhiyah Rodhiyah; Heru Tjahjono
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 02 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, Perode April - Juni 2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of implementing a single cashier system at Culinary Tourism Centers in Surabaya, identify the opinions of MSMEs and visitors regarding the implementation of a single cashier system at Culinary Tourism Centers in Surabaya, and formulate an appropriate Accounting System Pattern for Culinary Tourism Centers in Surabaya. The results of the study are that the City Government through the Surabaya City Cooperative, Micro Business and Trade Office has made several improvements and empowerment to improve the quality of MSMEs in 49 Culinary Tourism Centers in Surabaya. The synergy between the government, companies and universities is the main key to the success of empowering MSME groups in Culinary Tourism Centers, especially for the effectiveness of implementing a single cashier system for SWK in Surabaya. The research team found the right integrated accounting system model for MSMEs at Culinary Tourism Centers in Surabaya. Going forward, the Dinkopdag should be more intense in providing motivation to MSMEs in SWK to rise from the pandemic situation and strengthen cooperation with companies and universities through their CSR both for simple accounting training and facilitating access to capital for MSMEs in SWK with an emphasis on digitizing the financial system, marketing services , and access to capital.